"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

18 January 2015

"The Loyalty Phenomenon" Indeed

27 Tevet 5775

Reposting from December 2008...

And Meanwhile, the War Continues

"Before the arrival of Moshiach, most of the rabbis will be from the Erev Rav,..."

"In the holy book Toldot Yakov Joseph (Parshat Nasso) written by Rav Yaakov Joseph of Polnoye, of blessed memory, says that now in the years of the coming of Mashiach the evil inclination concentrates on the leaders and Rabbis and not on each individual, because if the leaders fall into the net of the evil inclination thereby straying from the right path, then they will bring down with them the masses that follow those leaders.

How convenient for the Erev Rav that by assuming leadership, they've placed themselves above question and above reproach. Should anyone dare to question a 'holy' rabbi, he will immediately be silenced by being struck with one of three stout sticks:

1. The "lashon hara" stick - evil speech/gossip
2. The "sinat chinam" stick - baseless hatred
3. The "achdut" stick - unity of the Jewish people

As the Erev Rav rabbi wields the stick, his faithful followers call out the blows in absolute agreement. And Truth is trampled in the dust by those stampeding to redeem the honor of The Rabbi.

I was taught that a rabbi is not in and of himself worthy of any special honor. It is the Torah that he embodies through his years of learning which earns him his kavod. It is the honor of Torah which we lavish upon our rabbis, not the men themselves, G-d forbid. One Jew is superior to another only by virtue of his learning.

I was also taught that since true smicha was lost, the title of "rabbi" is a courtesy only. No one today can command by the authority of Moshe Rabbeinu. This kind of authority is conferred by agreement of the people who choose to accept it upon themselves. It has not been passed down from Sinai.

Answer to Stick #1: The Chofetz Chaim's codification of the laws of lashon hara specifically detail in what situations and under what circumstances it is allowed, and even required to speak lashon hara.

Interestingly, we find in Tanakh, Yirmiyahu, chapter 40-41, where the failure to listen to 'lashon hara' resulted in the end of Jewish life in Judea in the wake of the Babylonian exile.

Answer to Stick #2: The term "baseless hatred" consists of two words. Hatred we know, but what don't we understand about the word "baseless?" It means without any good reason. There are many examples of Jews separating from fellow Jews based on clothing style. That is "baseless" hatred.

King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived and son of King David whom Hashem called "a man after my own heart" said this about "hate:"

Koheleth 3:8 --- "[There is] A time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace."

From Tehillim ---

(5:5) "...You hate all workers of iniquity."
(11:5) "His [Hashem's] soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence."
(26:5) "... I [David] hated the congregation of the evildoers,...."
(31:7) "I [David] hated those who await worthless vanities,...."
(45:8) "You loved righteousness and you hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, anointed you with oil of joy from among your peers."
(97:10) " You who love the Lord, hate evil; ...."
(119:104) "From Your precepts I shall gain understanding; therefore, I hate all ways of falsehood."
(119:113) " I hate those who harbor iniquitous thoughts, but Your Torah I love."
(139:21-22) "Did I not hate Your enemies, O Lord? With those who rise up against You, I quarrel. hate them with utmost hatred; they have become my enemies."

Answer to stick #3: What brotherhood do we have with those who willfully rebel and ally themselves with our enemies? What unity does righteousness have with unrighteousness? What common cause can Truth find amidst lies and deception?


The main aspect of the sin of Adam ha Rishon was that he wanted to bring close to him all the admixture of Chametz, the Erev rav and the 70 nations and this was also the sin of Moshe Rabbeinu when he took with him the Erev Rav, and they made things worse when they made the Golden Calf. And we are still in exile, for the redeemer will not come until we will purify and separate ourselves from them. And this was also the sin of King Shlomo when he received converts. (Sefer ha Likuttim Tehillim )


In the end, when and as long as the Erev Rav are mixed within Israel, there is no proximity and union in the letters of YUD KE VAV KE. And immediately when they will be erased from the world it is said regarding the letters of Ha Kaddosh Baruch Hu (YUD KE VAV KE) (Zecharia 14) “On that day YUD KE VAV KE will be one as His name one”. And because of this ADAM who is indeed ISRAEL they have union with the Torah which is a Tree of life to those who hold fast by it… (Zohar ha Kaddosh I 27b)

It requires a zealot, someone whose love for HKB"H and His honor outweighs any fear of punishment or retribution, to take on the battle with the Erev Rav. Threats are useless against such a person.


  1. Great points, Devash.

    Along those lines, it goes without saying that a "rabbi" who protects sex offenders or treats his wife poorly or speaks lashon hara -- always "l'toeles," of course (particularly denigrating a wife to her husband), holds prejudices or condescending attitudes toward entire groups of kosher Jews, or does anything else that is against basic halacha is sending a big warning signal.

    In my personal experience, not answering direct questions is a big giveaway, especially when the asker is asking for/trying to clarify a psak.
    Also, trying to imitate famous Gedolim examples, but doing so inappropriately or stridently (because they aren't trying to emulate or internalize acts of spiritual greatness, but merely trying to act the part).

    If getting specific helps, Rivka Levy wrote a list of what to look for in two articles:
    How to Find a "Real" Rabbi

    How to Spot a Fake Rabbi

  2. Devash, who was the teacher who taught you these things? I want to go and learn from him.

    This makes more sense and will indeed encourage the truth and righteousness that should be the basis for Jewish unity.

  3. CDG - It wasn't any one person. It comes from many sources over almost twenty years - both books and shiurim. But, I can tell you that if you read Rabbi Kahane's Ohr HaRa'ayon and the Ramchal's Derech Hashem, you will have laid an excellent foundation for Jewish learning.

  4. CDG - See also The Modern Erev Rav. I can't emphasize enough the importance of this work.

  5. I have The Modern Erev Rav and Derech HaShem, but not Rav Kahane's book. Which Rav Kahane is this, Meir or Nachman? Or Benyamin?

    I also have some years of books and shiurim. I imagine you also have a lot of derech eretz and "common" sense. ;)

  6. Also, Devash, would you kindly comment about Emunath Chochamim as a stick? Isn't that supposed to be belief in the rabbis of old, as in the Talmud times and the Sanhedrin? A lot of rabbis today seem to apply it to themselves today, and it reminds me all too much of the Xian pastors who practice shepherding, which I experienced in the distant past. The last time you posted this article, someone commented about it.

    Many thanks.

  7. CDG - Ohr HaRa'ayon, Vol I and II in English by Rabbi Meir Kahane. On Emunath Chochamim, I'd have to think about it.

  8. At long last, this important post is out there for all to see. For years, I understood exactly those three points you made above about Adam, Moshe and Shlomo. It makes no sense about Adam, as you write, uniting the admixture of the nations and erev rav. 2) That Moshe allowed the erev rav to tag along with the bnai Yisrael, causing us over 3000 years of tzarot. Shlomo bringing in all the foreign women, even with all his wisdom; this was a gargantuan mistake. The only answer is that is how history had to play itself out; things which we cannot fully comprehend because only H' can.

  9. Absolutely, Anonymous. I wish I could remember where I learned this, but what I learned was that once a thing had happened, you must assume that was the way it was supposed to be all along, as you say, for reasons only Hashem knows. We can learn lessons from it, but we can't wallow in regrets over it.
