13 February 2022

War at Purim? Mashiach at Pesach?

12 Adar Aleph 5782 
Shavua tov!

Just in time for Purim/Shushan Purim Katan!

IRAN is Russia's secret weapon.  No way they won't be a part (a major part) of what is very likely to turn into WW3!  And this timing is a sign of it.  Time to top up the war chests.



  1. Interesting that the chofetz Chaim had said ww3 will start 70 yrs after WW2 and Russia took Crimea in 2015 70 yrs after 1945 . The current war will be a continuation of the annexing of Crimea may we very very soon merit to witness the coming of Eliyahu hanavi to prepare us for the coming of Moshiach.
    In the sefer Ohev Israel from the Apter Rav it says that באחרית הימים the nations will try with all their power to prevent war, but ה יתברך will force them into war !

  2. War at Shushan Purim ? Mashiah at Purim? :)
