05 January 2022

SOUND THE ALARM! - Chapter II: Provoking the Gentiles to Jealousy

3 Shevat 5782


...through [the Jews' failure to accept J***s], to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.  Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!  For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, ... if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them.  For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? (Christian Testament, Romans 11:11-14)

If you had the time to view that video from yesterday, you will see that the Apostle Paul's plan went a bit awry as the idolatry of Christianity holds no allure for Jews, while on the other hand, the Gentiles' exposure to Judaism has launched a major wave of jealousy among them.  Unfortunately, this is not so good for the Jews.

Like so many of our current afflictions, it started in 20th century America, with the Jews for J***s.  It's become known also as the "Messianic Jewish" movement which is today engaged in a battle to be recognized as a legitimate "stream" of Judaism.  

What you saw in that video, the development of the "Ephraimite" movement within Messianic Judaism resulted from the jealousy of Gentile members of Messianic congregations who felt that they were being treated as "less than" the Jewish members.  Their jealousy "provoked" them to come up with an identity that made them equal to the Jews and, as their Testament teaches them, co-inheritors of all the promises God gave to Abraham and his descendants, including rights to the Land of Israel.

B'chasdei Hashem, this path to mass aliyah by Christians was unsuccessful, but should the State ever recognize so-called Messianic Judaism as another "stream" like the Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, etc., it would open the way for recognition of their "conversions" also, resulting in mass aliyah of Christians to Israel as "Jewish" citizens - all of them free to build churches and proselytize among us as this "Messianic Jew" has been doing for years.  


As you may have noticed, the antisemitism inherent in the Christian Testament itself, comes out very clearly in the stories the Messianics share with their Gentile friends and supporters and it stokes hatred of Jews among them, especially in the Diaspora.  Their disdain for Torah Judaism just oozes out of everything they say.  This point is going to be the most important issue to grasp in the coming chapters of this saga.  



  1. Hi there, Devash and readers!

    This might be a good time to show 'em how "jealous" I am. Ha, ha.

    A major block to their aspirations might be proving that "Yoshke" cannot be the son of G-d. Well, here's my take on that, from parashat Shemoth/Exodus, where G-d tells Pharaoh through Moses who it is.

    Won't these Christians be shocked?!

    Who is G-d's firstborn son? And more

  2. What's troubling is we can already see the lowlines and ugliness of the present (& past) government in Israel; it has not an inkling of a Jewish soul, but evil always ends because it is temporary and we do know the end of the story - that when Moshiach tzdkeinu comes, it will start to be the complete sof of all sonei H' and Yisrael. May it very soon with great chesed & rachamim! In the meantime, we must do hishtadlut to fight off this invasion because so many Jews living in E.Y. are clueless and easily manipulated, r'l.

  3. That woman is a classic narcissist. I'd bet she is doing all of this for the attention and "acceptance" from the gentiles. Silly fool. But they will turn against her sooner or later once her narcissism is exposed. I can already tell the looks on the faces of those two gentile women she was talking to in the beginning of the clip. They don't like her. I am shocked and appalled at how many erev rav there are in our nation. And we Jews are practically leaderless. Well, at least we know the End of Days are here and we are heading toward Redemption. Thank you for keepiong on top of all of this Devorah Chaya. Shabbat shalom.
