03 February 2021

"How to Fight the Evil Regime" - Part 1

 21 Shevat 5781

For those asking about Rabbi Anava, we don't know for sure why he is, so-to-speak, missing in action, but HKB"H knows.  Please ask Him to intervene in whatever way is required to restore our teacher to us.  Rabbi Anava's voice is tremendously needed and tremendously missed.  Be praying for Alon Yehudah Yosef ben Chana Miriam.

~ ~ ~

For all those who want to "fight" their way out of the situation we find ourselves in, I have a message for you.  

Face it, we are a prey, and the trap has already been sprung - we are caught.  We can no more "fight" The Powers That Be of the New World Order than we could fight Paro and his army, which would have actually been much easier.  We don't even know WHO is at the top of the NWO pyramid.  How are you going to reach them?  How are you going to affect them?  They are, right now, holding entire governments all around the world in the palm of their hands.  

There IS something you can do, but you can't "fight" this in any traditional way - like storming the Bastille, or blowing up Parliament, or dumping the tea into the harbor.  Do I even have to say that you have no hope of change through democratic elections and that no one cares how many protests you hold or how many people attend?  These things accomplish nothing!  Where is Gush Katif today?  And those who voted in favor of it are ruling here at this moment!

So.  We find ourselves between the proverbial rock and the hard place with nowhere to turn but up.  When every other avenue is blocked, "up" is always open and available.  

Oh, I can already hear the groans - oh ye of little-to-no-faith!!  Prayer is not the last thing on the list after everything else has been exhausted!  It is the FIRST thing on the list so that anything else we do will meet with success. Without Hashem's blessing, we aren't going to get anywhere good.  But in just such a situation, we've already heard the words, "The Lord will fight for you!"  Remember?

We want and need deliverance from the power of evil in this world which has, here at the End of Days, reached its pinnacle of power - right before HKB"H destroys it forever.  

This evil feeds on fear and despair.  To rob it of its power, we have to increase in our emunah.  We can also steal power from evil by increasing in mitzvot, Torah study, and good deeds.  This is how the world is sustained at any given time.  The better job we do in these areas, the better shape the world is in.  So, what does our current situation tell us about what kind of job we've been doing lately?

Practically speaking, mitzvot have become very difficult, if not even impossible at times, to accomplish under the present circumstances.  And why do you think TPTB are attacking us in these particular areas specifically now?  Because they know how effective it is against them!!! 

However, mitzvot performed with the kind of mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice) that is required today are worth so much more!! Furthermore, the higher our spiritual level, the greater effect our deeds have.  Rabbi Anava says we have to do teshuvah and make a tikkun for the damages we have caused in the past and become holy people.

In his video, The Next Six Weeks Are Crucial!, Rabbi Anava makes the following statements:  

When a person is sad and depressed, he is totally controlled, 100% controlled.  A storm is coming and the survivors will be kadosh (holy).   ...Unholy people are easily controlled. ...Make yourself holy.  No entity can touch you if you are kadosh.  ...Kadosh means separated and that's really our weapon....  People want to know how to fight the evil regime that is coming to annihilate us.  Only if you are holy.  If you are holy, nothing is going to touch you.

 Rabbi Meir Kahane wrote extensively on Kedusha in Or Ha'Ra'ayon:

God is holy.  He is the climax of kedusha. the well from which kedusha flows to the world.  In the world He created, He fixed the extent of kedusha and of separateness.  He gave kedusha to Israel, as it says,  "Be holy people to Me" (Ex. 22:30), "You must be holy" (Lev. 19:2): and, "Your camp must be holy" (Deut. 23:15)S'forno comments on this last verse, "From impurity and loathsomeness."  G-d decreed that Israel must sanctify themselves.  He, therefore, further decreed separation from the nations and from the profane, because without it, kedusha is impossible, as it states explicitly, "You shall be holy to Me, for I, the L-rd, am holy, and I have separated you out from among the nations to be Mine" (Lev. 20:26).

From the Section of "Preparing For Mashiach" in the book The End Illuminated, Chapter 20: "Separate and Safe at the End of the Galus"...

The Yalkut Shimoni tells us that Hashem says:

I will separate you from the nations to be for Me.  If you separate yourselves from the nations, you are Mine; if you do not, then you belong to Nevuchadnetzar and his friends.

