"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

12 July 2016

Erev Rav Spectacle at Har Habayit

6 Tamuz 5776

All of our holy places are under assault - from Kever David to Kever Yosef, the Me'arat HaMachpelah, Kever Rachel and Har Habayit. Some of the worst Erev Rav in Eretz Yisrael gathered today to push the NWO agenda for the Temple Mount and it was live-streamed over Facebook.

Just like their predecessors who hijacked the return to Zion and turned Israel into a "democratic" state like all the others, this bunch is bound and determined to turn the Temple Mount into "a House of Prayer for all Religions".

No doubt some well-meaning Jews have been seduced into joining them out of nationalistic and political motivations, but they must be warned about the true nature of what they getting involved with. Maybe, if they had been home watching, it might have occurred to them that something was not quite right when a well-known xian missionary (resident in Eretz Yisrael) was interviewed and proclaimed to be "one of the holiest people in the world". Or, it might have raised some doubts when an apostate Jew turned "messianic" missionary (resident in Eretz Yisrael) was interviewed like a comrade-in-arms.

And once again, the talk turns to securing the rights of all mankind to this holy place.

I'm here to say that no one has any "right" to this place. It is a privilege that is bestowed, not a right to be taken. It belongs uniquely to HKB"H and He is the One who says who is allowed and who is not. If Jews are forbidden, then the police and the government are only acting at the behest of the true Master of the House. The rest of the Land can be conquered, but not Har Habayit. That's why David HaMelech bought and paid for it.

However, this is a separate issue. What I would like to impress on my readers is the importance of examining the motivations and the stated aims of any Temple Mount activist groups or events and reviewing who their spokesmen are and who they promote. 

When xian missionaries and apostate "messianic" Jews or even Druze or Muslim Arabs are praised and accepted as equals (or even superiors) in some "battle" for Har Habayit, you must recognize that something is seriously in error. When the stated end goal is to make it a place of prayer for all religions and promises are made to ensure the "rights" of xians as well as Jews to access it, then you have to know that something is seriously wrong. And stay away from it.

The birur is ongoing - make sure you are on the right side of it.


  1. When and Where was all this? Can you give some detail and maybe where we can read about it? I don’t use Facebook.

  2. Thank you. Didn’t realize all that was going on. Things are getting messy.

  3. you so got this from daniel's latest message. like me said,,,... let them 'rage for now' this new year will be one that they will never forget and me actually want the whole vatican clan to be here in holy israel for the holiday and their world will be rocked very very hard.

    1. the saying says, you should be very careful what you wish for because it may come true

  4. Thank you for bringing all this vital news out to the public. So much evil is being done under the radar where the evil media makes sure not to publicize anything that might hinder and upset their vile agendas. We understand why and what the evildoers are doing but for stupid (where is their Torah learning to know right from wrong) religious mamlachtim to join them is beyond comprehension. This sin is so, so severe, they must be warned to stay away from 'evil'.

    On the other hand, these ?? have now declared milchamah neged HKB'H (it's HIS holy Bayit)! H', please 'Al T'acher'. Geulah Now.


  5. 1.
    רמב״ם: הלכות עבודה זרה פרק י,ו
    וכן אסור לספר בשבחן, ואפילו לומר כמה נאה גוי זה בצורתו; קל וחומר שיספר בשבח מעשיו, או שיחבב דבר מדבריהם: שנאמר "ולא תחונם" (דברים ז,ב)--לא יהיה להם חן בעיניך, מפני שגורם להידבק עימו וללמוד ממעשיו הרעים.

    "Ramba"m: Laws of Foreign Worship and Goyim 10:6
    And as such it is forbidden to recount their praises and even saying how nice this goy looks; even more so to speak in praise of their deeds, or liking something they have said, as it is said "do not have mercy on them" (do not be gracious with them) - Deut. 7:2 They should not have favor in your eyes, for it causes one to cling to them, and learn from their bad deeds."

    Of course, there will be those who will say that one may learn from their good deeds, and debate over which are good and which are bad.

    2. I believe that it is possible that Hallel hy"d and her family were used today.

    1. 100%. The Ariel family was no part of what was broadcast over Facebook this morning. The "usual suspects" just piggybacked onto their event.

  6. HERE - last video on the page. Ari Abramowitz (Land of Israel.com) with Zach Waller of HaYovel Ministries (Har Bracha, Shomron) @ 24:00.

    - a voice in the wilderness

    1. First video, Yishai Fleischer (land of Israel.com) @ 02:20.

      - a voice in the wilderness

    2. Search Waller or HaYovel on this blog.

  7. Gog Magog thought control program in action.
    Trauma Based Mind Control works, because trauma based programming is a lot more effective - especially if you expose someone to trauma and then expose them to "subliminal" messaging, they are basically going to eat it up.
    WHEN our society as a whole is FORCED to confront and WITNESS over and over and over again something as FUNDAMENTALLY shocking as having our young people perpetrating inconceivably in horrific murders on A REGULAR BASIS, as is NOW THE CASE, then the population as a whole AND on an individual basis to some extent develops an analogous, similar psychological break, and in FACT to some extent develops Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). In all cases, however, the condition is created by severe trauma – so severe in fact that the traumatic episode cannot be integrated into the experiences of the core personality.
    The natural human reaction is to build a wall around such experiences, so to speak, by creating a separate and distinct personality to deal with future episodes of abuse. Once the core personality has been thus split, it is then possible to control one or more of the alters that have been created, without the conscious knowledge of the primary personality. Pain and fear are among the most effective tools in the MK-ULTRA toolbox. “Russian political scientists do support the belief that given enough punishment, all the people in any time or place are susceptible to hypnotic control”. The complete absence of proof and the biggest lies are just accepted and absorbed by the 99%.
