17 March 2024

The Democracy Missionaries

8 Adar Bet 5784 

What else do you call someone who claims they are on a mission, but a missionary?  

If you are not already familiar with this organization whose offices are located in the same general area as the American Cultural Center in Jerusalem, please allow me to introduce you to...

(It's only two minutes: Please pay special attention at 40-45 secs and again at 1:49.)

I had seen their sign, but never gave any thought to them... until NOW!!

The Israel Democracy Institute runs advertisements patterned on ultra-Orthodox pashkeveils, or broadsheet posters, calling out the Haredim for refusing to enlist in the army.

The ads, which decry the “insult to the heroes of the army…who give their lives for the sanctity of God,” run in the Friday editions of national-religious newspapers Makor Rishon and B’sheva.

The IDI says such ads would not be accepted by ultra-Orthodox newspapers.

The use of this format and language echoing that of anti-enlistment posters used by the ultra-Orthodox “is another tool in our arsenal of tools, in addition to publishing data, in-depth studies and policy proposals, to deal with the issue of recruitment and equality of the burden,” says Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz, head of the IDI’s Center for Shared Society, arguing that avoiding the draft contradicts an “honest interpretation” of the Torah.  

[For this to work, one must first concede the point that full-time Torah study is merely a means of avoiding the draft!  What of those men who avoid learning Torah?  You see, it simply is not seen as being of any value, much less an obligation, for these kinds of people.] 

The IDI is addressing the Haredim in the “language of the Torah and clarifying the urgent need for a new social contract, even at the cost of risking the coalition,” she says. (Source)

So, just who is this person who presumes to preach against the entire chareidi community in the name of the Torah???  From the IDI website:

Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz co-founded and co-directed Itim – the Jewish Life Advocacy Center – an organization that committed to increasing participation in Jewish life by making Israel’s religious establishment respectful of and responsive to the diverse Jewish needs of the Jewish people. In this capacity, she has appeared before the Rabbinic Courts on issues of conversion, marriage, and divorce.

Ravitsky Tur-Paz also directed Beit Midrash Elul – a center for study of Jewish texts from a pluralistic perspective. In addition, she has served as a lecturer and group facilitator on Judaism and gender and has an extensive background in promoting Jewish pluralism and culture in Israel.

Born in Jerusalem, Ravitsky Tur-Paz holds bachelor's and master's degrees in law from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has studied Jewish Studies and Philosophy, and is a graduate of the Mandel School of Educational Leadership. She has also worked with the Israeli Ministry of Education, training educators on pluralistic Judaism and Israeli identity and culture, and serves on the board of Panim—the Israeli Judaism Network.

You get the idea.   About the IDI itself...

IDI works to bolster the values and institutions of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. A non-partisan think-and-do tank, the institute harnesses rigorous applied research to educate decision makers and help shape policy, legislation and public opinion. The institute partners with government, policy and decision makers, civil service and society, to improve the functioning of the government and its institutions, confront security threats while preserving civil liberties, and foster solidarity within Israeli society. 

The List of its "Supporters", gives the fullest picture of who, and what, is actually behind this organization and where it is coming from!!!  This is in no way benign.  The numbers of the enemy within are as numerous as those without.  Hashem yerachem aleynu!!

Our Supporters 
Marcus Foundation - USA

Joan and Irwin Jacobs - USA

William Davidson Foundation - USA

Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies - USA
The Raymond Frankel Foundation - USA
Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker - USA
Shustek Dubinsky Family Philanthropic Fund - USA

Prof. Andrew Viterbi - USA 
Prof. Amnon Shashua - Israel 
Zurim Foundation - Israel 
The Jeffrey H. and Shari L. Aronson Family Foundation - USA 
Dalia and Eli Hurvitz Foundation - Israel 
The Russell Berrie Foundation - USA 
Hackerman Family Philanthropy - USA 
Robert and Arlene Kogod - USA 
Diane & Guilford Glazer Foundation - USA 
Eddie and Jules Trump Family Foundation - Israel 
UJA Federation - New York 

Contributors -  See here.

Board of Directors - See here.

• International Advisory Council - See hereSome of the better known names are shocking!!


  1. They are all the same. These are the leftists of the world that just want to conquer the world; they are no different than the original Nimrod and his followers. They can be of the left or the right. It's all the same goal they have. The biggest chilul H' these erev rav leaders made was bringing in the nations to indoctrinate and teach us, the Jewish people, who have the Divine Guide (our Torah) itself that taught the world to be civilized and yet the gall of these missionaries with their Greek system called 'democracy' come to teach us. We have the holy Torah that
    the Creator gave to us so we can be the light unto the nations, not
    vice versa, but since the leadership has always been to the left of the left in the State of Israel, it has become completely corrupt in so many ways but, hopefully, many of our people have been awakened and realizing the error of their ways after the Oct. 7th horror.
    Unfortunately, but not surprising these infiltrators have had such a success in their manipulations, since they have managed to deJudaize
    so much in EY, especially the youth not even understanding what a Jew is and his mission in the world.
    The proper form of democracy is a necessity for the other nations
    of the world in order to have a civilized world, but for the Jewish people, a nation that needs to dwell alone, any form of governing is absolutely wrong and only heeding the Laws of ourTorah can we be
    a free people bringing light to the world. There is no greater freedom for the Jew than living as a Jew in the Land of Israel, according to our Holy Torah!
    We must return to our roots and all missionaries expelled. This
    should have been the law from the very beginning in the 'Jewish' state.
