10 February 2021


28 Shevat 5781


There are some very interesting and instructive connections that can be drawn between our current situation and the Purim holiday.  Recall that the so-called pandemic was declared a global emergency on Shushan Purim 5780 (11 March 2020).  The conspiracy to annihilate all the Jews in Esther and Mordechai's time was global in scope - 127 provinces in the Persian Empire.  

When it says that HKB"H will raise up a king like Haman against us and then we will surely do teshuvah, really think about what that would mean.  And what position we would find ourselves in - just like Mordechai and Esther did - pretty helpless - sort of like today?  Or just like today?  All they could do was fast and pray and do teshuvah, but in the end, that is what worked to turn the situation around.  That is what HKB"H responded to when he sent them their deliverance.

Furthermore, present-day Iran, so often in the news today, was ancient Persia.  They are reaching a point where they might once again represent an existential threat to Am Yisrael. Right here at Purim time again.

I read someplace, I wish I could remember where, that Gog is the title of the leader of Amalek, that it comes from Agag, the ancient leader of the Amalekites and progenitor of Haman.  There is even a tie-in to Purim and the wars of Gog uMagog.  Some speculate as to whether Hitler, y"sh, could have been the "king like Haman."  Have you heard the story about "Purimfest 1946"?  I'll let you read for youself. And keep in mind how often you may have heard the word "Nuremberg" recently in connection with this vaccine.


On 1 October 1946, after 216 court sessions, the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg delivered its verdicts sentencing the leaders of the Nazi party to death by hanging. The author of the following account, Kingsbury Smith of the International News Service, was chosen by lot to represent the American press at the execution of ten of those leaders.

Nuremberg Gaol, Germany
16 October 1946
International News Service 
…Julius Streicher made his melodramatic appearance at 2:12 a.m.

While his manacles were being removed and his bare hands bound, this ugly, dwarfish little man, wearing a threadbare suit and a well-worn bluish shirt buttoned to the neck but without a tie (he was notorious during his days of power for his flashy dress), glanced at the three wooden scaffolds rising menacingly in front of him. Then he glanced around the room, his eyes resting momentarily upon the small group of witnesses. By this time, his hands were tied securely behind his back. Two guards, one on each arm, directed him to Number One gallows on the left of the entrance. He walked steadily the six feet to the first wooden step but his face was twitching.

As the guards stopped him at the bottom of the steps for identification formality he uttered his piercing scream: 'Heil Hitler!'

The shriek sent a shiver down my back.

As its echo died away an American colonel standing by the steps said sharply, 'Ask the man his name.' In response to the interpreter's query Streicher shouted, 'You know my name well.'

The interpreter repeated his request and the condemned man yelled, 'Julius Streicher.'

As he reached the platform Streicher cried out, 'Now it goes to G-d.' He was pushed the last two steps to the mortal spot beneath the hangman's rope. The rope was being held back against a wooden rail by the hangman.

Streicher was swung suddenly to face the witnesses and glared at them. Suddenly he screamed, 'Purim Fest 1946.' [Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrated in the spring, commemorating the execution of Haman, ancient persecutor of the Jews described in the Old Testament]…
Streicher had been a Nazi since early in the movement’s history. He was the editor and publisher of the anti-Semitic newspaper "Der Sturmer." In May of 1924 Streicher wrote and published an article on Purim titled "Das Purimfest" (The Festival of Purim). In order to publish his vitriolic attack Streicher must have had a good deal of knowledge about Jewish thought and practice. However we can only speculate to what extent he was aware of the remarkable parallels between Haman and his own execution. However, they are indeed striking:

“And the king said to Esther the queen, ‘The Jews have slain and destroyed five hundred men in Shushan the capital, and the ten sons of Haman...Now whatever your petition, it shall be granted; whatever your request further, it shall be done.’

Then said Esther, ‘If it please the king, let it be granted to the Jews that are in Shushan to do tomorrow also as this day, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged upon the gallows.’ ” (Esther 9:12-14)

If Haman’s ten sons had already been killed, how could they be hanged?

