15 September 2024

Sherut Leumi Girls Serving Missionaries

12 Elul 5784

GeulahGirl reports...

"The Erev Rav State is giving the Daughters of Israel over to the missionaries."

Chaim Malespin and the Aliyah Return Center, a hub for the Israeli messianic movement in Tiverya is now hosting a group of fifteen sherut leumi girls from Yehudah v'Shomron. The girls will live at the ARC while volunteering with all their projects for the next year. 

As usual, I have written extensively about these organizations and missionaries before, but as a quick reminder please view this short video...

Chaim Malespin at the Aliyah Return Center:
Unabashedly Christian

Now meet the Sherut Leumi Girls who have been assigned to serve their national service duties on behalf of a missionary organization where Jews are purposely exposed to the tenets of the false religion with full approval of "The State."

If you know any of these girls or their families or rabbis, please give them fair warning of what they've become involved in.  No one else is going to do it.  Many thanks!  Tizku l'mitzvot!!

~ ~ ~

Chaim Malespin claims to have baptized over 1000 people in the Jordan River.  He is also the founder of the messianic congregation Vertical Galilee House of Prayer which was a sponsor of the Pentecost 23 event on the southern steps that launched a “decade of evangelism”. 

The Aliyah Return Center is also a headquarters for training missionaries (to target Jews) through their Ambassador Academy.

“Serve on location and get to know the Jewish people, history and tradition as you take part in the core project of the “Aliyah Return Center” – preparing a place for new immigrants, helping them with their firsts steps in the Land, and helping the neediest of the needy. Learn about Christian Zionism and the real meaning of “Aliyah”.

Our internship program (usually 3 months long) offers our interns the opportunity to practically serve the local community while at the same time learning about God’s amazing prophetic plan for Israel and the nations in a very real and powerful way.”

Chr*stians come from around the world to learn and volunteer at the Aliyah Return Center. Their teachers include Israeli messianic leaders - Guy Cohen, Arnie Klein, Eric Morey - who are part of the Tikkun Global messianic organization which was also a sponsor of Pentecost 23.

It's a crime for these precious Jewish neshamot to be exposed to these evil people!!!!!


  1. Where are the 'esser makot' for these criminals?
    What is with the people who are so unaware of what's going on?
    Where are the 'few' real rabbis working day & night to halt this evil?
    These are questions that need answers; how can parents be so lax
    as not to investigate where their innocent daughters are sent to.
    Has 99% of the population been so indoctrinated and mesmerized by
    the IDF and army service that they trust them 100%? I suspect that
    most Israelis know about the 10/7 preplanned horror and how many beautiful soldiers have been lost due to such treachery, so this, too, must be exposed to all the citizens. We need nissim to stop all the
    evil - on one side, 'shmad' & the other side 'horrific war with the vilde
    beasts', together with the erev rav infiltrators who are making sure that
    these above evils continue until, c'v elef alfei pa'amim, they reach their nefarious goals.
    Hashem have Mercy & send us our
    Goel Tzedek NOW!

  2. This is so terrifying. He makes my skin crawl, look at the grin on his face, we let predators in ours midst and they are prey on our most vulnerable, our children.....and he's grinning because he knows it. How can we be this stupid?....unless its deliberate done by this erev rav government, davka to destroy the religious in this country.
    What can we do to get these idol worshippers out of Eretz Hakodesh? I feel helpless.

  3. Hashem Yerachem, Hashem Yerachem, Hashem Yerachem!. I could not bring myself to watch any of these videos and look at these vile people!

  4. This is the first century all over again [in order for us to deny this], and their sly efforts continued up into the first Beis [the Nazarines] and are with us again in these end days. Good Je2s should be up in arms [literaly] to fight against this. I saw a video that purported that some from the tribe of Dan were seduced into their Nazarene belief, and left E Y and settled in southern Spain. The kept their Tribal name, “Dan” in the name of their ‘settlement’ and how they called themselves. Nechama

  5. Sorry, a Correction, it was the tribe of GAD https://youtu.be/2fdSdliql5E?si=5sWU2ilESoE-xONs this is the video about them. Short but a possibility. Nechama

  6. More. The today Nazarenes have set up a village in Nazareth and offer visitors “ancient menu” of the early Israelites. The cater to tourists and others. People come to learn and are seduced with food.

  7. https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/704887

    Good shiur.
    Speaks to this topic.
    Amazing it's over 20 years and the same things are happening.
    Ad matai ????

  8. Interesting but depressing to learn what Anon above wrote about the
    nazarenes who supposedly are from the shevet Gad.
    Depressing because we have such a mish mosh of people who somehow originally had connection to the real Jews. The Tzdokim who from them stem the notzrim and then there are the Karaites who
    just ignored the Oral Laws and many others lost to our people. They
    no longer have anything to do with us, nor we with them. Moshiach Tzdkeinu will have the job to filter out who is who and who belongs and, of course, who does not belong. In the meantime, we must see
    to it that all religions NOT be allowed to be taught in any way in our
    Eretz Hakodesh and Tanach has to be reinstated into the public schools for our children to know who they are and our mission in
    life and the importance of Eretz Hakodesh for the Bnai Yisrael ONLY.
    The reason we are still suffering from the pere adam that do not
    belong in any way in E.Y. is because the Yehudim have lost their way
    and want to be like the other nations and, c'v, integrate with them, H'
    Yerachem. This is why we still have this deadly problem with the pereadam. Just don't know how we can stop this fast enough, unless
    Moshiach arrives soon.
    But, we must not despair because Hashem is in Control.

  9. This is so sad. I hope someone intervenes and quickly.
