10 February 2015

What's a Little Compromise?

21 Shevat 5775

...In the future Esau will wrap himself in a tallis, sit down next to Yakov and say to him, "You are my brother"....Yakov will say to him, "My brother, you will not be like me. "I will lead you to death, I will be the pestilence that leads you to Sheol (Hoshea 13,14). Had I upheld degrees that you promulgated against me, I would have been guilty at the eyes of Heaven. Had I violated them, you would have killed me. (Yalkut Shimoni, Yirmiahu 333)
"That was Esau's intention when he told Yakov, "Let us travel together and I will go before you (Genesis 33,12). He wanted them to join together in both this world and the world to come, to meet each other halfway, with each modifying his conduct until they were alike (Yalkut Shimoni, Genesis 133). Indeed, Esau will even adopt certain tenets of Judaism-such as monotheism, the Divinity of the Torah, and reward and punishment-but only if Israel will give up some of its heritage. Similarly, according to Tanna D'Bei Eliahu Zuta(19), Esau proposed. "Give up some of the mitzvos that divide us. You will thereby enjoy this world and still have half the world to come. Isn't that enough? (Bais Halevy, Vayishlach).
Can one see relevance in these ancient writings for the world of today? Do we not see the pinnacle of Esau's civilization, the country that is the utmost embodiment of his values of individualism and superficiality / image, offering this bargain to sons of Yakov, and most of them have taken it. In return, Esau has placed his political and military might in service of common goals, in support of the so-called "Judeo-Christian" values. Will this friendship continue when Esau sees that Yakov returns to his Law and rejects his extended hand and his conditions of friendship? (Source)
Cast The Foreigner Out‏
by Donny Fuchs
...Of late, Jewish supporters of evangelical aid have embarked on a campaign to gain rabbinic approval for Tommy Waller’s Hayovel Ministry. Naturally, when they introduce Waller to these rabbonim, they present a doctored history to make him look kosher. Baruch Hashem, the tide is turning. Anti-missionary experts are meeting with some of these rabbis and providing the evidence that was withheld from them. Many rabbonim are now seeing the problem in the right light for the first time, and they are outraged by this deception. With G-d’s help the true nature of “Brother Esau’s” intent will soon become widely known.
Yet for this to happen, it is critical that Torah committed Jews follow up with concrete actions, by apprising their local rabbis and community leaders of this terrible spiritual onslaught, and demanding action. Apathy and laziness are the villains. This cannot be left to the “experts” who are already up to their necks trying to sound the alarm. The message must get out!