17 December 2019


19 Kislev 5780

There is no excuse for Israelis making their "home" in the cesspool of the nations.  She got off lightly.  It's still not Paris.


  1. I think most young Israelis who go to America want to make money, they don't make yerida because of the security situation (which nowadays is better in Israel than the US with all the crime, shootings and antisemitism happening there). Of course they are secular and not very patriotic. Not that there's no modest jobs in Israel anyway. Without a degree and my poor Hebrew I got a cleaning job as soon as I came to Jerusalem, enough to pay an expensive rent for myself, food, maaser and other expensives. It's all about greed and materialism. Most Israelis are too arrogant to work in simple jobs or unrelated to high-tech. In cleaning you have only Arabs and Ethiopians. But if they are willing to work at a restaurant in America, then what's the point of going to shmutz lahaaretz? I don't get it. In any case, I hope they come back without having to experience hostility or problems.

    1. Remember a couple of weeks ago the incident with two Israeli girls being robbed of their brand-new Apple phones int he NY subway? One of them was severely injured in the face.

      These face injuries are a specific message. Any ideas? Think about it.

  2. I am with you 100% that ALL Jews must live in Israel. Having stated that...how then do you explain the following news item. It seems that it happens in Israel too!

    Also injuries in the face!

    1. I agree that it's assur to leave Eretz Israel for nonsense, but you have to remember those Israelis are NOT religious. They couldnt care less what the halacha says. Also I think every Jew should live in Israel regardless of antisemitism abroad, unless there's a famine here or something like that. I even think Jews should live in Israel regardless of the Torah. This is our land and the place where we can defend ourselves much better. But it's not correct to pretend we are prophets and assume other Jews got certain punishment based on our personal bias. It's also cruel, foolish and dangerous. We shouldn't judge other Jews unless we are tzadikim gmurim ourselves, which I doubt very much. Sometimes the suffering comes from something we did in our previous life. There's no way to know for sure. In any case, we have to pray to Hashem that every Jew be safe no matter where.

    2. Unknown, I don't understand your response at all. It has almost nothing to do with anything I have said.

      "... it's not correct to pretend we are prophets and assume other Jews got certain punishment based on our personal bias. It's also cruel, foolish and dangerous. We shouldn't judge other Jews unless we are tzadikim gmurim ourselves, ...."

      Where does this fit into anything I said?

    3. "These face injuries are a specific message. Any ideas? Think about it."

      Are we supposed to start thinking about the kind of sins those female victims did with their faces? And how is that improving the situation?

    4. WOW! Nothing could have been further from my mind! As you pointed out and I agreed, the male victims also had facial injuries. I asked "Any ideas? Think about it." because I have no idea, but I know that it is important and that there is a message there if we can discern it. I guess I am going to have to restrict discussions like this to a private space and only with people who know me. I often give too much credit to the public at large.

  3. With regards to these evil anti-Jews attacking Jews in the face, all I can think of is tzelem elokim. A person's identity is primarily in their face. Maybe it is a sign of the depth of their hatred that they go for the face, to erase their identity as Jews or that the Jew represents God in the world and to erase the Jew is to erase God? I don't know. I only know it is something along those lines and it is a message to us - not, God forbid some symbol of sin and judgment - God forbid!! HKB"H sends us messages for our ultimate good!!!

  4. Then you have shocking Antisemitism Reaction to the New Jersey Kosher Market Shooting

  5. re: the face.... I had to go and search but here it is:

    1. Thank you. That's probably where I got it from. :-)

  6. The police are not yet letting the perpetrators go free.
