"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

21 December 2020


6 Tevet 5781

I have listened carefully to the words of the rabbis coming out in support of the COVID-19 "vaccine" and this seems to be the overriding message...

A letter from HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef instructing the residents of Israel to be vaccinated for the coronavirus was published on Sunday.

“I hereby turn to Acheinu Bnei Yisrael in Eretz HaKodesh to adhere to the instructions of the doctors, like it says in the Torah ‘ורפא ירפא’ – from here we learn that doctors have been given permission to heal. And [the Torah] says ‘V’Chay Bahem’ – and Raboseinu were doresh in the Gemara that ‘you should live because of them and you shouldn’t die because of them,’ and it also says ‘V’Nishmartem Meod L’Nafshoseichim.'”

“Therefore, after we have been informed – with Hashem’s overwhelming chessed – that there’s a vaccine that can prevent infection of the coronavirus – and all the necessary trials were carried out and the experts say that the vaccine will be able to halt the pandemic and there’s no risk in it…

“Therefore, each person must be vaccinated according to the instructions of the doctors without delay, thereby preventing risk to himself and others.”

Of course, they quote Torah to back up their conclusions.  Could they do any less and hope to persuade the Klal?  From the very beginning, TPTB included in their plans a need for "faith leaders" to be on board and be used to convince their flocks to follow suit.

The Torah also says "Ani Hashem Rofecha."  And what of the Dr. Mengeles, y"sh of this world???  But, the worst part of this is that the words I've bolded in red above are simply not true at all.  That should be abundantly clear to anyone who is properly informed.  

  • No one knows yet whether the vaccine can prevent infection.  It's all guesswork at this point and they've admitted as much.
  • All the necessary trials were definitely NOT carried out.  It has been rushed and shortcuts have been taken.  Also admitted.
  • Today's big news about the dreaded "Mutation" is already proof that the pandemic cannot be stopped because TPTB don't want it to stop.  They've already told us that this is the "new normal" and that we are NEVER going back to how things were before.
  • And "no risk in it"???!!! That's the biggest lie of all.  Everyone already knows there is risk of anaphylactic shock, among other serious potential side effects.  

Therefore, the basis for this flawed decision is already called into question and, consequently, not to be trusted, as with all other such decisions.

As more and more rabbis, and others whom we've come to trust, come out in favor of taking this "vaccine," we truly, truly have no one to rely upon except our Father in Heaven!!  Trust ONLY in Hashem and He will guide you to make the right choice.

PS: As to HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, they are telling him it is a vaccine and he is responding based on that assumption.  I seriously doubt anyone has explained to him that it is genetic modification of human beings.

RELATED: Senior rabbis call on Haredi public to get vaccinated - "What we need is confidence in science, safety and in the rabbis, and I believe we have that."


  1. I read that the non Hasidic faction said they would wait to see what happens to those vaccinated before asking their members to comply. I believe that is one lonely voice, but any thinking person should question any and all vaccines, considering the after-effects some are experiencing.

  2. The psak seems to be based on, that "there is no risk" in taking the vaccine. Even the vaccine companies write in their papers, that there are risks and for certain people even they not allow this vaccination. The one who understands, understands.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just great, after the kol koreh of the major rabbonim, I assume now Fauci & henchmen will get the critical mass they require to put thru their agenda. And so help the minority, like me, who wish to opt out.

  5. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2458-13-511

  6. Here is where my major problem is. Hoping the fabulous readership can help me out. Yes! I believe the "vaccine" is anything but that and all the plandemic business of what has been going on until now. Yes! B'ezras Hashem I will not puncture my body and destroy it etc. There is also the concept of "Shomer P'Suyim Hashem" - which literally means that Hashem will protect the fool. Now, many in the Charadei world do not have access to research and news. Like the Torah commands - they follow the Rabbanim - which we all hopefully do. How/Why in the world should they suspect that the Rabbanim and Gedolim are either being manipulated or not informed of the full scope before issuing their take on the matter. If they do what is correct in their society/their lifestyle - don't you think Hashem's promise of protecting them from danger/harm/effects won't come through for them? Earnestly, they're doing what all the previous generations have always done. Ask your elders. They're doing just that.
    I'm seriously finding this hard.
    And the answer being that it's all part of the bilbul process - separating - etc. isn't good enough because again, they're doing what is right - right for them and how they've always done.
    Thanks for taking the time to weigh in.

