31 March 2024

Attacked From Within!!

22 Adar Bet 5784 

UPDATE:  An interesting side note to this post was brought to me by Rabbi Richter.  The 21st day of Adar is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk who is famous for encouraging love for every Jew...

Born in the merit of kindness, Reb Elimelech's teachings emphasize the mitzvah to love one’s fellow.

A prayer he composed includes the line, “Put into our hearts that everyone should see the qualities of their fellows, and not their faults.”

Rebbe Elimelech’s student, Reb Zecharyah Mendel of Shedisnshov, described the love that existed among his students, which is certainly due to Rebbe Elimelech’s influence:

There is a lot of love between them. The love is greater than the love a father has for his son or the love a husband has for his wife. They are completely one; they practically share the same wallet. They love their friends’ children as their own, and one almost isn't able to discern who are the parents…

Rebbe Elimelech’s son wrote, “My father would constantly bless Jews, and he was moser nefesh for them all the time…”

His ahavat Yisrael was a focal point in his life; deeds of kindness and praying for others was how he served G‑d.   (Source)

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Who figured that the big war that would break out in Israel on 21 Adar Bet would be Civil War??? 

Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara, [y"sh] sent a letter on Sunday ordering the State to begin drafting Chareidim on Monday.

“From tomorrow, the security system must start drafting Chareidim,” she wrote.

She also warned the Education Ministry of trying to bypass the cut in yeshivah funding by increasing funds in other areas.

“The Education Ministry will refrain from any step that can or may entail a circumvention of the provision of the interim order – whether through increasing the budget…in other ways or through other funding channels or in any other way.”

Her letter follows her recommendation on Thursday to the Supreme Court to begin drafting Chareidim and cut funding to yeshivos – in direct opposition to the view of the government whom she was hired to represent.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
Leftists from the Achim L’Neshek protest group arrived at the Kikar H’Shabbat intersection in Geulah on Sunday evening in order to protest against Chareidim.

They made a deafening racket at Kikar H’Shabbat and yelled slogans calling on Chareidim to be drafted into the army. This is the same group that before October 7th, called for the public to refuse to serve in the army and contributed to the decision of Hamas that it was an opportune time to attack Israel.

Violent confrontations took place between the protesters, some Chareidim and the police.

The police issued a statement saying: “A short time ago, at the same time as an approved demonstration that began in the Knesset area in the designated protest area, dozens of protestors arrived at the Kikar H’Shabbat intersection in Jerusalem, blocked the traffic in violation of the law and began to confront the residents of the area who had gathered there, violating public order.”

“There was friction between the parties, and police forces worked to calm tensions, to prevent acts of violence and to repel the rioters. Following the throwing of eggs and objects at the violators of public order and the knocking down of a police scooter, a rioter was arrested on the spot.”

A large leftist protest is being held against the government outside the Knesset on Sunday evening.

HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, spoke about the decision of the Supreme Court on Thursday evening to freeze the funds of some yeshivos beginning on Sunday.

“Everyone knows what happened last week, that they completely revoked our right to to learn Torah in Eretz Yisrael for the time being. We’ll now need to be moser nefesh for Torah. We don’t know exactly how – how much they’ll be makpid on us.”

“Because there are two types of people among those trying to be mevatel our limmud Torah. Some don’t necessarily hate us or religion but they don’t believe and understand that the Torah is what saves them. That the fact that we’re still here in Eretz Yisrael surrounded by enemies is only because there’s Torah in Eretz Yisrael. Only! And if they’re mevateir on Torah – they’re cutting down the trunk that the country stands on. They don’t believe this, rachmana litzlan.”

“And there are other people who are mamash reshaim – they hate us, they hate religion, they hate Torah, they hate bnei Torah. They want to destroy us and we’ll have to stand against them. There will be mesiras nefesh. I hope we won’t reach that but it’s very possible that we’ll have be moser nefesh to stand against them. But now is not the time for details.”

“But one thing is clear, that the first thing we need at a time like this is that we’ll have mesiras nefesh for the Torah itself. That the Torah itself will turn into a korban. If the Torah itself turns into a korban, our limmud will be a korban. What’s the p’shat? Full sedarim without any bitul Torah. Learning Torah with mesirus nefesh. This surely obligates us, to learn Torah like a korban. And this surely could help to eliminate the whole problem – definitely.”

