"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

16 May 2021


5 Sivan 5781
Erev Chag Shavuot 
49 Days of the Omer

Now, more than ever, Am Yisrael needs to rededicate itself to the marriage contract between us and Hashem - to keep the covenant faithfully in all its details.  Next year at the Beit HaMikdash!!


  1. BE"H!!!

    By the way, at the end of the Avinu Malkenu (which was recommended every day on account of the plandemic), I include the following:

    אבינו מלכנו, מחק את "הסדר העולם החדש" מהעולם

    Avinu Malkenu, m'hak et "haseder haolam hehadash" meha'olam!

    Our Father, Our King, erase the "new world order" from the world!

    Maybe I could (should) add: And replace it with Your world order!

    חג שמח!
    Hag sameah!


    ולהחליף אותו בסדר העולמי שלך

    u'lhahlich oto baseder ha'olam shelCha!

  2. Amen Hava! There will be a 'New World' but it will be Hashem's New World (Olam Habah) for His People and the Righteous; and all the replicas of the nachash will be gone.