  7. https://www.timesofisrael.com/chief-rabbis-to-join-christian-muslim-druze-leaders-in-interfaith-prayer/ check out for monkie- babouns (free masons) rabbis.

  8. https://www.israel21c.org/interfaith-clergy-send-out-a-global-prayer-from-jerusalem/

  9. These rabbis are clueless. Firstly, do believe they have surely been threatened; how, we do not know! Secondly, this is the first vaccine ever that has not been tested for the duration that is necessary for vaccines. Many have gotten sick and those who are even slightly allergic have also felt side effects. But that is not the problem as much as the stuff in the vaccine that will first have dire implications in the future. The youth taking this are the ones who will pay the high price, r'l! Third, in today's world, saying doctors are here to heal is probably one of the biggest frauds in human history. 50% of doctors worldwide, at least, have gone along with this trialtesting of human beings because they either want to fit in or do not want to lose their jobs or licenses. Their sin is beyond repair. Is it any wonder, Chazal tell us that doctors have a portion in gehinnom! People have an obligation to be informed and think into things that affect themselves and their loved ones and not to believe what authorities tell them, as all world authorities have been corrupted and the only truth that exists today is, of course, our holy Torah and our emunah and bitachon which must only be in Hashem Yitbarach and no one or anything else!

  10. Dear Ms. H.. I was thinking earlier today along the same lines as you. I also thought about the story of Avraham Avinu who was thrown by Nimrod into the fiery furnace and yet emerged unharmed in contrast to his brother who jumped after him into the flames to test HaSHEM and was burned as a result. I believe that HaSHEM will judge each and everyone individually and on basis of what they really know and where their hearts are. So if someone does with complete emunah follow what the gdolim have paskened will surely not be punished for that. In fact, we all should really have emunat chachamim. However, those who are not as pure and innocent because they are informed and involved in all those worldly matters and affairs will not have that kind of protection. Because someone who knows and despite everything acts that irresponsible is relying on a nes which is forbidden. May HaSHEM give us all the strength to make it through this crazy time to be able to greet moshiach when it's over.

    1. Emunat hahamim not for that generation, the proof!

  11. Frum doctors are very conventional and that's probably who is feeding these rabbis the information.

  12. Hashem gave us a brain. He doesn't want robots blindly following their rabbis orders, as if those rabbis were not humans who can make mistakes, be conned, betray etc like any human being. In the tehilim David tells us not to trust men but only G-d. The time is now. Whoever listens to their bad advice and count on a miracle after the vaccine, is putting himself in danger voluntarily.
    This is a shoah. People who take the vaccine will become sterile, and it will be their own fault: they trust blindly men.

  13. Everyone will be judged according to what they know. That is what the chachamim are teaching us. If any of you guys had no access to any social media, would you know what is going on in the world right now? How would you like to be judged then by your own standards and judgements? One has to be very careful to judge someone else if he never stood in his place or walked in his path. We all will be judged according to the way we judge others. HaSHEM is not limited. HE will have mercy on whom HE chooses and he will save and/or condemn whom He decides. Not any of us. There are many charedim that have no internet access at all. Do you really believe that they will be judged for staying away from all that filth that all of us have constant access to? We do not know cheshbonot shamayim. But to condemn another Jew before his case was even looked upon is a serious crime.

  14. Let's rephrase the question: If a Jew innocently swallows a poisoned drink after checking that it has a good hechsher, will he suffer ill effects from the poison or be miraculously saved from harm because he trusted the hechsher as required? Everyone knows the answer to that.

