03 November 2021

Billions Are Already At Risk

28 Marcheshvan 5782

Nanomedicine – What are the risks?
March 1, 2016

There are many arguments against nanomedicine due to the issue of toxicity. Elements at a microscopic level have different properties than they have at their standard conditions and every nano particle is completely unique so they each have different properties. These leads to the possibility of the nanoparticles having a serious effect on our health. Also if nano robots were used then serious issues can arise if there was a glitch in the programming and the nanoparticles had negative effects on us. These scenarios can only be resolved through thorough testing.

Financial costs are another disadvantage to nanomedicine. At first, the treatment will be too expensive to the average person so this leads to the thought that should we reform the health system before we start investing millions of pounds in nanomedicine rather than in gaining better access to medicine in LEDCs.

Furthermore, nanomedicine can be used for other purposes rather than helping people which is the main aim of the work in this field. Such technology can be used by the military for surveillance on people. Also if anyone one could have to this technology, then they could use it to enhance themselves which could raise more ethical questions.

The points above show that there are many questions that need to be answered before this technology is put to use. (Source) 
The nano-particle-delivered mRNA vaccines have now initiated billions of people worldwide into the next phase of "human evolution."  From nano-tracked drug administration to the technology which is intended to merge man and machine, this is not the basis for restoring health and extending life, but for absolute control and subjugation. And whoever gets hurt along the way - it's all just necessary collateral damage.


  1. Video unavailable


  2. Every day we learn of new things that most people, including myself, never heard which proves the evil doers have no limits to their evil because their war is against G-D, because they think they are new gods (unbelievable craziness). Anyway, all this will be gone when Hashem intervenes openly and destroys all their evil plans and all evil from the world. Amen!
    There will be no need for medicines because G=D Alone will be our Healer! Sickness will not exist.
