06 May 2021


24 Iyyar 5781
39 Days of the Omer 

יהונתן פולארד סופד ליהודה גואטה הי"ד

AMEN, Yehonatan!!  And may all the korbanot, taken in order to arouse Klal Yisrael to teshuvah before that great and awesome day, merit to return to life speedily at techiyat hameitim and enjoy all the Days of Mashiach.

~ ~ ~

Most of the people who read here know that we are in a birrur process which was prophesied to occur before the coming of Mashiach.  By its very definition, it is a clarifying process which through various tests that Hashem puts us through, makes it clear who is 100% with Hashem and His Torah and who is not.  Does that mean we have to be 100% perfect in all that we are doing?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  It means that we have to have 100% faith and trust in HKB"H with no doubts whatsoever!  We have to believe 100% that ayn od milevado! 

If you put your faith in HKB"H, but add something more alongside Him, like the protection of a vaccine, or the Israeli army, or the help of Christians, or the support and approval of other nations, this is NOT 100% faith and trust in HKB"H and whether you can admit it or not, it is a form of idolatry.  This needing something alongside Hashem was the basis for making the Golden Calf.

The birrur by its nature makes a division between those who are on the right side and those who are on the wrong side.  You have to look at it through the lens of "Mi l'Hashem elai!"   This was Moshe Rabbeinu's call to the nation to separate out those who opposed the Golden Calf from those who were for it.  Mattityahu HaChashmonai made the same call to his family and neighbors and from there to the whole nation when he called upon them to make their choice - they could be a Jew or they could be a Greek, but there was no such thing as mixing the two together as Hellenism demanded.

Here we are again with the nations who would dominate us urging us to deny our Torah and mitzvot in order to come closer to them and be counted among the family of nations, rather than being set apart as Hashem's special chosen people - set apart to serve Him and set an example for the rest of humanity.  Instead of them asking us to show them the way to reach our elevated state, they demand that we lower ourselves to their level in order that we all become one - one in rebellion against the Creator of All, G-d forbid!

It's a death trap prepared for us by the Angel of Death himself.  I'm just here to beg you not to fall into that trap!!  ANYTHING (or anyone) that calls upon Jews to join together with gentiles - for ANY reason - means to keep you on the wrong side of that call that echoes down through all the generations - Mi l'Hashem elai!"

Now, I'm not talking about anyone's Olam Haba - that's a judgment only Hashem can make.  But, it's already been established that those who are not 100% with HKB"H will not survive the birrur for who will merit to remain with Mashiach when nearly the whole world will be destroyed.

"Mi l'Hashem elai!"  It has always been the minority who responded favorably to this call, never the majority.  There has always been this division between those who were for Hashem and those who were for themselves.  This is why Avraham Avinu found himself on one side - the Ivri - and the entire rest of the world was on the other side.  But the joy of it is that he was not alone.  He was with HKB"H - 100%!!


  1. I just want Him! And He has everything what we need, EVERYTHING! Yes, I'm not perfect and He knows it, but it doesn't matter. By just wanting only Him we glue ourselves to Him!
    Thank you.

  2. To want only Hashem, NOTHING MORE, it's a short cut to redemption, that's what I feel. No, I actually know it.

  3. The Chessed LeAvraham writes that the intensification of Israel’s oppression constitutes a wonderful process of purification in preparation for the redemption:

    Israel’s troubles will become as grave as can be, and they will suffer intense pain. They will say, of the mountains, “They have covered us,” and of the hills, “They have fallen upon us,” because of the tremendous troubles that will surround them on all sides. The reason for this is that the Divine presence will judge its household, and G-d will bring them back to the established covenant so as to purify them for the redemption and for the goodness promised to us by His prophets.

    The Chessed LeAvraham goes on to say:

    All those who are stubborn and do not repent will perish. But anyone who bears the yoke of repentance and accepts the troubles without complaint, putting his shoulder to the task, will be purified and become worthy. The Holy One, blessed is He, is an honest and perfectly just Judge, and there is no injustice. Therefore, He will refine the person time and time again until he is pure and clean silver. This process will be carried out by the strictest standards of judgment. In those days, one nation will pulverize another. Israel will be among them in great suffering. Each nation will want to shear this sheep [the Jewish people] and eat its meat. But the Holy One, blessed is He, will have mercy
    on G-d’s people through the merit of the there holy Patriarchs, and they will become purified and cleansed as a result of these troubles and this judgment.
    (The Ishmaelite Exile, Rabbi Yechiel Weitzman)


    2. And Samuel said, "Has the Lord (as much) desire in burnt offerings and peace-offerings, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than a peace-offering; to hearken (is better) than the fat of rams.