The Rosh Yeshivah, Rav Aharon Kotler zt"l, would say in the name of the Chofetz Chaim zt"l that in the final war, only a true ben Torah*, one who is totally disconnected from the umos ha'olam, will be saved.  Rav Nosson Wachtfogel zt"l repeated this and added that he has a tradition handed down to him from Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin zt"l that in the last battle before the arrival of Mashiach, all "ehrliche Yidden" will be saved.  Who is defined as an ehrliche YidOne who separates himself from the goyim, who has no connection to their culture, their interests, their newspapers, music and books.  Hashem says about him, "This one is Mine," and the non-Jews will have no jurisdiction over him. 

 [*ben Torah - the degree to which one is connected to "Torah values."]

 ...Although the examples given by Rav Wachtfogel were newspapers, music and books, our primary challenge lies in the pervasive technology that surrounds us and the perverted world we live in.  Besides for the serious test that technology poses in the areas of kedushah - the issurim and spiritual destruction that come along with its usage, R"L, and the difficulty with focus that it causes - it causes the absolute breakdown of any barrier between the Yid and, l'havdil, the goy.  Indiscriminate use of the internet causes one to think, desire and act like a goy in all areas, as has become evident in today's society, R"L.

...Chazal teach us that at the time of Yetzias Mitzrayim, the majority of Klal Yisrael were enmeshed in Egyptian culture.  Only a small fraction distanced themselves from the Mitzriyim, and it was these Jews who merited to be redeemed. 

NOTE TO THE WISEYOU CAN'T WATCH NETFLIX AND BE HOLY!  You can't watch any movies or shows and be holy.  You can't be immersed in the political shenanigans, especially of foreign countries, and be holy.  You can't be following TMZ and know all the comings and goings of celebrities and be holy.  You can't read novels and be holy.  And keep in mind that holy means "separate."  Separate yourself from every non-Torah influence and you WILL be holy.

Rabbi Alon Anava:  "A storm is coming and the survivors will be kadosh (holy)."

(Continued in Part 2)


  1. Thank you!
    still my soul is boiling in silence.
    I can study, read tehilim, tefila BH.
    But I fell my body is melting, and is never enough,
    because so many of our brothers are asleep and dying..
    I also miss R. Alon Anava
    I fell just like you said:
    There is zero can we do
    Just look up
    And search for HaShem
    I can’t believe there is so much evil in the world
    But is true
    Although finally it will be for good BH
    And we know it
    Still is hard because as much we try
    We can’t reach Hakadosh Baruch Hu!

  2. truth - I can't publish your comment unless you are willing to provide a synopsis of what is said there. I can't understand half of what he is saying. He does not speak clearly enough for me to get it all and the readers will want to know and ask me to translate. ?אתה מבין

  3. drbsd - I think the trouble with us is that we are trying to add kedusha but without first getting rid of all the tumah (the anti-kedusha). Does that make sense? We are still holding on to the materialism while trying to go up spiritually, and it just keeps dragging us back down. We can't rise up. It's like weights tied to our legs. I think if we can manage to clean up our act and throw out ALL of the garbage we've allowed to accumulate on our souls, we will be able to reach new spiritual heights and find more peace and contentment in the present circumstances. It requires much more trust from us than we have given until now.

    It's natural that we want to be the ones to be able to do something. We want, maybe even need, to be in control - to think there is surely something more concrete that we can do.

    Where we are being controlled, our greatest desire may be to take control back. But, what HKB"H wants for us right now is to give up ALL control - to HIM.

  4. At this moment I fell so sensible
    Like one of the autistic kids...
    I know HaShem is in control
    I know Kavod is for Him.
    Still the ladder of hollines
    Never ends
    It’s marvelous to be here
    But for now I fell lonely
    That’s it, I want more brothers in
    It’s good to know someone else is here.
    Thank you again!

  5. You are doing something
    A big thing!

  6. Thank you Devash. Your posts are always an enormous source for new energy. I am so tired of all of this. Earlier, on my way to work, the bus driver commanded me over the loudspeaker to put my face mask up. I complied. Then a few minutes after that happened, a man got on the bus with his mask also down below his nose. He was a secular man. The driver never said anything to him. I thought at first that he may not have seen. But when the guy realized he had gotten on the wrong bus, he went up front to the driver to ask him to let him off the bus. He stood there, talking to the driver with his mask down and the driver never said a word to him. That is where I lost it. I went up front and demanded an explanation for the obvious double standard. I yelled at him with the whole bus taking the side of the driver. Then the driver yelled at me that my mask was still not up and me reaching my limit yelling back at him to take the mask and put it over his backside.. I am not proud all of my behavior. That was obviously a big chillul HaShem. My question is this. How should one actually act in such a situation? Just do what they tell us and keep quiet? Ignore them? Or fight back? Is there anyone who can advise me what to do if there should be another situation like this coming up? I am just so Al loss with all of this. Thank you

  7. Dear Unknown - Don't beat yourself up too much over this lapse. It happens to all of us from time to time, especially under all the pressure.