“Hakadosh Baruch Hu will give us the koach of insight – to sit and think a little. What happened here was historic – that for the first time, the State revoked the koach to learn Torah. This is a tragedy! What do we need to do about it? Surely the first thing is strengthening our Torah.”

“If we’ll do that, maybe we’ll have siyata dishmaya. If we bring this korban to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, maybe He’ll have pity on us and we won’t have to bring other korbanos. Hashem should give us the koach to do what He wants from us.”



  1. This would be the last straw before Mashiah,because then the bahourim are going to pray and learn in a more intense way and it will bring Mashiah,who is supposed to be delayed because of bitoul Torah?

  2. Who said that a civil war started today? We’ve had this chareidi/army conflict here in Eretz Yisrael for many years. This is nothing compared to before Oct 7. Even then, wasn’t considered a civil war.


  3. It' exactly how I saw it. The war did indeed begin yesterday, and this internal civil war is going to get worse and then the external enemies will sweep in. We who follow the Torah will need to take a side and stand firmly, and be like Pinchas.

    1. Sounds like at least another few months until Moshiach can come


    2. What makes you say that, Jeremy?

    3. Because a civil war (if it needs to happen) doesn’t just come and go within a few weeks unless Moshiach arrives during it


  4. And it is also “civil” strife that leads to attacks from external enemies. (I say “civil” because we all know that it is being lead by the Eirev Rav with funding and prompting from OBiden)

  5. If this is the case, c'v, where they want to make bitul Torah altogether,
    then it is 'civil war'. May H' protect and bless His true children, the real
    bnai Yisrael, those who stand for Torat yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. We know that the ptb's in EY are pure Erev Rav Amaleikim, the worst of their kind. They, by their latest actions, are showing they are desperate and that is why they are ganging up on the chareidim because they know very well they do not need them for the army; they have one motive and that is to put their lives in danger and to water down their Yiddishkeit as much as possible. These amaleikim are getting their orders from the PTB's (global) because they are getting very nervous and are rushing things because their plans are being delayed because of the opposition worldwide to many of their plans in their wicked agenda.
    The chareidim must stand strong and not let go of the rope for one instance and may H' Bless them with powers (both physical and spiritual) that they themselves don't know they have so they have the power to bring down our enemies from within. May our bnei Torah in EY & elsewhere go from strength to strength!

  6. B"H!!!
    Israeli Journalist: “I’m Launching A Campaign To Support The Olam HaYeshivos”

    “I checked it out,” he said. “A yeshivah bochur cost NIS 395 a month and an avreich cost NIS 650 a month. There are 40,000 yeshivah bochurim aged 18-22 and another 25,000 avreichim – it comes out to 65,000 people.”

    “And therefore I’m saying that b’ezrat Hashem, I’m taking on myself personally to regularly fund a yeshivah bochur and an avreich. And there are many many people like me – and if they don’t fund the yeshivos – I will lead a campaign that b’ezrat Hashem there will be 60,000 people who will take upon themselves to fund a talmid yeshivah. We’ll fund it. They won’t topple the Olam HaTorah for us. Whoever doesn’t learn should be drafted. Whoever learns will receive – because people see it as a value.”

    Magal posted a video of his announcement on social media and many social media users responded that they will also contribute.

    Also, following the Supreme Court’s decision, a group of reservists in Gaza collected money on their base to support a kollel in Petach Tikvah.

  7. I’m afraid we’re in for a big disappointment if Nissan ends and we’re in status quo without any major Geulah developments. Maybe it’s not correct for us to be putting so much hope into Moshiach coming during this Nissan?


    1. I agree with you, Peretz. It feels like there’s too much hype on these blogs. There’s no civil war. The protests will be over soon. Majority of Israel has no interest in protesting now.


  8. I’m done these with hype blogs. I can count pass my hands full how many times these blogs have said big things will happen now and that Moshiach is about to arrive over the last 10+ years. I’m a ba’las teshuva and it really turns me away from Judaism.


    1. So, why do you keep reading???

    2. I know what u mean but I just decided to wait for moshiach every day and not take all these predictions so seriously I still very much enjoy reading them and if it doesn’t happen today them Tom is another day. For sure we r getting closer as time passes and after oct 7 and other stuff happening it seems to be very close. If not this week next week. If not this month next month Keep the faith ! We r almost there. DONT GIVE UP NOW! Malky