Our Sages comment on the word “tomorrow" in Esther's request: "There is a tomorrow that is now, and a tomorrow which is later." (Tanchuma, Bo 13 and Rashi, Shemot 13:14).

In the Megilla, the names of Haman’s ten sons are written very large and in two columns. This is in distinct contrast to the style of the rest of the Megilla. The left-hand column contains the word v'et (and) ten times. According to our Sages the word v'et is used to denote replication. The inference is that another ten people were hanged in addition to Haman's ten sons.

If we examine the list of Haman's sons three letters are written smaller: the taf of Parshandata, the shin of Parmashta and the zayin of Vizata.

Those three letters together form taf-shin-zayin, the last three numbers of the Jewish year 5707, which corresponds to the secular year 1946, the year that those ten Nazi criminals were executed.

The Nuremberg trials were a military tribunal and thus the method of execution was usually by firing squad. The court, however, prescribed hanging. Esther’s request "Let Haman's ten sons be hanged" echoes down the ages.

Equally uncanny is that the date of the execution (October 16, 1946) fell on "Hoshana Rabba" (21 Tishrei), the day on which G-d seals the verdicts of Rosh Hashana for the coming year.

As the Megilla recounts, a decree that the king has sealed cannot be rescinded, and thus Achashverosh had to promulgate a second decree to allow the Jewish People to defend themselves. In other words, that first decree was never nullified.

Our Sages teach us that eventually the Jewish People will return to G-d either voluntarily, or if not, G-d will raise up another despot whose decrees will be “as severe as Haman” (Sanhedrin 97b).

When we look toward the place of our original encounter with Haman and see the rise of a fanatic whose rhetoric rivals our most vicious enemies, we should remember that history most often repeats itself for those who fail to learn its lessons.  

And lest we forget, the Shabbat before Purim is when we read Zachor.


The Midrash relates: Cursed are the wicked.  They occupy their time with ideas about how to destroy the Jews, with each one vying for the honor of having the best idea.  Esav ridiculed Cain for killing Abel during Adam’s lifetime.  If Cain wanted the whole world for himself, he should have realized that Adam was still alive and could have more children.  Esav was not going to make that mistake.  He would wait until Yitzchok’s death and then kill Yaakov.  Later, it was Pharaoh’s turn to laugh at Esav.  Didn’t Esav know that Yaakov could have children before Yitzchok died?  Nothing would be gained by killing Yaakov if he had offspring that would survive him.  Pharaoh thought himself smarter than Esav.  He would kill every Jewish male at birth.  Centuries later it was Pharaoh’s turn to be thought a fool, by Haman.  Didn’t Pharaoh understand that even if one Jewish male remained he could father the nation anew?  Haman’s plan was to kill them all! 

The Midrash concludes by teaching that in the future, Gog and Magog will deride Haman.  Didn’t Haman know that the Jews have a Father in Heaven Who will never let them be destroyed as long as they do His bidding?  So they will first do battle with God by keeping the Jews from observing the Torah and mitzvot. This will enable them to destroy the Jews.  But God’s response to this is clear: “I have many messengers whom I can send into battle. But the war against Gog and Magog I shall wage Myself.  Their destruction shall be complete.” (Esther Rabbah 7:23.) 

Today, though Amalek definitely and unfortunately exists, we cannot say with certainty who, or where, all of them are.  However, there is a noteworthy exception.  When Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany [the Gog of WWI] visited Jerusalem during his journey to the Holy Land almost all the religious leaders of Jerusalem came to the city gates to greet him.  Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (d.1932), the spiritual leader of Ashkenazic Jewry in Israel at that time, did not go. When asked about his refusal he answered that although the Kaiser himself was deserving of the honor bestowed upon him, “I have a tradition that Germany is Amalek.” (Source)


The Chafetz Chaim famously said that WWI was the first war of Gog uMagog and that about 25 years later, there would be a second, followed about 70 years later by a third.  There are some interesting similarities between the prior two wars of Gog uMagog (WWI and WWII) and the one we seem to be in the midst of today.

