"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

17 January 2022

"Karma" or Divine Justice?

15 Shevat 5782

Incoming US ambassador to Israel won’t visit Judea and Samaria

The new American ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides said he will “absolutely not” visit communities in Judea and Samaria in his first interview as envoy with a Hebrew-language newspaper on Friday.

...Although he said he has “no ideology” when it comes to Israel, Nides [a Jew] is a firm supporter of the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, just as Biden is. He told the paper that he believes that “Israel will be strengthened” by giving up parts of the country to establish a Palestinian state, and that is important to him.

“All I care about is that Israel will remain a strong, democratic and Jewish state,” he said.

In addition, “The Biden administration believes it must take care of the Palestinian people...."


  1. When are we finally going to get over this whole "Jewish-Democratic" thing? I guess the Jewish-Hellenists aren't [yet?] ready to let this one go.

    1. Jews minus Torah equals a very bad combination. What did you think of the "predictions"? If there really is a "second coming" of Trump, he will certainly back any efforts to send all the Jews to "their country" - Israel.

    2. Her bias is all too obvious. But she makes some good points. Afghanistan was a failure in part due to US “one [Western] size fits all” arrogance and stupidity.

      The more she spoke the more I was hearing a description of Esau. Very similar to the secular Ashkenazy attitude toward the Ishmaelites (Arabs).

      About the predictions? I dunno.

      I think that Trump did a good job. But, what his Jewish supporters seem to have forgotten it that his job was to be concerned with Americans and U. S. concerns, not Jews and Israel's concerns.

      Here is Trump's Deal of the Century.

      I wonder how many Jews have actually seen it. Those who have are either in denial, or rationalize it.

      Will he start encouraging Jews to relocate to Israel? No idea.

  2. I'm constantly preaching about the antithetical nature of democracy as it's related to Torah yidishkeit to my fellow yidden here in the U.S. Some look at me in bewilderment, while others look at me like I'm Osama bin Laden. We're talking about FRUM YIDDEN!

    1. Unfortunately, one of the ills of exile holding back the revelation of Mashiach. Keep talking. Maybe some of them can still get there.

  3. Look, anyone who knows anything about Torah knows that 'democracy' has nothing to do with any Jewish concepts. It is a Greek concept. Also, the US was never a 'democracy'. People throw around words so much that everything is convoluted today more than ever (especially when most are so, so ignorant of practically everything). The US was created as a 'democratic Republic' making it totally different than a 'democracy'. Also, karma, shmarma, to we Jews we know everything is Divine whether retributions or rewards. The last century there has been so much treachery within the US from outside forces with the help of those within trying to undermine the freedoms the country was built on; it got from bad to worse mainly because of immorality which has shown its ugly head and now H' is will be cleansing the world of all its tumah because we are nearing the Geulah Shleimah no matter what. The worst of this is that they brought the tumah to EY. How much longer do you think H' will allow this to continue? Those who are wise enough to see the handwriting on the wall are the righteous. Wake up Yehudim!

    1. Anonymous@10:52PM, you said "The US was created as a 'democratic Republic'. In point of fact, you should amend that to "Constitutional Republic." However, the elected representatives no longer answer to their constituencies but to the special interests who flood Washington, D.C. with professional lobbyists. And since the Patriot Act and the introduction of Executive Orders, the Constitution itself has been thoroughly trashed. This was allowed to happen because, as you point out, the electorate was dumbed down and was told so many times in so many ways that America is a "democracy", they began to believe it and the nation thought as long as they each have a vote, and there is an election every 2-4-6 years, no matter how worthless it is, they still have the America they cherish in their dreams. But, that's the only place it still exists.

    2. Exactly! The fundamentals of democracy is actually kind of awful...Democracy is a concept from Athens which held that a ruling body of elite males held the power to jointly vote and decide how to execute law in their society. Women had no voice, slaves and working class had zero say as well. As you so aptly pointed out the USA is a constitutional republic NOT intended to be a democracy in the classic sense. Interesting that it has evolved into a democracy with a corrupt elite ruling class that has seized power in almost all sectors of society. It is ironic that they have convinced the gullible masses that they need to protect their democracy, or freedom dies - they use that term constantly and have brainwashed the public to equate it with freedom and choice for the masses, when its actually not.
      Obviously, as Jews we want neither, we need Malchut Yehuda with Moshiach Tziddkeinu immediately.

  4. בס"ד

    The U.S. was indeed founded as a 'constitutional republic', not as a democracy. The first nail in coffin of American sovereignty was the signing of The Federal Reserve Act in 1913, which turned over the control of American currency issue to the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank, and loaned back at interest.

    Democracy is essentially a system where 51% of the population can tell the other 49% what to think, what to do, what to say, and use the weight of an increasingly corrupt administration, judiciary, and media to enforce it. This is abundantly evident and not just in the U.S. Democracy does not equate with freedom, ..quite the opposite. As with any other governmental system, the scum rises to the top.

    As for her prediction of Trump's return? I would have to say that she is assuming that the U.S. will still exist in it's current state to even hold a farce of a presedential election. And speaking of the deal of the century, did any Israeli's actually take a look at the proposed map of the 'future state'?? Now tell me again that Trump was pro-Israel. Judging by what is happening here in the Negev, it looks like that "deal' was already agreed and signed. It's time we stopped buying into the whole phony, artificial construct of the right wing-left wing paradigm, as both sides are owned and operated by the same controlling interests. All non Torah based governmental systems fail. Democracies have a 100% historical track record of failure, usually catastrophically, and the U.S. will join the cast of hundreds. That's why I shudder when I hear the talking heads here refer to Israel as "the only Middle Eastern democracy." Like we need another Jewish catastrophe?

    HaShem yerachem.!

  5. בס"ד

    As an after thought to my previous comment, regarding democracies and political (s)elections; If you have ever voted in a political election, or even registered to vote in an election, then you have (legally) ceded your freedom and your rights as a sovereign individual, and have given your consent to be "governed." Very few people even give a passing thought as to what this means. 1 Samuel chapter 8 should send shivers down your spine upon reflection. Daniel 4:14 describes exactly the "lowest of men" who will rule over you.

    If I had ever voted for the lowest of scum to rule over me, or even given my consent to be governed by registering to vote, I would inform the relevent authorities in writing to be removed from the said registry, thereby cancelling my consent.

    Until Moshiach comes, Mass Non-Compliance with non-Torah, or anti-Torah dictates, or mandates seems to me to be the most efficient way to declare to HaShem that we are waiting.........
    waiting until the promise of the restoration of the fallen succah of David. Amos 9:11. Amen!

    In the meantime, take a look at their "legal" claim to mastery over us. "Cestui Que Vie" act of 1666.


    1. Agreed - to the sentiments expressed in both of your comments, Stingray. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.

  6. Of course, the US hasn't lived by its own standards since the beginning of the last century; it was the notorious president, woodrow wilson (the first real american socialist) that changed everything. That's the way countries are taken over from within and usually the populations haven't an inkling of what's happening. The galut in the Jew is so embedded, that he has no idea of the difference of what a Jew is and what his nationality is wherever he finds himself in the world at that moment. For some reason (lack of Torah), the Jew thinks Judaism is a religion. There's no such thing for the Jew; we live by H's commandments and pray daily for our return to come home with the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu and where the whole world will acknowledge there is only Hashem! The typical Jew everywhere has lost sight of that, r'l. The world is now in the mess it's in because this is the way H' will awaken His people and humanity too where they will have no choice but realize there is nothing else but HIM!
