23 Elul 5773
(Originally written 14 Nissan 5762)
Recently seen in Israeli media:
"No one in a position of power in Israel is seriously considering a complete and indefinite reoccupation of the West Bank and Gaza, carpet-bombing Ramallah or destroying the Palestinian water and electricity systems, a senior official said. Officials also acknowledged that Israeli planners are sensitive to the political constraints on an all-out offensive, including the fear of igniting a regional war and the likelihood of criticism by the United States." (Jerusalem Post)
“To appease his guests, Ben-Eliezer asked one of his military aides to look into the matter [the claim that 34 new settlement outposts had been established in the West Bank] and to report back to them with his findings as soon as possible….
“The minister was clearly trying to find favor in the eyes of his visitors. He knows that if, on election day, these people [Peace Now representatives] were to move their protest banners to the courtyard of the Labor Party headquarters, his next boss would be opposition leader Yossi Sarid….
“Ben-Eliezer hinted that the incursions into the refugee camps and towns of the West Bank had been nothing more than a show for domestic purposes…..” (Ha’aretz)
“The Supreme Court nullified this morning a duly-passed Knesset law….Yaakov (Ketzaleh) Katz, Arutz-7's Executive Director, said that the decision is a political one, proving the hatred of the left-wing and the judicial system for the religious-nationalist population.” (IsraelNationalNews)
“Afterwards, the evil government will rule over Israel for nine months...”
Perhaps “nine months” is not literal, but refers to the period of time necessary to bring an idea to maturity; to “birth” a Torah-based government which is the necessary vehicle for Redemption.
To continue with our exploration of the parallels inherent in the “birthpangs” analogy, although it appears that we find ourselves mired in the depths of the third phase of first stage labor (see Part 1), it is worthwhile to look ahead. By focusing on the goal---the “birth”---we can fortify ourselves to withstand whatever we must in the short term and assure ourselves that we do not suffer in vain.
In the first stage of labor, the woman is at the mercy of forces beyond her conscious control. There is very little she can do to alter the course of events. The feeling of being inextricably committed to a process which cannot be stopped can be overwhelming. Education is the only effective way to cope. Being prepared with the facts of what to expect in advance will provide some measure of mental relief to see her safely through this stage.
The second stage of labor, while still compelled by the force of involuntary contractions, presents the first opportunity for active participation which can directly affect the outcome of the birth. The mental focus and the strength of voluntary physical exertion which is brought to bear by the laboring woman can greatly facilitate the birth and shorten this stage of the labor process if done in cooperation with the natural process and not in opposition to it. If efforts to expel the fetus are begun too soon, the result can cause injury, delay the birth, and put the fetus’ life at risk. The expertise of the birth assistant is crucial in determining the onset of the second stage.
If we are to understand the Redemption process as a “birthing process”, and the start of the Oslo War as the beginning of labor, how are we to put this second stage of labor into context? To do this, it is necessary to first complete the picture with a discussion of the third stage of labor.
The third and final stage of labor comes very shortly after the infant’s emergence from the womb and it culminates in the delivery of the placenta. To briefly regress, at conception, the developing embryo implants itself in the wall of the womb by means of a vital structure called the placenta. This blood and nutrient-rich organ is the life-sustaining source for all the physical needs of the fetus during the entire term of gestation and this is its sole purpose and function. When the infant has entered the world, nature itself condemns the placenta for destruction, as it now serves no further use. It must be noted that it is the birth assistant’s job to examine the placenta carefully for wholeness after its expulsion. It must be ascertained that no part of it is missing since any torn piece still adhering to the wall of the womb will be a potential source of life-threatening hemorrhage or infection.
The Land of Israel and the People of Israel---together---are the laboring woman. Only Am Israel living on the soil of Eretz Israel will give birth to the Torah-government headed by Mashiach ben David, which will itself be the vehicle for the Complete Redemption---may it come speedily in our days!
If this analogy holds true, it is easier to understand the relationship of the secular Zionist state to the eventual Torah-based government of Mashiach which will bring true peace and the knowledge of The One G-d to the whole world. The “Zionist entity” serves as the ‘placenta’ until which time as it becomes irrelevant. It is a grave mistake to confuse the two constructs. Who, with his eyes fixed on the birth of his long-anticipated and anxiously-awaited son, would desire the bloody placenta over the infant? There are clear signs even now that the ‘placenta’ is breaking down and losing its ability to nurture the nearly viable fetus. On the contrary, if labor did not spontaneously begin at the predetermined end of the gestation period, it must be induced, because the placenta will begin to destruct within the womb and instead of ensuring life will actually become a threat to the life of the unborn child.
So then, if the surmise that the beginning of the Oslo War was the onset of labor is correct and that it will end with the eventual demise of the Zionist State of Israel and the birth of the restored Kingdom of David which herald’s the Redemption itself, it remains for us to draw the appropriate conclusions about what corresponds to the second stage of labor---the birth itself. This will be discussed in Part 3, as matters become clearer to all of us.
“…with praiseful songs let us call out to Him.”
Devash, 14 Nissan 5762
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