WWI:    Who instigated it?  Germany - Kaiser Wilhelm II (Second Reich)
What was one result of it?  Eretz Yisrael was freed from Turkish (Yishmael) rule.

WWII:   Who instigated it?  Germany - Adolph Hitler (Third Reich)
What was one result of it?  Eretz Yisrael was freed from British (Eisav) rule.

WWIII:  Who instigated it?  German-born Klaus Schwab (Fourth Industrial Revolution)
What will be one result of it?  Eretz Yisrael will be freed from Zionist (Erev Rav) rule.

I'm pretty convinced this Schwab character is the present-day "king that is worse than Haman."  He has written all the books on the subjects (The Great Reset, COVID-19, The Fourth Industrial Revolution).  His World Economic Forum was created to advance a program of transhumanism - the re-creation of the human race.  The "Elite" who pay dearly for the privilege of attending his Davos conferences each year intend to rule the world and right now, only the Jews stand in their way.

 "So they will first do battle with God by keeping the Jews from observing the Torah and mitzvot."

So, we will keep observing Torah and mitzvot and praying for our deliverance by the hand of HKB"H, who ultimately will redeem us and the whole world.


  1. Well done for this; don't forget the mask has a connection to Purim; everyone wearing these stupid face masks!

  2. Ah, yes, Elliott. Right you are.

  3. I like it soo much, you wrote under siata dishmaya

  4. What's "climate change" got to do with it?

    Forming the backbone of a major agenda that the United Nations has invested very heavily in for years now:

    They have since removed the contents from the link entirely but below is an excerpt taken prior to the removal of that page:


    "This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history", Ms Figueres stated at a press conference in Brussels.

    "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution. That will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change, be it COP 15, 21, 40 - you choose the number. It just does not occur like that. It is a process, because of the depth of the transformation.".


    From Feb. 2015!

    Plus since images aren't able to be sent via comment look:


    Ottmar Georg Edenhofer is one of the world's leading experts on climate change policy, environmental and energy policy, and energy economics. His work has been heavily cited. Edenhofer currently holds the professorship of the Economics of Climate Change at the Technical University of Berlin GERMANY.

    Is that why the data claiming "global warming" has been consistently manipulated and forged repeatedly by gov orgs like NASA, NOAA and others around the world because they have really been answering to these guys? When the real state of our weather and climate aren't cooperating with the agenda of a "warming" earth due to mankind's emissions of CO2 (which is actually odorless, colorless and actually a vital life-giving plant nutrient NOT a pollutant) that humans emit with every breath we exhale - note with the masks people are forced to re-inhale their own CO2 - case in point we have been and are continuing to set records of COLD worldwide - Arctic outbreaks from Asia to Europe to North America...there is a vast paper trail (literally) of data and chart changes over the years and decades seeking to erase the warm past and artificially inflate the recent temperatures (which have been going down).

    Climate change economic and political policy wasn't changing the world fast enough to their liking so out came "the virus"?

    Is that why Bill Gates wants to literally "dim the sun" to prevent the effective plant growth necessary for life on earth and further cool an already cooling planet?


    Btw, I'm a meteorologist so this weather/climate data is what I work with.

  5. Wow! Thanks for sharing that!

  6. Chabad rabbis call on all Chabad followers over the age of 16 to hurry up and get vaccinated


    letter attached

  7. Wow, what a great article! Perfect analogies. It answers so many questions. Gets back to basics - Amaleik is Amaleik and they really never disappeared; especially now when all the reshaim from the beginning are back for their final END!
    germania was, is and was Amaleik! From the start when we left mitzrayim, they already started up with us and now they want the whole world and, of course, as you write - they first have to get rid of the Jews and our Torah, chas v'chalilah! This war is against the Creator Who promised us He will fight this one Himself! May it make the onesh on Mitzrayim look like a yom tov. Chazal tell us that the onesh on the mitzrim in Yam Souf was so horrible because they kept on drowning over and over again! H' did not let up on them for all the years of our slavery and that they dared to go up against Hashem, G-D of Creation!

