15 September 2019


15 Elul 5779

I was saving this for tomorrow, but in light of the very disappointing news that NOAM has withdrawn from the elections, it seems it needs to be addressed now...

A very short time ago, NOAM supporters were notified via WhatsApp that while NOAM could count on 70,000 committed votes with an additional 250,000 possibles, the rabbis made the decision to withdraw from the election and use the momentum they have started to work on these issues dear to our hearts from outside the Knesset.

Like I said before, this was all about seeing how many people were really ready to follow Mashiach.  That was its only purpose, it was never going to wield a great influence from inside the Knesset, even if it squeaked in.

Here is what I had written for publication tomorrow had NOAM not withdrawn today.  My prediction of possible scenarios..

Best-case scenario:  The formation of a government will fail yet again, and the vision of Mashiach taking it over before they can try a third time comes to pass.

Worst-case scenario #1:  Netanyahu manages to form a coalition and "immediately after the election" the Trump Peace Plan is adopted.  If implemented, it will send the country on a downward spiral to becoming a nation like all other nations - no more possibility of a JEWISH state.

Worst-case scenario #2:  Gantz-Lapid are given the task of forming the next government and succeed, after which they go to war against the Torah sending the country on a downward spiral to becoming a nation like all other nations - no more possibility of a JEWISH state.  (There's also nothing to say that they would not also implement the Peace Plan.)

All of these secular leaders will dance to the tune of those holding the power above them and I don't mean Hashem, since they do not recognize Him.  As I've tried to express many times and in many different ways, "THEY" are trying to destroy Torah and its bearers from the world.

So, in the end, it doesn't really matter whether Noam or Otzma get in or how many seats UTJ gets, there is only one way to stop this inevitable "death" spiral:  1) Mashiach arrives and takes over, or 2)  the God-fearing public (from Chiloni to Hareidi - everyone who wants to remain a Jew) will have to rise up and overthrow this evil regime.

Since I don't really see the latter as a realistic possibility right now, I think we may have reached our Yam Suf moment when all we can do is scream to Heaven to save us.  My vote for NOAM is my pitifully poor cry to HKB"H.  Please Hashem bring us Mashiach Tzidkeinu, and we will follow him through the Sea to the other side and on to conquer Eretz Yisrael.

If Mashiach continues to delay, I fear many more Jewish lives will be lost needlessly before the people will have finally woken up to the fact that this is all part of a plan for our ultimate annihilation.  And no party, no election is going to change any of that.  All the dice are loaded.  We can't win by playing their game and by their rules.

In everything, we have to have two things in mind: 1)  HKB"H is orchestrating it all, so "THEY" won't win in the end, and 2) a lot still depends on us.  What we will be called upon to do with or without Mashiach will be the most challenging test of our faith that we have ever faced.

Our Sages have told us that the final redemption will be very much like the first redemption from Egypt.  In that instance, 4/5ths of the Jews did not even leave Egypt; of the rest, all the men but two died in the wilderness.  

Although the final end is assured, our place in it is not.  That depends on our deeds. Ever since signing onto the covenant at Har Sinai, there was no longer any question of whether we would fulfill its conditions or not.  From that moment on, the only choice left to us was whether we would do it the short, easy way or the long, hard way.  And that's the choice we have to make today, regardless of how this election turns out.

It may very well be that a Leftist/Anti-Torah government could be seen as a hidden blessing as the only difference between the right and left is perception.  With a Leftist/Anti-Torah government, God-fearing Jews will understand immediately that a fight with the assistance of Heaven is necessary; however, with a supposedly Right-Wing/Religious government, the illusion of safety, security and wholeness could continue on for a much longer time before people fully understand the damage that has been inflicted.

May Hashem look upon His children who put all their faith and trust in Him with favor and with mercy during this special time of Elul.  May He give us a sign for good with another failed government.  May it signal the end of the Erev Rav regime's power over us and may He speedily reveal our righteous Mashiach and bring him to the head of a truly JEWISH/TORAH government in Eretz Yisrael.  May the Kingdom of Israel arise today and for all time to come. AMEN!

