"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

07 January 2016

This Blog Stands With Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

26 Tevet 5776

After reading yet another headline condemning Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi's "Holocaust" remarks, I thought to myself that society today suffers from a deplorable lack of critical thinking skills. People seem to be making instantaneous judgments based on their own emotional reactions to whatever pops up on their screens. Few take the time to investigate and analyze the facts and make a judgment based on truth and fairness. And forget about the halachah that should guide these issues. We don't seem to even get close to that.

I consider myself to be very fortunate to have received an excellent education which included being taught how to be a critical thinker. But, how many people today even know what it means to "think critically"?
Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. (Source)
But, apparently, even a critical thinker can be misled if he is not 100% honest in his motives.
Critical thinking varies according to the motivation underlying it. When grounded in selfish motives, it is often manifested in the skillful manipulation of ideas in service of one’s own, or one's groups’, vested interest. As such it is typically intellectually flawed, however pragmatically successful it might be. When grounded in fairmindedness and intellectual integrity, it is typically of a higher order intellectually, though subject to the charge of "idealism" by those habituated to its selfish use. (Source)
No one who examines the facts honestly and without bias will fail to see the rank injustice being done to Rabbi Mizrachi. But, even aside from that, and despite the blatantly dishonest way this issue was brought to light, Rabbi Mizrachi issued a public apology and correction. Anyone who continues to foment controversy after the fact is in very serious error and I call on them to cease and desist.

Let it  be known to all that this blog stands with Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. The blog author owes him a tremendous debt of gratitude for all the Torah learned from him during years when his detractors' names were completely unknown.

And so the birur continues and it becomes clearer and clearer who acts leshem shamayim and who has their own private agenda to fulfill!

As King David said to King Saul: "...the Lord shall become a judge, and He shall judge between me and you, and He shall see and plead my cause, and exact justice for me from your hand."


  1. Kol Hakovod!
    Hshem is very kind and opening up everything to us so we know who is who like you say. BH... Seeing this and other expressions of support toward Rav Mizrachi is like a medicine. I was deeply pained and shocked to see this verbal "massacre" online from a "chareidi" source.. I am embarrassed to say it. I was so naive ... but I had no idea the level of low we have reached.... Sorry to say I did not understand fully the extent of it... I try to stay away usually but this came from an unexpected source and hit me in the head... though it should have been expected. Don't know what I was thinking. I always tell everyone to get their head out of the sand, but I guess mine was deep in as well. This blog is amazing and the people commenting here give me hope that there are Chasdei Hshem...truthful real Jews still around and I feel strengthened...because it is getting difficult to manage our reality for a simple person like me... Leah R

    1. Thank you for saying this Leah. I agree with you 100%. I was also so pained by what has been written and the comments from the general frum public are mind boggling. Rabbi Mizrachi keep spreading the emes because all of us here know that it will be the only thing left in the end.

    2. What is also deeply disturbing is that they are circulating a petition to get him banned from Torah Anytime. Now he is trying to counter that with a petition of his own. I watched the beginning of the above video and I could see the strain on his face. It hurts to see this.

    3. Where is the petition I will sign it. After watching Rabbi Mizrachi's video on SD's blog I have stopped reading all jewish news and stay only with my geula blogs I visit and my Torah learning sites.

  2. Sadly, our younger generation is denied the right to think, yet alone to use critical thinking skills. Today, students are forced accept what is dished out to them, forbidden to confront, to investigate, debate, to use any word that may cause someone discomfort (widely defined), to be absolutely politically correct with all speech, opinion and thought, and basically are being made into robots. Many in the generation preceding have no time for more than a 30-second sound bite that can be sandwiched in between phone calls, texting, and their favorite TV shows. Many of us have become a "headline" information consumer because most lack the time and energy to really dig into any topic in order to arrive an informed and independent conclusion. I do not know what this spells for the future of humankind. A second element is the intense lack of self-esteem among all humans, especially those in western society. One glance at the news and one can see that the most popular stories are those that publicly destroy someone, especially those who are "popular", "stars" "politicians" and of course religious leaders. Thank you for your post. May we all learn and grow from this sad episode.