    I think what will help us is to internalize and remember at every moment that we are constantly undergoing tests from Shamayim. These tests serve to show us where we have improved or where we have need of improvement. It's easy to see what this test case told you.

    Instead of seeing the bus driver as having it in for you for being religious and wanting to punish him for his unfairness, imagine that he was hired to be a part of this test and his part was to play a bus driver with anti-religious sentiments taking advantage of the situation and causing you grief and humiliation in the process.

    In other words, try to become accustomed to not taking these things personally. See it as everyone just playing their part in a testing situation that has been set up by HKB"H. Try not to react emotionally to it and yes, I know how difficult that is to do in the situation.
    It requires self-control and most of us in our generation are severely lacking in this area.

    I have been in that situation, and I put the mask up and when it was convenient, I took it back down. Not as a sign of rebellion, but because it's not healthy to breathe through it. Where the mask is concerned, in a place I know I can get away without wearing one, I go without it; otherwise, I wear it as minimally as possible. I try not to let it be a source of conflict. The people who are really culpable are those people at the top of the pyramid who are forcing the whole world into this, but I can't reach them anyway with my outrage.

    HKB"H is the REAL source of everything that comes to us, so maybe He saw that your neshama needed a bit of humility to correct some flaw and sent this to you as a gift. You didn't receive it in the spirit in which He gave it. That's the real test. Everything Hashem does is for our good!!

  8. The entire video is about Adar - when the world begins to collapse onto itself with terrible upheavals - he speaks about a time of tribulation and untold destruction. It all begins then. To prepare - emotionally, spiritually and also to have an emergency bag ready with at least 1000 shekels, papers, precious photos - whatever you would need in this situation. Also for men - to have your tefilin near your head at all times - so that you won't have to search for it when the time comes.

  9. Here is "truth's" original comment:

    truth has left a new comment on your post ""How to Fight the Evil Regime" - Part 1":

    Rosh Chodesh Adar it begins. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5BWCuVm2Oc

    If anyone else can add more detail, please...

  10. Couple of months ago the daughter of rav Shtern was talking about her dreams that something huge is going to happen from rosh chodesh adar. Now they asked her again and she told them that from rosh chodesh adar be prepared for something very big. Prepare tfilin and arnak near your head, min 1000ש for each so you run from home - you will know where. She doesn't know what it is but it's going to be everywhere and huge. The rabbi was very emotional.

  11. leah, I am going to keep it because you brought some different info even though some was the same. My thanks to both of you. Wasn't there also something about the memshalah shel hamedinah?

  12. Nothing at all about the *mem-shala* - it will be such a turmoil that everything will be another reality altogether.

  13. RE: the video: The month of the dreams was Heshvan. I could say more, but I'd have to listen many times to give a coherent synopsis.

  14. One thing. It does seem as though we will be finished with the government during a time when people are escaping from all the terrible things that are happening.

  15. The rabbi thinks that the government will crash - it's enough 72 years passed. And he also refers to prediction of astrologers that something shaky will happened. I also heard that most planets gathered at same zodiac and from 10--12 February they will be at the same position which is rare. Basically it's a shaky time.

  16. Please Devash, write something for non-Jews too.
    To help us, who are following Hashem.

    Help!! We so many of us need guidance too. Life is a struggle for Jews and non-Jews too. Non Jews wanting to do the right thing in this world. We struggle too from so many things.
    Trying many are to walk the right way, trying we are to do good where we can..

    Please some help, some advice, will be so appreciated, and thanks for help.


  17. I only take issue with your last paragraph, although I believe that you're right. I pray that Hashem understands.

    1. Sunshower, this is not about HaShem understanding something or not. Whatever we do or do not do is either connecting or disconnecting us from our life source. So at some point one may, without even realizing it, disconnect him/herself completely. This is not HaShem's doing. It's our very own.. Lastly, just as a little side thought. Whatever we desire most in life, that is what is truly our "god". This is not the time to be halfhearted about HaShem. Or, putting it in the words of Eliyahu haNavi "How much longer are you going to waver between the two sides. If Baal is god, worship him. But if Elokim is G-D, then the worship belongs to Him alone".