    Look, the issue of vaccines has been a topic of debate in the chareidi community for a long time now. This knowledge does not depend on the internet. And blind trust of authority figures has also been an issue. Look at the fall-out from Shabbtai Tzvi! And the coverup of abusers. This community is not as ill-informed and innocent as being made out. People hear and people talk and that can be a good thing if important information gets shared in the process. Every Jew who knows what the Nazi doctors did has to be able to imagine the possibility of history repeating itself.

  15. These are NOT "vaccines" they are POISONS. The Most Charitable Thing one can say about These Misguided Rabbis who now mislead others is that they were ill informed before making their foolish statements. When they are FINALLY CONFRONTED with the foolishness of what they are doing and saying what will their reaction be?

  16. Do not know what happened to the comment that I made earlier. Anyway, this is not 100, 200 or 300 & plus years ago. The level of purity and perfection of the tzadikim and rabbonim of then is not now. Even with the wisest, holiest and righteous of our Rabbonim today, we have to understand that they personally do not get involved in any of the issues of today and rely mostly on what we call askanim who relay the news and advise them and being they are somehow trusted by the Rabbis, the rabbis go along with most of what they say. These askanim are many times not that trustworthy in many things so the rabbonim should be extremely careful when it comes to lifesaving situations such as taking or not taking the vaccine. The safest and smartest move for any of the Rabbis would be to just say that as they really have no idea as to how it can affect the human being, they cannot say yes or no, but need to learn more about it. But, I definitely believe that the klal has to get more informed on their own and learn the downside of such a serious matter. This particular vaccine is not like the previous ones and can be detrimental, especially to the women. This vaccine changes the 'DNA' of the person and the future generations. Common sense is what everyone has to go back to; there's been too much reliance on man and authority, rather than common sense and total trust in H'. Yossi

  17. To Anon @ 10:19 pm; What and whom are you referring to in your comment. No one is condemning any particular person; this is a serious matter and we, the Jewish people, must only rely upon H' and use our common sense. Relying on man when it comes to your own safety and those of your loved ones is not something you just give away. There is now the resurgence of the same group of people that brought upon the world, WWII, but now using different means to accomplish the same goals, r'l. Start reading and learning what's really happening now. H' gave us sechel to use!

  18. Saying listen to the doctors as if they all agree is a silly as saying listen to the gadolim as if they all agree. But this is what they say about everything. Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, tells us, “There has never been a vaccine like this. It is an RNA vaccine. It is what’s called trans-infection. It will fundamentally change people’s DNA.” DNA is a self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. The vaccine contains non-human DNA made from animals like monkeys and pigs as well as aborted fetal cells. It also contains nanoparticles that will function like little robots to take biometric readings of a person’s body and store data on heart and breathing rate, drugs one is taking, and sexual activity among other things. The plan is to store this information on a data cloud. Dr. Northrup is a board-certified OB/GYN physician who graduated from Dartmouth Medical School and completed her residency at Tufts New England Medical Center in Boston. Both schools are ranked in the top 50 in the USA.

  19. Ms.H, re: "shomer psayim" also have you considered regarding the matter of "some rabbonim saying do this, and others saying do that", everyone's becoming so confused - that the following is also applicable:

    "Ein simcha k'hatarat ha'sfekot"

  20. Dvash, had you entered the legal field, you'd probably run circles around everyone on a par with Coney Barrett :-)

  21. This article is a tongue-in-cheek analysis of the entire 2020 fiasco: "https://habayitah.blogspot.com/2020/12/2020-year-we-sold-our-liberties-for.html” So many truths in in an entertaining article.

    We need to remember that all doctors go thru medical school and are taught the same curriculum. So most are brainwashed. It is rare to find an orthodox doctor, or any doctor, whose ethics are not compromised by the system and the grande farma. We have seen how parents have been misled about vaccines because the dr HAS TO FOLLOW THE EDICTS of the system. Even if they want to advise otherwise, they might have their license revoked. There are good and caring medical professionals now suffering and battling to save their profession.

    We are in pre messianic days and the world is very corrupted. So one must research, and think hard and try to do what’s best. We still do not know FOR SURE what this V will do to the human organisms. The frenzy accompanied with this is a clear suspect sign.

    I really feel for those struggling with this dilemma.