  3. I use to listen a lot to his shiurim. The yeshiva in Alfandari is lovly. But I remember, that something made me to swich from his shiurim to those of Rabbi Zamir Cohen.
    My babi was from the holocaust.
    Appearance of a Jew is more important then think. It separate us from the gentiles. Hashem made us to HIS image.
    Wigs, too short beard or clothes...this all was there...before the destruction. We can not change the BLUE PRINT HOW TO LIVE FOR A JEW. Hashem gave us very clear instructions.
    The Rebbe once remarked that there is a connection between the fact that Jews in Germany in his day already wore short jackets in the modern, western European manner, and that the Zohar was not commonly available there. (Chayei Moharan 422)


    In the same teaching, the Rebbe states that clothes are in the category of the Ohr Makkif / Encompassing Light. Therefore, he reiterates, one must take care of his clothes and make sure that they are clean and neat. (Ibid.)


    The Rebbe delivered awesome mystical teachings about the beard and peyos. He also related the removal of the beard to assimilation and religious decline. (See Likutey Moharan I, 20; Chayei Moharan 51, 86; et al.)


    Reb Noson expounds at length upon the mystical meaning of the beard and peyos, which he relates to the Patriarchs Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, and the right, left, and middle columns in the array of the sefiros. He points out that these are not only symbols, but also channels for spiritual illumination. (Likutey Halakhos, Gilu’ach 1, 3, et passim)


    Reb Gedaliah said that it is proper to keep the peyos distinct from the beard, unlike those who brush the peyos into the beard. He said the peyos represent din, and the beard represents chesed. Therefore, they should not be mixed. (Heard from Rabbi Dovid Shapiro)


    The Arizal was strict about not cutting or removing the beard in any manner, even in ways that are permitted according to halakhah. (Rabbi Chaim Vital, Sha’ar ha-Mitzvos, Kedoshim, 24a)

  4. Replies
    1. You make me smile always when I see you signature replies

  5. David, Europe7/1/16 12:42 PM

    Rabbi Mizrachi is a tremendous TZADIK, one of very few TRUE REAL Rabbis, who are still with us in our poor generation. We are really blessed to have this HOLY person with us and to be able to receive his amazing support in these very troubled times.

    All the dark forces who have been attacking him have just exposed themselves to be from the Side of Evil, thus making for us, the Real Jews, actually a favor, so that we could know now definitely about their true colors, so that we would be able to safely ignore all these Voices of Lies and Deceptions.

    May HASHEM Bless HaRav HaTzadik Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi with strength and huge success in his tireless working on behalf of Jewish People, bringing them closer to the True Jewish Religion, to the Truth of TORAH !!!

  6. Even as we learn these Sedras which teach about Dathan and Aviram,there are so many frum people behaving exactly as they did.
    From the ferocity and nastiness of the attacks on Rabbi Mizrachi, we can see how important is his mission.

  7. The seal of HaShem is truth, not political correctness. Just for your information... the Zohar and also Kitvei Ari were known in Ashkenaz, studied and practiced. Even Rav Hirsch was already studying kabbalah in young years all the night in oldenburg, so the aruch laner, reb seckel loeb th baal shem of michelstadt, yaavatz, kav hayashar, shleah hakadosh, chatam sofer and on and on... the rishonim of ashkenaz are also an original source of kabbalah and kept and transmitted it to selected individuals. Their level and wondrous deeds is not graspable for us today. Enough with this prejudice, that kabbalah was not studied and followed in ashkenaz. The reason for the evil starting in germany has different reasons. Col tuv and may Rav Mizrachi be well and protected from any harm. Sgabt shalom

  8. Rabbi Mizrachi, may he live and thrive teaches about reward and punishment. Do you know how many so-called religious Jews cringe and are appalled by it? Almost my entire community(MO) We're not supposed to talk about it. I love Rabbi Mizrachi's teaching. The Truth for those who seek it is a comfort to the soul, a healing balm for us who reject political correctness for what it is. It's like the false prophesy in the prophet Jeremiah's day. No-one wanted to hear they had to change and the false prophets were more tha n happy to lead the people down the path of destruction with soothing words of peace. G-d bless Rabbi Muzrachi.

