23 July 2018

Could the Message Be Any Clearer?

11 Menachem Av 5778

Ancient boulder dislodges from Western Wall, crashes onto egalitarian plaza


  1. This is certainly something out of the ordinary
    On one hand, the structure is very old and slippery and on the other, /even the walls holiness can smite our enemies so let us make way for the new temple

  2. On the one hand this is a clear siman Hashem is not pleased with the mixed prayer space. On the other hand, the reform and conservative are never there anyway so no one got hurt...

  3. Love it. Just beautiful, but Yaakov is right, they, of course, will dismiss it, because they don't even believe in H'.

    1. But the people who do believe in HKB"H got the message. See here.

      The deeper message, coming as it did right after Tisha b'Av when we all mourned our sorry state, is that Hashem has taken notice of it and will not hold back judgment much longer. Prepare to see bigger things than this in the near future.

  4. This event looks absolutely like a Divine Hint to the penalty of STONING, clearly prescribed by the Torah for some very proud folks ... By the way, another amazing "coincident" which happened exactly on the days of the Fast of 9.Av, the Kinnereth Earthquake, also Hints to the penalty of STONING, as the victims of an earthquake would be killed by falling stones ... All these interpretations are as clear as a sunny day! The only question is, if the both Chief Rabbis, who are participating right now in the emergency discussion of this falling-stone event ( http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/424997 ) , are allowed by their employers and puppet-masters to even think about such interpretations, or they are rather in the same cushy camp as another kipa-wearng and abominations-supporting Judge boy called Avihai ( http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/249398 ).

  5. I want to thank Devash and Jack, too for all his incredibly encouraging comments.

  6. On Facebook, they are already slamming everyone who states the obvious, saying that we are "judging" our fellow Jews and telling us that our "sinas chinam" is holding up the Geula. I just can't take it anymore.

    1. Watch for my next blog post. It's just one picture, but you know what they say...

    2. I guess I'd better check my comments again - I expect to get it big-time. I posted late Monday, but here it is anyway: A Special Case for Derekh Eretz This Tisha b'Av

      That's a typical tactic those people use, to throw the Derekh Eretz argument in our faces. But they forget, conveniently or not, that they are the prior, and bigger, violators.

  7. This has not a thing to do with chalila "Sinas Chinam", actually it is Sinas Chinam, baseless hatred not to rebuke each other if the need arises. This is H's World and He DOES NOT ALLOW certain behavior. We have a Mitzva to love everybody - part of true love is to call out a wrong. Everybody will be helped yet Aveiros are Aveiros. No one should be tested and we should all merit to live happy, healthy wholesome lives as the Torah teaches us to live.

  8. Everybody has to make sure that they are keeping Mitzvos properly. The reaction should be with sadness; not glee. What will be beautiful will be the Geula Shleima which will hopefully happen immediately.

    1. I don't see anyone reacting with "glee," but it's normal to get excited when you're caught in a trap and you hear signs of possible rescue coming. It's also a mitzvah to rejoice over the downfall of our enemies and to celebrate the eradication of evil from God's world.

      That subject has been dealt with HERE.

  9. It's only a sign for those who accept it as such. Those who get the message are those for whom the message is intended.

  10. Why SHOULDN'T we be outraged by public display of sin?

    Hashem clearly states what is NOT allowed for human behavior.

    The toevah community has opening chosen a lifestyle in opposition to Torah regardless of how nice they may be as individuals.

    Our holy Torah forbids toevah for spiritual reasons many of which would terrify the toevah community if they only knew what they were doing to their neshamah.

    Furthermore, If anyone is serious about the effect of toevah behaviour on society, they should research how EVERY great empire fell. Toevah bevaviour was ALWAYS part of the downfall. Egypt, Greece, Rome and on through history INCLUDING THE UNITED STATES CURRENTLY. Then that person should research the academic research how detrimental psychologically and physically toevah lifestyle is.

    These people are sick spiritually, mentally and physically.

    No one calls for violence. But public outrage? ABSOLUTELY.
