03 August 2019

American Empire - Rome Revived or Fourth Reich?

3 Av 5779

UPDATED: 4 Av 5779 - Please review.

How to Hide an Empire

(See related:  Not-so-secret US military involvement in the Jewish State)

The Rise Of The American Gestapo

...the U.S. government so admired the Nazi regime that following the second World War, it secretly recruited Hitler’s employees, adopted his protocols, embraced his mindset about law and order, implemented his tactics in incremental steps, and began to lay the foundations for the rise of the Fourth Reich.

As historian Robert Gellately recounts, “After five years of Hitler’s dictatorship, the Nazi police had won the FBI’s seal of approval.” The Nazi police state was initially so admired for its efficiency and order by the world powers of the day that J. Edgar Hoover, then-head of the FBI, actually sent one of his right-hand men, Edmund Patrick Coffey, to Berlin in January 1938 at the invitation of Germany’s secret police—the Gestapo.

The FBI was so impressed with the Nazi regime that, according to the New York Times, in the decades after World War II, the FBI, along with other government agencies, aggressively recruited at least a thousand Nazis, including some of Hitler’s highest henchmen.

All told, thousands of Nazi collaborators—including the head of a Nazi concentration camp, among others—were given secret visas and brought to America by way of Project Paperclip. Subsequently, they were hired on as spies and informants, and then camouflaged to ensure that their true identities and ties to Hitler’s holocaust machine would remain unknown. All the while, thousands of Jewish refugees were refused entry visas to the U.S. on the grounds that it could threaten national security.  (See more HERE.)

When the U.S. recruited Nazis for 'Operation Paperclip'


  1. Imagine this scenario:

    The Democrat party succeed in importing (imposing?) enough illegal invaders in TX and FL to switch these states Blue. And/or the Democrat party succeed in getting the millions of illegal invaders legalized as citizens. Voting citizens. These states are key electoral college states. If that happens, the Democrat party will effectively lock in the national elections literally forever.

    Now imagine this scenario:

    The Democrat party old guard (Pelosi and Biden types) falls the outright hard Left Communists and Islamists like Ocasio Ortiz and Ilhan and Keith Ellison X.

    Both of these scenarios are rapidly taking place. The United States either by design or incompetence is allowing millions of illegal invaders to literally repopulate that country.
    Some estimates place the number at 22 million! people. The Democrat party young guard are hard left and eager to get rid of the old party leaders who they think are too moderate.

    These two scenarios combined spell disaster for the Jewish communities and Israel.
    Imagine a president to the Left of Obama with his hands on the levers of Law Enforcement and Military. We saw how Obama weaponized the DOJ, IRS and other Federal agencies against political opponents. Imagine how the Democrats would behave if they new they would never be defeated at the ballot box? What if the NSA were openly unleashed against American citizens? Israel? What if a forced "progressive" agenda were mandated by law on all American citizens? Do we think they would skip the Jews?

    This will not end well.

    1. You are deluded if you think it makes one bit of difference which party rules there as far as Jews and Israel are concerned. One operates above ground using a stick and the other operates below ground using a carrot, albeit a poisoned carrot. End result is the same.
