"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

24 January 2022

"In the Seventh Year - Wars!"

22 Shevat 5782

It's been a long time coming, but it's the Master of the Universe who ultimately decides on the timing of these things.

US Orders Families Of Diplomats To "Immediately" Leave Ukraine As Biden Weighs Deploying Thousands Of Troops To Eastern Europe

NATO sends extra ships and jets, as UK pulls some embassy staff out of Ukraine and Ireland says war games off its coast are 'not welcome'
Putin is being backed into a corner.  He could use a delaying tactic and put it off for a few more months, but it also costs to keep troops and arms at the ready like this.  A decision must be made soon.  War looks inevitable.  

...[Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Alexander] Fomin said it would take through February 9 to fully deploy weapons and personnel for the Allied Resolve 2022 drills, which are expected to take place February 10-20.


  1. Actually, it says that in the seventh year, there will be מלחמות, which implies that there will be more than 1 war. In addition to Russia/Ukraine, many are predicting a Chinese invasion of Taiwan right after the Olympics. And/Or, there could be something going on with Iran.

    1. Yes, thanks for the correction. That does seem to be the consensus. Certainly will put Biden in a quandary.

    2. Is this in Sanhedrin (in the seventh year wars) or where? Is it good news, for am Israel? What’s next.
      I was a little disappointed about the context of one of Rab Alon Anava shiurim, he said more or less that we lost an opportunity to bring Moshiach last shemita circle, and that most probably we will have to wait for another 6-7 years, like he’s narrative change from Moshiach is coming to The worst is Coming. Not very comforting message. People need Emuna.

    3. He's a good and righteous man he may even be a tzaddik...but he is NOT Hashem.
      ONLY Hashem knows the timeline for when Moshiach is coming..we have to continue to hope and believe and act everyday with the belief that Melech Moshiach is imminent. I was also disappointed with that shiur as well. I would have preferred he hadn't shared that.. when most of us in our suffering cling to the belief Moshiach is coming anyday now. Rabbi Anava should live and be well and only have good health from Hashem to continue the important work he does but I feel like this is promising and I am excited for what is to come...May it be with great rachamim from Hakodesh Baruch Hu

    4. Didnt the Chofetz Chaim mention somethig about Russian warships and crossing the Baltic or Black sea...I cant remember

    5. Drbsd, Sanhedrin 97a. If what we are seeing is indicative that the geulah shleimah is closer than we think, it's good news for the whole world.

      Anonymous@3:06PM - That has already been documented and would not be relevant in this case anyway.

    6. Yes, when they enter the Dardanelles, the Bosporus, Crimea, don your Shabbos clothes....

  2. Yes. What is the source pls??
    Re: Rabbi Anava, I too was delated at first but then Reb Kessin reminded us that yes, next shmitta is probably B'ito, in its time. But iyH it will come this motzi shmita ...Achishayna b'rachamim!!

    1. Sanhedrin 97a, if I'm not mistaken. No one can say with any certainty.

    2. 5782 is not even halfway through.

    3. "Halfway through" what, Shimshon?

  3. I dont know why rabbi anava backtracked from his original prediction at the end of 2020, but it seems more plausible that mashiach will come this year. The rabbi explained that the name of Adam contains the initials of Adam, David and Mashiach, David being the exact middle in history between the two, while Mashiach will make the final rectification of Adam's sin. If we take into account that David was crowned king over all the tribes of Israel when he was 37 and we duplicate that date in history, we get the year 5782 which should be the crowning of Mashiach (whereas if we divide 5708 or Yom Haatzmaut by two we get the exact date when David was born according to Jewish tradition). Also if we substract the 1335 years written in Sefer Daniel from our current year we get the date when the Muslims began to construct their abomination of the desolation in our Temple Mount (dome of the rock or golden dome). The numbers match too perfectly to be wrong. I think rabbi Anava was correct the first time. He pays too much attention to that "agenda 2030" nonsense, that's why he believes Mashiach will come or be revealed in the year 5790/2030 as opposed to 2022.

  4. Thank you Anonymous for addressing this (and drbsd for asking) and also the last comment. Was somewhat distraught at that as well and so appreciate you responding. some of us are holding on for dear might for a more immediate rectification... please G-d let it not be longer, we need extraordinary keilim to hold on

  5. Just read the comments and the last one here makes good sense.
    As far as relating to anything these nachash creatures predict because that's what they want, means absolutely Nothing, Nada, Zero, zilch. We need only took at the truth which is Torah; everything else is idolatry, tumah and just plain evil.