  8. This is clearly a war of minds, who will take over our minds and plant their propoganda and brainwashing within. This is why we have to be so careful as to where we place our thoughts and to have our minds in clean and holy places at all times so that nobody or thing can take over and set up residence.

    As for the *rabbis* - this is from *WHO ARE THE MODERN EREV RAV* also on this blog:

    *"Before the arrival of Moshiach, most of the rabbis will be from the Erev Rav,
    because Israel in themselves are holy, but the Erev Rav only work for their own
    benefit . . . wanting to rule over the public . . . One should only join with those who
    truly serve G-d and sacrifice themselves to Him, but not in order to receive any
    benefit." (Divrei Chaim, Parashas Vayakhel, 'Omissions') *

    This war is Keter (mind) vs Corona (sheker) - we will be victorious when we keep erasing Amalek from under the sky, never forgetting.

  9. Iran doesn't scare me. The Israeli government on the other hand is terrifying.

  10. Wonderful and brilliant article Dvash thank you I enjoyed it and learnt a lot.
    A small remark: the "vaccine" is German.....Amalek even for that.
    And yes the Israeli government is our worse enemy at the moment, and not Iran. (At the moment I emphasize).

    1. Samson, you are right. Pfizer is a German company. Thank you for pointing that out.

  11. Devash, @9:47 pm: Yes, they are both from Yefet. Seems like Iran is the king and Schwab is Haman himself. The UN represents the nations (Gog U'Magog) going up against Israel.
    It's all coming together, but we pray that Hashem does not delay! We know the end of the story, but please may the interim go fast and be easy for all of bnai Yisrael everywhere and for the good people of the world.

  12. leah - Here is another: Vizhnitzer yeshivah bochurim received a message on Wednesday morning from the Rebbe’s shamash to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

    Apparently a Hesder yeshiva in Efrat has joined the ranks, too.

    So people stop assuming this is an ongoing attack against Chabad. It's instructive to know who is pushing this dangerous drug.

    1. From hesder yeshiva not surprising if their "holy" Medina would tell them to eat pork their rabbis would find excuses and say amen. But from Viznitch? Are they fed up with big families and want sterility instead? Madness!

  13. Get this! I think whoever "cooked up" this plan have Ya'aqov confused with Eisav.

    Want Some Cholent With Your Vaccine? Free Cholent In Bnei Brak At Vaccine Drive

    As Israel’s vaccination drive slows down to a crawl, with vaccination centers sitting empty in recent days, the city of Bnei Brak decided to offer an incentive to city residents who show up to be vaccinated on Thursday night – a yeshivah bochur’s dream – free cholent.

    Vaccination centers in Bnei Brak will stay open until midnight on Thursday and cholent and snacks will be offered.

    Only 17% of the resident of Bnei Brak have received the first dose of the vaccine and 9% have received both doses, according to Health Ministry data.

    Optica Halperin, a popular optical chain in Israel, recently published an advertisement offering a free pair of frames to anyone who was fully vaccinated.

  14. https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/1947158/want-some-cholent-with-your-vaccine-free-cholent-in-bnei-brak-at-vaccine-drive.html

    Vaccines for cholent

  15. cholen=vaccine! getting sicker (insane) by the day!

    1. It is Nazi like! In Warsaw ghetto it was 2 kg bread and 1 kg jam for each Jew who boards the train to the camp!

  16. Must add - Torah is supposed to make one wise; how can they be so gullible, especially the rabbanim and scholars? On the one hand, we have a wise Rabbi Asherov who is well-informed and knowledgable (especially in medicine) and knows what he is talking about and what is going on. One cannot sit and learn Torah and push aside the current events when living in a world (& now in E.Y. where leadership has gone off the rails) under dictatorship. Make no mistake that's exactly what it is. It's called 'pikuach nefesh'!
