23 September 2019


24 Elul 5779

What is most interesting about the multitude of different religions in the world is that one of the things forbidden to gentiles is to start their own religion.  In the way of the Torah, if a gentile wants to practice a religion, he should convert and become a Jew.  Otherwise, he should be content to be a good person, and obey God's laws which apply to all mankind.

Unfortunately, once they did go and plow who-knows-how-many "paths" to God, now, THEY need to have "freedom of religion" in order to protect the rights of the only ones who serve God in Truth - Torah Jews.  At the same time, for the protection of those same Torah Jews, the ONLY Jewish Land - Eretz Yisrael - canNOT (continue to) allow freedom of religion.  It makes God mad when we do that!!

Hey guys!!  I have another Peace Proposal for you.  You've got the whole rest of the world to do what you want.  SO LEAVE US IN PEACE IN ISRAEL TO FULFILL THE DEMANDS OF OUR TORAH.

The Jewish vision of the future redeemed world, based on the teachings contained in the Tanakh, is one where only one religion is practiced and only the ONE God of Israel (not in 3 parts) will be worshiped.  In that world, there will no longer be any "freedom" to worship any other way.  But, no one alive then will want to anyway.

You know, they talk a big talk about guaranteeing freedom of religion, but only so far as they approve of it.  The minute your religious obligation violates their cultural value, like say, for instance, gender separation in Israel, they become very intolerant. The nature of religious obligation means, by its very nature, that it will necessitate conflict with some other religion's requirements at some point.  That's why there have been religious wars throughout history.

The Christian commandment to go throughout the world converting people to Christianity bumped up against the Muslim commandment to conquer the world in the name of Islam, and you know the result.  How can both of these religions have complete freedom of worship when world domination is part of their religious obligation?

Obviously, they can't.  The only way to have freedom of religion for all is to keep what all share in common and eliminate anything that differentiates between them.  However, even with that, it is Christianity which has set itself the task of being the arbiter of what to keep and what to get rid of.

This speech at the UN is a thinly-veiled American condemnation of Islam on behalf of a stymied Christianity with lip service to Jews because they don't see us as a threat.


  1. In short, the world will only allow Israel to continue to exist as a Jewish-in-name-only State. The secretary general said clearly it will not be allowed to favor one religious group over another, all must be treated equally. How much longer will Israel be able to restrict aliyah to Jews only? Once that goes, how long til Jews become a minority in the State of Israel?

  2. No surprise why the 'speech' today about religion. This is because they want to implement the one world religion, c'v, as soon as possible; that's why all of a sudden the concern about religion. Soon as I heard about this, I understood immediately the ramifications of this latest shtick. They know that there has been this tremendous increase of all avoda zoras in EY and if the real religious Jews start demanding that Torah trumps (pun) all, they're implementing this 'new found freedom for all', r'l.
    Moshiach must be around the bend; otherwise, H' help us!

  3. Even the secular left will no longer go after the Evangelicals, when once we were all allies in the U. S. (in areas such as metropolitan California) fighting against their influence in the public sector.

    In Israel, I believe the left is worried that once one religious is targeted, another one will be, including their secularism, versions of Eastern religions and their pseudo-Jewish religions.

  4. You think this is bad? Wait till the Arabs rule over us. 9 months, I think....

    1. I don't think that's right. Mashiach is supposed to receive the government from the Erev Rav.

    2. There are a few. I've heard this 9 months before in reference to Edom, but not Yishmael. Where did you see that it's the Arabs?

  5. LOL - can't remember either - there's been so much and now have been blessed with not remembering the details. But I did see it - that much I do remember - where can't say. Eh....Whichever, don't fret. Hakol Yiheyeh Beseder Ve-Od Harbeh Mizeh.

  6. OK. It's from the Zohar - ממשלת ישמעל ישלוט - do the search - the videos are all about this.

    1. That shiur is talking about Yishmael's merit to rule over the Land of Israel during the time of our dispersion - 1300 years, a hundred years for every year of the age at which they do brit milah.

      I think the "9-months-rule" belongs to Edom, according to the sources I've seen. Sorry, I am not where I can get to my book right now, but this was on my blog from a few years ago...

      "Rabbi Yehuda said: (Moshiach) Ben David will not come until the wicked Roman kingdom will spread throughout the World for 9 months."

      Googled this: Rav also said: The son of David will not come until the wicked kingdom has spread over the whole world for nine months, as it is said: “Therefore He will give them up, until the time when she who is in labor has given birth; and the rest of his brothers shall return with the children of Israel” (Mic. 5:2). Yoma 10a.

    2. Bs''d
      1300 years of EMPTY B'RIT OF YISHMAEL.
      Did not got the Arabs 13 seats now???
      A sign of their end?

      May it be!
      If anyone got pain in ears lately, there is a special prayer for this. Its also because many things are changing....i witnessed a BET MISHPAT last days as part of home schooling 'excursion'. Mother of a drug dealer not knowing what to do...with broken heart...what to do???how to save her son??no one got the answer....i waited outside afterwards and gave her the prayer. First she was in shock that a religious woman that saw the case...would speak to her...i asked.....Yehudit, your mother is Jewish? she said yes, i said to her, i have a solution, can you pray? Did you ever pray? No, but i want!!! She was so happy to get real help!!! No BET MISHPAT, no money can help, but the prayer from the heart of mother....can do miracles! May they do TSHUVA SHLEIMA AND BE BLESSED WITH JOY and real SHALOM, not alan!
      I just send it to someone who need it...
      Including myself!
      We voted GIMMEL to keep them waiting. Not to let win anyone beside HAKADOSH BARUH HU.

  7. Baruch Hashem - thank you - good work. Nu - so the wicket kingdom is way overdue to being removed from our midst. And this thing about Rome is still bothering me a lot - why is the vatican still standing.....?

    1. I don't take the 9 months literally. I think it refers to the entire period of "pregnancy" during which time the Kingdom of Israel, as explicated by the Maharal, has been forming and developing inside the State of Israel and will include also the time of Chevlei Mashiach, i.e. when the Kingdom of Israel emerges fully formed and viable. Which is not so coincidentally when Mashiach will be revealed to take charge of it. Only then will wicked Rome lose its power.

      Rashi says on this verse in Michah:

      ...until the time a woman in confinement gives birth: He shall deliver them into the hands of their enemies until the coming of the time that Zion has felt the pangs of labor and borne her children; Zion, which is now seized by the pangs of labor, is now called a woman in confinement. [I.e., now the labor pains will cease and the redemption will come about.] But our Sages state that from here we deduce that the son of David will not come until the wicked kingdom spreads over the entire world for nine months (Yoma 10b, Sanh. 98b). But, according to its simple meaning, this is the structure as I explained.

    2. Thanks for posting this - important teachings. Question now is she ready already - was the baby born? Is Rosh Hashana the time? The woman in confinement seems to have left the building is now in a delivery room somewhere - pushing for her life. Coinciding with impeachment, Brexit, WW3 - it has to be Rosh Hashana. The head at least will crown - tartei mashma.

  8. Israel, America, Britain and Canada all have leaders that are crumbling. It's the perfect storm for Moshiach to enter.
