08 March 2024

From the Mishkan to the Mikdash

28 Adar Alef 5784
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Vayakhel / Sheqalim - Mevorchim

From the Stone Edition Chumash Commentary...

The Construction of the Tabernacle

In this Sidrah, Moses addresses the entire nation and charges them with the privilege of building the Tabernacle,....  It is indicative of the great significance of the Tabernacle that most of the last three Torah portions and almost all of Vayahkel and Pekudei are devoted to it.  Israel's ability to create a setting for God's Presence is a measure of its greatness and, indeed, a primary reason for its very existence.  Its future history would revolve around its worthiness to have the Temple in its midst.  When Israel was unfaithful to its trust, God's Presence would depart from the Temple, leaving it an empty shell, devoid of its inner holiness.  Once that happened, destruction and national exile came quickly.  The challenge of the exile is for Israel to return to its former estate, and thereby bring about the era of Messiah and the Third Temple.  This longing is expressed in our daily prayers that God return us to Jerusalem and the Temple, may they be rebuilt speedily in our days.  (AMEN!)

~ ~ ~

Are we ready to build the Third Holy Temple?  Not by a long shot!!!!  Idolatry is rampant across the Land.  That is not consistent with rebuilding HKB"H's House.  There must be real national teshuvah accompanied by eradication of this abominable sin before that can occur.  However, the Judeo-Christians do not intend to wait!!!  They don't see any idolatry.

This is more of Eisav trying to take back the birthright, only they are not spiritually equipped to do it - now or ever.

We've been talking recently about the spread of avodah zarah across the Land of Israel, but did you know that the idolaters are now praying to and worshipping J.C. on the Temple Mount???  Once again, they are enabled by wicked Jews.

At the end of the video, you heard Tommy Waller refer to a prophecy in Isaiah (Yeshayahu) which he says Chrisians and Jews together must work together to fulfill.  According to the Judeo-Christians, prophecy can't be fulfilled without human intervention to ensure that it does!

Here is the portion he is referring to...
The same applies to every reference to a house of prayer, for converts come out from among many diverse nations to become a part of the Unique and Kadosh Nation of Israel.  The Christians don't get it because they know nothing of Judaism.  From being called a "servant of God", to an obligation to observe Shabbat and being part of the Covenant of Sinai, all these things picture the relationship between HKB"H and the convert to Torah Judaism.  

Interpreting the "strangers" as gentiles from false religions is a criminal misrepresentation of the Truth.  

Following, is my answer to the Apostles and Prophets of the NAR who are pushing this foul agenda and the wicked Jews who help them.  It's found in the prophecies of Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu).

Instead of setting these Christians straight, they go along with them as if they have some handle on the truth, but the truth is very far from them "and none returns (does teshuvah) from his evil."

All these false visions and prophecies do not come from the Holy One, blessed be He, they are simply the vain imaginings of wicked and perverse hearts.  And they will reap their just reward.  

Lest we forget about the Judeo-Christian Byron Stinson who plans to sacrifice the Red Heifer on the Mount of Olives any day now with his good buddy "Rabbi" Yitzhak Mamo, watch this clip where he unwittingly describes the war he intends to wage on OUR Mashiach, whom the Judeo-Christians have already been primed to identify as their anti-messiah.  

What a shock they all have in store! 


(Related: In-depth on The Riverwinds.)


  1. Ad matai? Believe by reading the daily political info that sonei Yisrael
    are gearing up for, c'v, a takeover; this sounds very much like the
    climax of gog u'magog - they're pushing for it.
    Eliyahu Hanavi proved the emes almost 3000 years ago and now
    it's zman for the finale with the same emes unfolding, Netzach Yisrael
    lo y'shaker! The Geulah is so, so close.

  2. And then we have Biden's "come to Jesus" adding another insult to PM Netanyahu