  18. Separation is exactly what my memoir is about. Birur and how hard it is to separate from the West... and let's face it, very few Jews assimilate into eastern cultures; this is an Edom issue. The West is the leader of all the garbage out there that pulls Jews away from Torah.

    My memoir spans 100 years- from 1920- 2020 (the beginning of the Haskala and Jewish assimilation to our New Haskala). It's hard to separate from Western Humanism and all its garbage but we HAVE to do it!

    My life story has been a microcosm of Hashem's promise to us: He will not allow us to be lost forever and He will force us back if necessary. May Hashem give us strength!


  19. To Unknown, there are two different issues: 1. how to respond to something in the heat of the moment, regardless of the issue, 2. how to deal with the virus regulations etc.

    Most interactions with another person are an exchange of energy (unless it is someone who is totally connected to Hashem, and is in a place of mashpia, simply giving, and doesn't need anything from the other.) What happened to you has nothing to do with masks and viruses, other it than being a prop. (By your account the bus driver was not actually bothered about masks.) The reason many non-religious people let off their anger at dosiim or try to provoke them is because they are sub-consciously jealous of us, our conviction, closeness to the Torah, Hashem, etc. On top of that some Israelis have resentment towards English speakers, thinking that we've all had it easy. The bus driver provoked a reaction from you that satisfied his jealousy, by "proving" to himself that you are no better than him. You also wanted something from him, maybe that he should show a sense of fairness which would show recognition of you as a person deserving of respect, which led to your anger.

    The ideal way of behaving in the situation described is to connect to Hashem and turn the moment into et ratzon. Easy to say, hard to do in the moment. Listening to shiurim helps. Rav Brody is very good. And constantly repeating Ein Od Milvado until it becomes the default inner voice. Calling someone who can help you rationalise the situation in the heat of the moment. On a deeper level, most if not all of our anger comes from wounding in our very early years, feeling that the world of the young infant is not a safe place. The best thing is to do deep inner work to heal the original anger.

    Sometimes you do have to speak out, but as you know it's about choosing which battles and how to fight them. Also bear in mind that there is a high percentage of people in Israel walking around with PTSD.

  20. Rav Pinto talked about an earthquake,maybe this will be what will happen in Adar.In any case,we are close.

  21. Nonee - The same applies to you with your own set of sheva mitzvot and doing deeds of kindness, staying positive in the knowledge that HKB"H is in control and at the beginning and end of every day - Ayn od milevado.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. (Resubmitted to correct some annoying mistakes and touch up some things.)

    How did we "fight" the evil regime in Egypt? We didn't and we couldn't.

    My theory on what's going is this. In Egypt the regime knew through black magic that our redeemer was about to be born, and went to genocidal lengths to either prevent that or kill him immediately.

    As Devash has pointed out, we don't know who presumes to lead us today, since they are quite hidden, but there is no question they also make use of the same dark forces. I believe they have known for decades if not longer that this period right now is the time of the Geula Shlaima, and have been carrying out their own plans to stop it.

    Besides the overt acts like Covid or 9/11, they do everything they can to sow doubt of Hashem and fear of everything but Him through their control and use of media and weird and creepy use and display of occult symbolism everywhere. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. And you will not be able to stomach even paying attention to the media. You will be better off then too. If you do pay attention to it, remind yourself constantly that it is 100% fake and scripted and staged in some way. None of it true. Not even 1%.

    Consider, we learn that the goal of Migdal Bavel was to wage war against Hashem. Were they insane?! No, because the nature of the war is not really understood. They know Hashem exists and acts in the world. You wage war against Hashem by getting His creations to doubt or deny His existence. In that, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. But...Hashem will still destroy them.

  24. Shimshon, in your last paragraph you write we really don't the reason Nimrod and his evil followers went to wage war against the Creator when they really understood that there is a Creator. They went against G-D because, first, their own arrogance that they wanted to control the world, no matter what and also, 'evil' is evil and that's what Amaleikim are.
    When we left Mitzrayim, the rest of the world knew of it and knew of G-D's awesome miracles and power and were very afraid of the Israelites, but not the Amaleikim who attacked the weakened Jews after all the years of slavery but these Amaleikim didn't care that H' would be protecting His people, and the price they themselves (the Amaleikim) would have to pay. Arrogance to that degree is a sickness that can only be described as 'Evil'.