    1. Come see my latest post Moriah. I don't know how to sugar coat either

    2. What's the name of your blog, Goldie? I look forward to reading it. Shabbat Shalom!

  9. I come from a place of not agreeing with everything Rabbi Mizrachi says. I sometimes do. I think he makes some good points about a variety of issues.

    But, I simply do not understand how anything in the least bit positive (ie. constructive) can come out of bashing him.

    As some without any emotional interest in this at all, I just don't understand the venom I have been reading on Net, and that includes some comments from a couple of friends of mine.

  10. The knee jerk negative reactions are a fire with fuel added .... the moment you say Rabbi Mizrachi and some people ...who like to tell us who we SHOULD be learning from /with just go nuts .... he offends their "intellectualism" ... they question his smicha. whether he opens a gemarah or not... when a man speaks up for him he'll get a private message from someone indicating that person is dubious for reasons x,y,z ....tell them it's lashon hara they'll say it's a mitzvah to protect people from him....I'll say ...but "plenty people love him" ... they'll say..."they're not allowed to love him ".
    It has to be their way or no way .Some people are SO clever their brains get in the way of themselves .
    like the person above...I don't sit and learn every video he makes . I met him and I liked him ...and I like the people who like him . I like many things he says ...i also go "woah" to other things he says but that's OK ...I don't want to shecht him because of it !!!
    I wish people would trust other peoples' judgment .

  11. I honestly felt his pain when I listened to his Shmot lecture. You really feel for Him and His Family, how critical, judgmental and unforgiving people can be. You don't have to agree with Everything Rav Mizrachi says, but He brought so many people back, continuously puts His efforts... At least he deserves Respect. If you don't agree on something, contact him Privately, discuss, communicate but why publicly like he is a murderer?? People have no chesed, HaShem is merciful, everyone is above Him?? Be kind to each other if we want mashiach Now.

  12. Props to you and everyone else that has replied. I almost feel bad for all the haters out there and the punishment that God might give them.

  13. Miriam here: Petition to keep Rabbi Mizrachi on Torah Anytime


  14. I agree with all the positive and supportive comments here for Rabbi Mizrachi. I am surprised by all the ignorant people all over Israel, and the world, who had to comment in the negative without verifying the facts. This reminds me of Moshe Rabbeinu when he said, "now the matter is known to me".

  15. Trying to ban Rabbi Mizrachi from TorahAnytime.com is a joke; he helped to set up this website.

  16. Baruch Hashem finally a site with critical thinkers! Thank you for this website!

    Elimelech, we were just discussing the same thing. We recall how Torahanytime used to be a low tech bland website with mostly shiurim from Rabbi Mizrachi.

    Rabbi was one of the 3 rabbanim at my conversion. He is an ish emet and does everything l'shem shamayim No other agenda than to be an aved Hashem and bring more of His children back to Him. This is the root of his intention and yet we are ignoring it. Somehow I don't see how disrespecting a rabbi will do anything but bring us just rewards from HaKadosh Baruch Hu. How will we as Jews be able to respond when we have to stand before Hashem?

    It is because his shiurim have been so successful with returning Jews to Hashem that there is such a fight to remove his influence and discredit his work. Rabbanim who sugarcoat are not targeted. Whether we like his pure emet style or not, the numbers of saved neshamas don't lie.

    - Miriam