UPDATE:  I'm seriously considering transferring my vote to Otzma Yehudit.  I voted for them in the past.  The reason I abstained last election when Eli Yishai's Yachad also withdrew was because they had formed an alliance with Jewish Home which I cannot support.  It is to their (and our) advantage that they are running on their own now.
PS: Maybe NOAM will form a sort of government-in-waiting outside the Knesset to assist MBY when he arrives.  (Maybe that was the idea all along?) Had they continued to run and votes were "thrown away," the cost in lost public support for their vision would have been great.  Something to think about.


  1. You can vote for Otzma, they are very similar to Noam, and you would help them to cross the threshold.

    1. I kept remembering something Barry Chamish wrote about either Itamar Ben Gvir or Noam Federman, about being a suspected Shabak agent. I couldn't recall which and I was a bit suspicious because first Michael Ben Ari and then Baruch Marzel and Bentzy Gopshtein were disqualified, but Ben Gvir remained.


      I don't even know who took their places. Also, I read something today about one of the problems they had with NOAM was the demand of the rabbis that they stop pushing Jews to go up on Har Habayit. And then I realized I don't know who their Rav is or if they even have a Rav that advises them.

      These things are problematic for me, so I may not decide until the very last minute. I've asked my rabbi's opinion, but have not heard back yet.

  2. you wrong Mashiach can come without Noam

  3. Bs''d

    I saw ELIYAHU YISHAI said for everyone that want to keep our TORAH to vote for GIMMEL>just to keep the satanists LGL out, before they get us out of the country! To make this decision as Tunisian must have a lot of ANAVA. In the end there is nothing then TORAH and HASHEM YITBARAH. May we all get rid of the proud and unite to fight to be JEWISH!

  4. Well stated. Still don't believe that Noam is the be all or end all, but am beginning to believe that they have a good portion of the truth. I still don't think they're ready to do everything necessary to bring about Geulah, but definitely making progress.

    As it states in TB Sanhedrin 97a, the truth will be absent, or rather will be distributed in עדרים. I forgot the one who said this (Magen Avraham?), but the truth will be spread out, and it will be our role to search for it. Noam has truth, but so do others. This is why we must come together, and hopefully in the process filter out the nonsense which must be filtered out.

    I am beginning to believe that praying for Mashiah may be the only way to redemption. But, I hope I am wrong, and we must still continue to bring up topics which are unpopular, and help prepare our fellow Jews who may still want to keep their heads in the sand, for what is to come.

  5. This is PRECISELY why I could never vote gimel.

    "Haredi MK: We never wanted Israel to be a theocracy
    MK Yakov Asher says haredi parties are fighting to retain status quo, never had an interest in forcing 'state of Jewish law.'

    Do they really believe HASHEM is happy with the"status quo" or that He will long tolerate us clinging to it?

    1. "Haredi MK: We never wanted Israel to be a theocracy
      MK Yakov Asher says haredi parties are fighting to retain status quo, never had an interest in forcing 'state of Jewish law.' That may just be "PR" to keep the Police and the High Court/Erev Rav away from them. They do not want to be disqualified.

    2. It's nice of you to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he's serious. This is how they have been legislating for as long as they've been in the Knesset. Historically, you can review their record and see that it all lines up. Anyway, it's too late to disqualify anyone now.

      Something else that bothers me is that it's the same guys over and over again. They need to bring in new blood, give some younger men a chance to lead. When the same people stay too long in those seats they get used to it and begin to worry more about how to keep them than how to do what's best for the citizens.

      And one more thing. Say for the sake of argument that you are right, what kind of example is that to set for the nation - lie and obfuscate to avoid trouble. The Maccabees they ain't! King David they ain't! They need to go home and sit in a rocking chair to keep the police and the High Court/Erev Rav away from them. No one like that is fit to govern. Useless!

  6. Absolutely. That's why it is said that the chareidim (sitting in the knesset) are the reincarnations of the ten spies. They were very content living in the desert, being protected by the clouds, fire and being fed the manna and not having to wash their clothes or doing anything other than sitting and learning Torah. But, that was a slap in H's face (so to speak). H' gave us this precious Land of Yisrael before He even gave us our holy Torah and they were choosing and dividing us; because H', the Torah, the Bnai Yisrael and EY are all one unit - it cannot be divided; it's One unit.
