12 August 2019

Jews Are Props in the Christian Narrative

12 Menachem Av 5779

What do I mean by that title?  I mean that, whatever the Christians do vis a vis Jews, they are always the stars of the show and we are merely the props required to act out their story.  If they could tell a New Testament tale without reference to the "Old," they would happily do so.  And this, rather than any true love or concern for the Jewish soul is what drives Evangelical Christians to "support" Israel in great anticipation of the mass conversion of our survivors.  

Without us, they have no story.

With G-d's help, I am going to attempt to give over here some information that was given to me by Rav Yehudah HaCohen Richter regarding something he said in his most recent video-shiur.  If there are any errors to be found they are surely mine alone.

In "The Wildest Information You've Never Heard About the 9th of Av," the Rav brought an important and amazing revelation from the Chatam Sofer.  According to the him, the covenant forged between Yaaqov Avinu and his father-in-law Lavan was already "the beginning of the end" that would lead us into exile. [See Bereishit 31.45-47]  And it was because of the adverse influence of two foreign words.

The Torah describes how the monument built to memorialize this covenant was called Gal Eid by Yaaqov Avinu, but it also records that Lavan named it, in his own Aramaic language, Yegar Sahadutha.  By bringing these foreign words into the Torah narrative, says the Chatam Sofer, the seeds of our ultimate dispersal into foreign lands were being planted.

In Tractate Gittin 56b - 57a, an interesting and enlightening anecdote is recorded:
Onkelos son of Kolonikos was the son of Titus's sister.  He had a mind to convert himself to Judaism. He went and raised Titus from the dead by magical arts, and asked him; 'Who is most in repute in the other world?  He replied: Israel.  What then, he said, about joining them?  He said: Their observances are burdensome and you will not be able to carry them out.  Go and attack them in that world and you will be at the top as it is written, Her adversaries are become the head, etc.; whoever harasses Israel becomes head.  He asked him: What is your punishment [in the other world]? He replied: What I decreed for myself. Every day my ashes are collected and sentence is passed on me and I am burnt and my ashes are scattered over the seven seas. 
He then went and raised Balaam by incantations.  He asked him: Who is in repute in the other world? He replied: Israel.  What then, he said, about joining them? He replied: Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days forever.  He then asked: What is your punishment?  He replied: With boiling hot semen. 
He then went and raised Yeshu by incantations.  He asked him: Who is in repute in the other world?  He replied: Israel.  What about joining them?  He replied: Seek their welfare, seek not their harm.  Whoever touches them touches the apple of G-d's eye. He said: What is your punishment?  He replied: With boiling hot excrement, since a Master has said:  Whoever mocks at the words of the Sages is punished with boiling hot excrement.
According to the Ben Ish Chai, Yeshu's advice should be read in reverse, for if you really want to harm the Jews, you should seek to benefit them.  Because they are a stubborn people, coming against them head-on only makes them hold more fast to the Torah, but give the Jews their freedom to do as they please and they will abandon the Torah and mitzvot.

And true to their master's intended advice, those claiming to be the most faithful followers of Yeshu - the Evangelicals - have employed this very tactic with very great success.  Christian "love" and largesse has opened the floodgates to Christian Evangelists in what should be Judaism's bastion - the Land of Israel.

Hear what they really think of us. Hear the Evangelical vision for the conversion of Jews at the End of Days...

Baptist Pastor: "[Sarah Silverman] is a perfect representation of religious Judaism." Christians, even Evangelical Christians, like the Nazis before them and every other persecutor of our people, do not distinguish between holy Jews and unholy Jews. Judaism is held responsible for every evil act perpetrated by any Jew anywhere.

Many Jews have been fooled, but despite what they wish to believe, these are the same wolves in sheep's clothing that we've been dealing with for 2000 years.  Only the tactics have changed.

I'll leave you with a quote addressing Tisha b'Av observance from the One for Israel organization (enthusiastically endorsed by Mike Huckabee):

According to the Bible, the reason the two temples were destroyed was because of God’s punishment – first at the hands of the Babylonians for Israel’s idolatry, indifference to the poor, and failing to trust God by letting the ground rest every seventh year – just as was promised in Jeremiah 26:28:

“Zion shall be ploughed as a field; Jerusalem shall become a heap of ruins, and the mountain of the house a wooded height.”

The second time was at the hands of the Romans, because they did not recognize or accept the Messiah....


  1. Sorry, to get off topic, but didn't know where to write these few words in regard to the 'Pseudo-Ger Movement' (on the list at the right hand side), so just want to let you know that I was so happy to read this expose on these two because a number of years ago David Katz had a blog called, forgot, something Soul (maybe soul name) and watched a couple of Clorfene's videos and knew that there was something not right with their interpretations when it came to geirus (something even non-Jewish). Thank you for letting the cat out of the bag.

    1. So glad those links on the sidebar are of interest to someone.

  2. Paradoxically Sarah Silverman mocks Judaism, Israel and the Holocaust whenever she can, regardless of sensitivities. She even made ugly jokes about Anne Frank. She is a Meretz financer who supports the fakestinians, not to mention she wants to push an anti-Torah agenda in Israel and around world, such as opening the Western Wall to heretics and perverts. Im not going to feel sorry for her because suddenly she is attacked by an antisemite. She is a very wicked person, indeed. And this filthy "pastor" knows all of this, but in his cynisism he calls this disgusting woman a "representation of religious Judaism and Zionism" because she insulted his stupid idol in one of her comedy routines. I bet Hashem will put these two together in hell to make their punishment even worse. Probably both of them slander the Jewish sages, so they will be boiling in feces with their friend j-zeus in Tzoah Rotachat. That would be poetic justice.

  3. Interestingly the Rambam says the Christians are props in our narrative.

  4. Also Islam - the wide spreading of these two religions gives humanity a concept of Moschiach, even if distorted; something they didn't have previously.

    1. I don't see that as a positive thing. Why do they need it? They have no mitzvah to expect Mashiach. All this does is set them up to go to war against the REAL Mashiach because he won't be THEIR Mashiach.

  5. Just quoting Rambam Mishne Torah, Hilchot Melachim, Halacha 4.
