20 March 2024

The Views of Torah Jews Do Not Have "Deep Legitimacy"

10 Adar Bet 5784 

The chutzpah and the gaivah is just over the top!!!


  1. Will watch after I comment. As far as these so-called liberal leftist Jews, there is no difference between them and all our other enemies.
    They are of the Erev Rav. A misinformed or uninformed Jew is one thing and might not even be his fault because he doesn't know, r'l, much more than the non-Jew and we pray he/she returns to his/her
    roots. But, the liberal leftist who has an unnatural hatred for another Jew does not have a Jewish neshama and they are worse enemies than the non-Jew, who really doesn't give a care. These so-called Jews
    enable the anti-semites to activate their hatred for the Jew.

  2. ...who needs enemies? What we need now is to bring the vast majority of Israelis, who resist the agenda put forward by the nations, to look — with longing — forward to the Kingdom of Israel, led by King Mashiach, whoever he is, where God reigns openly through His Torah! MAY IT BE NOW!!!
