10 Kislev 5782
Eisav where he does not belong, profaning the holiest spot on earth and covering the world with his darkness.
The following should speak for itself, but if you don't get it, all I can tell you is you have no concept of kedushah or the meaning of Jerusalem, her uniqueness, her beauty and her light.
Where once she was modest and regal on her throne, now, she has been enslaved and painted like a harlot, for sale to the highest bidders.
God, help us and save Yerushalayim - the place You have chosen for Yourself!
(Think of this when you anticipate kindling the Hanukkah lights...)
(For a full list of the speakers, see HERE.)
Some things you should know about Tony Blair...
- He went from being the PM of the UK to being "Peace Envoy" to the Middle East on behalf of The Quartet, a position he left in 2015. (Source)
- As soon as he had stepped down from being Prime Minister, he began a process of conversion to Catholicism, saying, "There was something, not just about the doctrine of the church, but of the universal nature of the Catholic church." He also reportedly said, "In seeking this path of truth, lit by God's love and paved by God's grace, the church can be the insistent spiritual voice that makes globalisation our servant, not our master."
- At a press conference in Rimini, Italy, he proclaimed, "I am and remain a Christian, seeking salvation through our Lord, Jesus Christ." (Source)
- He runs the Tony Blair Faith Foundation and the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: "...one of its goals is to 'counter extremism in all six leading religions' (i.e., according to the Foundation, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism)." (Source)
- Tony Blair "played a key role in brokering the Abraham Accords." (Source)
[Garry] Kasparov is currently chairman of the Human Rights Foundation and chairs its International Council. In 2017, he founded the Renew Democracy Initiative (RDI), an American political organization promoting and defending liberal democracy in the U.S. and abroad. He also serves as chairman of the group. Kasparov currently lives in New York City.His father, Kim Moiseyevich Weinstein, was Jewish, and his mother, Klara Shagenovna Gasparian, was Armenian. Kasparov has described himself as a "self-appointed Christian", although "very indifferent" and identifies as Russian: "although I'm half-Armenian, half-Jewish, I consider myself Russian because Russian is my native tongue, and I grew up with Russian culture." (Source)
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This is all about the complete assimilation of Israel into the Family of Nations. Just one among many, not One unique and set apart. 😢 Another part of the War Against God.
BONUS: Israel is on the roster of the CFR's Council of Councils.
We should really realize that this is the new way for destroying; it's in a way like the destruction of the two Batei Mikdash. We have the same enemies, different avodah zorahs and different costumes, but the same reshaim with the same goals. Of course, it won't help them. Jews have to wake up and realize that they have no one to rely and depend on except for our Father in Heaven, the G-D of Creation, our G-D, HASHEM! We know the end of the story!
ReplyDeleteJerusalem belongs to Hashem and His children, Yisrael and there is nothing or no one that can change that fact.
Sooner than we think, k'heref Ayin, these reshaim will be gone forever, and Yerushalayim was, is and will be ours forever!
In this week's sedra, Vayishlach, Esau comes towards Yaakov with 400 men to wage war. Later on he wants to travel with Yaakov as 'friends'. In this era he tried to annihilate us; now he wants to destroy us with his
Eli B.