    Hashem demands obedience. Obedience to the Torah is the trait of fear of Hashem.

    23. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim. Since you rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you from being a king."

    Redak explains the parallel between rebellion and divination, thus. Just as one who divines, commits a grave sin because he removes his trust from the Almighty and seeks other sources to determine his future, so, one who rebels against the L-rd’s command, removes his belief in the L-rd’s power to reward and punish. Similarly, just as an idolator denies the L-rd’s rule over the Universe, so, one who is stubborn and disobedient also denies G-d’s authority.

    24. And Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned, for I transgressed the Lord's command, and your words, for I feared the people, and I hearkened to their voice."

  4. Here is another invention meant to improve of what God made. They have no idea of the long-term consequences or unforeseen impacts. They have 100% trust in man but no trust in Hashem.

    More Playing God

  5. "Here we are again with the nations who would dominate us urging us to deny our Torah and mitzvot in order to come closer to them and be counted among the family of nations, rather than being set apart as Hashem's special chosen people - set apart to serve Him and set an example for the rest of humanity. Instead of them asking us to show them the way to reach our elevated state, they demand that we lower ourselves to their level in order that we all become one - one in rebellion against the Creator of All, G-d forbid!"

    ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. This is the Time that Am Yisrael needs REAL LEADERS (not Erev Rav Power Holders) to COMMAND the Nations that they: 1. MUST Believe in The God Of Israel. 2. MUST Commit Themselves to Honoring and Observing His Noahide Covenant and Laws. 3. MUST Honor God's Land, Torah and People Covenants with His Chosen People Israel.

    No AND's, IF's or BUT's.

    ONE GOD of Israel
    ONE Torah of Israel
    ONE Land of Israel
    ONE People of Israel
    ONE Third and Final Temple of Israel
    ONE Monarchy of Israel
    ONE King of Israel
    ONE Sanhedrin of Israel
    ONE Priesthood of Israel
    ONE Prophethood of Israel
    ONE Council of Princes of Twelve Tribes of Israel
    ONE National Assembly (Biblical Am HaAretz) of Israel

    "Hear O Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is ONE"

  6. This is why kviat haratzon (determining your will) is so important. As you say, it's not about being perfect, but it is about fixing your goal or ideal in your heart and thoughts and prayers, even if you're not there yet. A person is led according to his desire (ratzon).

    Having said that, amongst the worst sins is to be machtee et harabim, leading the public astray, which we have to strenuously avoid. Promoting interfaith prayer is definitly being machtee et harabim. A Jew is not allowed to enter a church on account of it being a place of avoda zara for Jews. How much more so to join in prayer with someone who believes in shituf. Whoever does this may also be breaking the isur of mesit and mediach (inciter and enticer, I think) to avoda zara. These are not personal preferences but from the Torah.

    Conversely, everyone should try to be mezakeh et harabim, bringing merit to the public, supporting kosher rabbonim spread Torah etc.

  7. Speaking about Hellenism and the Hellenist "‘If your conscience is clear, there’s no reason to resign,’ says Israel’s public security minister"
    Read it on an empty stomach. https://www.janglo.net/item/JnxFqKg9jFv?utm_source=MadMimi&utm_medium=email&utm_content=JANGLO+NEWS%3A+Jonathan+Pollard+joins+security-forces+personnel+%7C+Iran%27s+supreme+Ayatollah+tweets+%22pray+for+me%22+%7C+Tel+Aviv+calls+on+Tourists+to+return&utm_campaign=20210506_m163124963_JANGLO+NEWS%3A+Jonathan+Pollard+joins+security-forces+personnel+%7C+Iran%27s+supreme+Ayatollah+tweets+%22pray+for+me%22+%7C+Tel+Aviv+calls+on+Tourists+to+return&utm_term=_E2_80_98If+your+conscience+is+clear_2C+there_E2_80_99s+no+reason+to+resign_2C_E2_80_99+says+Israel_

  8. Lately I've been having lucid dreams

    In my most recent dream, I was walking down the steps leading to the kotel

    I could see that the Beth hamikdash was being built

    I remember breaking down into tears

    I cried out: "Dear almighty God! Let this be real! This is ALL I want! All I have ever wanted!

  9. Jshalet - very soon it will no longer be just a dream.
