02 August 2016

Another Sign That Western Civilization Is Crumbling

27 Tamuz 5776

The 2016 Olympic Games are set to begin in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from Rosh Chodesh Av (Aug 5th) until after Shabbat Nachamu (Aug. 21st). Yes, that means the Israeli Jews who participate will be doing so thoughout the 9 Days of Av and the fast itself. But, hey! Giving up on Judaism is a small price to pay for being counted as one with the gentile nations of the world, no?

"The modern Olympic Games were founded in 1894 when Pierre de Coubertin sought to promote international understanding through sporting competition."

It's purely a Western invention.

"...The 1896 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the I Olympiad, was an international multi-sport event which was celebrated in Athens, Greece, from 6 to 15 April 1896. It was the first Olympic Games held in the Modern era. About 100,000 people attended for the opening of the games. The athletes came from 14 different nations, with most coming from Greece. Although that Greece had the most athletes, the U.S. finished with the most champions. 11 Americans placed first in their events vs. the 10 from Greece. Ancient Greece was the birthplace of the Olympic Games, consequently Athens was perceived to be an appropriate choice to stage the inaugural modern Games."  (Source)

From such noble beginnings, look what it has come to...

Welcome To Rio: Olympic Village Catches Fire, Athletes Robbed, & Water "Teeming With Dangerous Viruses"

As the Olympic Games are set to get underway in Rio de Janeiro, the host country is experiencing a couple of "minor glitches." Already reports have come in of gas leaks in athlete rooms (rooms which the Australians have labeled "uninhabitable"), athletes being robbed, a collapse of the main boat ramp intended for use in sailing competitions and a minor problem with water quality which an AP study found to be "contaminated with raw human sewage teeming with dangerous viruses and bacteria."

On the water issue, The Associated Press commissioned a 16-month study on the waterways of Rio which revealed consistent and dangerously high levels of viruses from pollution and untreated human sewage. In fact, the AP's tests revealed that Copacabana Beach, where the marathon and triathlon swimming are to be held and thousands of tourists are likely to take a dip, exceeded California's limit for fecal coliforms (aka poop) by 5x over 13 months of testing. In addition, tests found that infectious adenovirus readings turned up at nearly 90 percent of the test sites over 16 months of testing. Dr. Valerie Harwood, Chair of the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida, reflected on the test results:

"That's a very, very, very high percentage. Seeing that level of human pathogenic virus is pretty much unheard of in surface waters in the U.S. You would never, ever see these levels because we treat our waste water. You just would not see this."
When asked what athletes could do to protect themselves from illness at the games, Dr. Harwood responded very simply:

"Don't put your head under water."

As if reports of raw sewage in the water wasn't enough for Olympic sailors, the main ramp of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics sailing venue partially collapsed Saturday, a little over a week before it is to be used for competition. The Rio 2016 Committee said the ramp will need to "undergo repairs" while members of sailing delegations said the structure was destroyed and would have to be completely redone.

Meanwhile, back at the Olympic village, Australian athletes described rooms as "uninhabitable" after reports surfaced of a gas leaks and exposed wiring. If that weren't bad enough, a fire started by an employee in one of the buildings was apparently used as cover to rob some Australian athletes of their team shirts and a laptop.

Well, at least everyone will be safe, right? Apparently, not so much. According to sources, Brazil is being forced to bring in 3,000 national guard members to assist with security at the games after a security company’s last-minute admission that it failed to hire enough workers to man gates and operate X-ray machines. Artel Recursos Humanos, a small company which won the $5mm security contract for the games in spite of no previous experience with security contracts (hmmmm), apparently only managed to hire 500 employees instead of the 3,400 guaranteed under the contract.

Notice, they don't even include the most talked-about threat to the Olympic visitors - exposure to the Zika virus - and its spread to every participating country.

It's a microcosm of the global condition. And no one can say they didn't know.


  1. Well...
    It's one way of alienating the entire world population in one fell swoop, people getting the Zika virus, falling off defective ramps while treading water so that their heads don't submerge, and clambering on top of one another. And please don't drink the water so that you don't become an incubus of infectious diseases to carry home to the Mother Country, sounds like fun...can any one go? I know a few people in .... I'd love to send complementary tickets to. Aw what the heck, just lets splurge and send the whole lot! AN

  2. Millions and millions spent in Brasil for the Olympics but no thought of Brazilians who don't have. Nothing civilized about that.

  3. Dear Devorah Chaya, Please have a look at this: "The cursed Olympics? Freak 15-foot waves flood TV broadcasting building on Rio’s Copacabana Beach sparking fears it could collapse into the sea" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3719396/The-cursed-Olympics-Freak-15-foot-waves-flood-TV-broadcasting-building-Rio-s-Copacabana-Beach-sparking-fears-collapse-sea.html

  4. now that is nothing you see every day...
    oh wait, it is never mind.

  5. The planners of the only pics consulted with Jewish calendar to maximize the damage to Jews who participate. That is why gedolim do not try out for olympics

  6. A physical manifestation of the spiritual ruin the world is in. The facade is removed and reality is revealed. G-d forbid any Jew should participate in these games! I don't even want to articulate what potential danger awaits them.

  7. What is Israel doing in even participating in the Olympics, the personification of the antithesis of Torah and what our Maccabbees fought against over 2500 years ago?
    Moshiach is very close - so many indicators.


  8. And it's not just Israelis either.

    7 Jewish American Olympians to watch in Rio


  9. You are not going to believe this, but ...Satanic Temple seeks to open 'After School Satan' clubs in elementary schools
    http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/08/02/satanic-temple-seeks-to-open-after-school-satan-clubs-in-elementary-schools.html AN

  10. no humanity but the games most go on..the madness.

  11. "Notice, they don't even include the most talked-about threat to the Olympic visitors - exposure to the Zika virus - and its spread to every participating country."

    Don't believe everything you read in mainstream media. The Zika virus is a hoax that is being played out by the corrupt CDC and the Obama administration to "funnel billions of dollars into the hands of vaccine corporations while ignoring the real cause of microcephaly." http://www.naturalnews.com/054248_Zika_virus_medical_hoax_vaccine_industry.html

    So what is the real cause of the Zika virus? Doctors in South America are saying that there is NO reliable scientific evidence linking the Zika virus and microcephaly. The real culprit is exposure to toxic insecticides and larvicide chemicals put in the drinking water of unsuspecting low-income Brazilian people. These chemicals are produced by our 'friend' Monsanto.

    Don't believe the CDC who is fabricating this false narrative. The CDC is a criminal organization tied to Big Pharma.

