"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

31 July 2018

Language Hijackers

20 Menachem Av 5778

Common, ordinary language which has served us all our lives until now, has been hijacked as a tool for reinventing the world order. Everything is being redefined without any connection to reality. We are now forbidden to use pronouns. A "family" can be any group combination that wants to define itself as such and can even consist of people who bear no blood relation to each other at all in today's world. We used to know what it meant if someone called themselves religious or Orthodox. How can we hope to accomplish anything through public discourse if the language is so fluid? What it means today may not be what it means tomorrow.

Ordained Orthodox woman to open synagogue in Philadelphia


  1. Think "George Orwell's 1984", but far worse. Hashem is giving the Jews one last wake up call to do Teshuvah and make Aliyah. If you think the British Jews have a hard time with Jeremy Corbyn, just think about the assimilation in America.The British Jews have it in their faces and in America everyone is just sleep walking to...

    1. Thank you for your second comment, Yakov. I saw that last night and made it up into a blog post to go up today. Getting ready to publish it right now.

    2. Thanks, My wife did a Cartoon about this "Pride Parade" and used your text on the locations and times for the Jewish people to speak up. Also the results of the "Gay lifestyle" since I was in San Francisco until 1984.http://jerusalemcats.com/jerusalem-is-not-san-francisco/

    3. Wow, Yakov! That's a very powerful image. Click HERE to see it.

  2. Christian missionaries who specialize in targeting Jews use a similar tactic; they strive to redefine Hebrew words with false Christian meanings, and they also inject false Christian meanings into traditional Jewish rituals.

    This helps to create a toxic psychological environment where everything seems to point to the founder of their religion.

    Rambam Refutes Reform Judaism:


    Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:


  3. Orthodox no longer has any meaning. The term has been hijacked to define anything and everything, so it means absolutely nothing at this point.

    How about the term:

    Torah Shebal Peh, Torah Sheb Ksav Jews.

    Or TSP-TSK Jews for short. :)

    Hopefully the kooks cant easily hijack that term...

    Anything to seperate normal Jews from the erev Rav legions of freaks and wierdos is good.

  4. Anon @6:54 am and Anon 5:12 pm: You are both absolutely right. We are now living in Bizzaro world!

  5. Replies
    1. The disaster link didn't work.

    2. Woops! Let's try that again.


    3. I am afriad the Borei Olam will send pogroms to the United States to force the Orthodox kehillas to remain faithful to Halacha. Since american assimilation has gotten so bad that even parts of certain kehillot are sliding off the Torah path, Hashem may use strong means to correct the community. Hopefully that does not happen but I dont see how it wont happen massive communal tshuvah.

  6. Aye. Many terms have been changed to fit less than reputable means. So which is right?

    1. You'll have to be more specific. I don't understand your question.
