(Continued from here.)
What do we do about the things we have no power to stop? It is the Erev Rav, an extremely powerful force, who, through its death-grip on the government, is standing in the way of our full observance of the mitzvot and the complete fulfillment of our national mission. However, their power is coming to an end. Like the candle which flares up just before it sputters out, the Erev Rav have become emboldened and even more openly anti-Torah in these past days...
“We will not concede on passing the ultra-Orthodox conscription law, in its original format,” he wrote. “We will not concede on [the demand to] repeal the mini-markets law. We will not concede on [demands for] public transportation on Shabbat. We will not concede on [demands for] civil marriage, and we will demand the inclusion of core curriculum studies in the ultra-Orthodox education system. These are our preconditions, and until we hear words in this spirit, there is nothing to talk about.”
Liberman also accused the ultra-Orthodox parties of engaging in incitement toward him, noting that senior United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni had compared him to Amalek, the ancient enemy of the Jewish people.
(Please read these next two to get the full picture.)“We want a normal country in which the citizens will live in accordance with the principle of live and let live,” Liberman wrote on Facebook.
Israel's election highlights secular - religious divide
Israel's Religious Right, the Mouse That Roared
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Kavim bus company driver posted a sign on a public bus which compared haredi Jews to pigs. |
Author Shmuel Raber...
"We do not have anyone to trust except our Father in Heaven." This is not just an encouraging slogan that means simply to rely on Heavenly grace; rather it is part of the list of curses that will come upon Israel at the End of Days. Before the arrival of Mashiach, the exile will be extremely harsh under the rule of the airev rav and the Jewish nation will experience a crisis. G-d-fearing Jews will lose hope in the great battle, and they will become lax in their battles for Hashem. Then, instead of becoming reinvigorated and continuing to wage "war" in order to increase the honor of Heaven and to defend the true belief, a curse will come from above, and people will murmur "we do not have anyone to trust except our Father in Heaven," this at a time when action and deeds for the sake of Heaven will be sorely required of them.
The truth is that actual warfare should have taken place [a spiritual threat is countered with physical battle, a physical threat is countered with spiritual battle, i.e prayer and fasting], but because of the lowliness of their situation, the remnants of the exile will find themselves so enveloped by the weighty peels and thorns of the airev rav, that they will not have the ability to go out to battle as did our forefathers, the Hasmoneans. The numerous "Hellenists" will greatly outnumber the few "Maccabees," so there will be no one able to stand up to try to protect them. Their inability to wage war directly does not testify to the fact that they have lost hope; rather, it forces them to wage a conflict in a circumventive way.
The secret of Amalek's success in their war against the Jews is due to the latter's spiritual laxness. The absence of Torah learning and fearing of G-d in Israel invites the airev rav in general, and especially Amalek, to swoop down on us in battle. Therefore, the rectification that will cause the weakening of this power of Amalek is intensifying the study of the Torah. Every Jew who studies Torah by himself, teaches it to his children, and strengthens Torah study and fulfillment by others enlivens himself and the world by streaming life through the arteries of the Jewish Nation, and also thereby fulfills the commandments of eradicating Amalek in an indirect way.
...The goal is to spread Torah and the fear of Heaven in public and to teach the Nation of Israel that Hashem is true and His Torah is true. In order to accomplish this, on no account must we act individually, but we must unite into a single unit and become a spiritual force*, because the activities of individuals cannot compare with the power of the united masses in quantity, in quality, and in the help and aid that Heaven affords.
The reality of the exile under the airev rav obligates us to build a plan truly relating to it, and to uproot from our hearts false ideals that have become imbued because of the lack of understanding of the true opinion and ideals of the Torah. The assumption that we and the airev rav constitute a single nation is patently invalid, because the airev rav disconnected themselves from the Nation of Israel, thereby canceling our obligation towards them as full-fledged Jews. For this reason, we are obligated to view the airev rav as a peel that has cut itself off from the living fruit - to recognize that they are another nation that has usurped the Jewish mannerisms and customs, show them in their true light, and abhor their new values and ideals and their rebellion against the Kingdom of Heaven.
...In the End of Days the task of separating the good people from the evil ones must take place. We must recognize and differentiate between the airev rav, who have removed from themselves the yoke of the Torah and the fear of Heaven, and the good simple people who, in spite of the fact that they have become lax in their fulfillment of the Torah and mitzvot, still retain the title of Israel by honoring and appreciating Torah and Torah learners.
In addition, the external classification must be accompanied by an internal separation from the airev rav. Each one will have to uproot from his heart the influence of the airev rav. Each one will have to acknowledge the despicableness of the culture of the airev rav and abstain from it. His children must be educated to detest their evil and to distance themselves from any elements of the airev rav. A virtual Noah's ark of Torah and holiness must be built and one must cut off from the media of the culture of the airev rav.
...The "testing point" of the generation at the End of Days is the observance of the holy connection between Hashem, Torah and Israel. The final test that each Jew will be confronted with before the redemption is the choice between adhering to the Holy One, may He be blessed, to His Torah and His nation, or to disassociate himself from them, Heaven forbid.
The test of the belief in the Holy One, may He be blessed, will be expressed by the proper observance of the Shabbat. The test of selecting the Torah of Hashem will be manifested by the positive recognition of the Torah, its leading scholars and its students. The test of belonging to the true nation of Israel will be manifested by demonstrating outward Jewish religious identification and by severing themselves from the entity of the airev rav and from non-Jewish culture.
* HaRav Tau has already organized such a group and the campaign of the political party called NOAM was just the first public shot in the culture war with the Erev Rav. See also LIBA YEHUDIT.(The End of Days by Shmuel Raber, pp.135-141. Haskamah:Gaon HaRav Aharon Feldman, shlita, Member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Baltimore, USA)
The AWAKE JERUSALEM event scheduled for September 30 - October 12, 2019 is part of an older event called THE DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM.
The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem is a prayer meeting organized by Pentecostal evangelists Jack W. Hayford and Robert Stearns through their organization "Eagles Wings". They annually invite people around the world to pray for Jerusalem on the first Sunday of every October, close to the time of Yom Kippur. The first prayer meeting organized by this group occurred in 2004.
Hayford and Stearns organize the primary meeting in Israel. According to a CBN interview with Stearns, he believes that prayer meetings are important to combat various dangers to the Judeo-Christian worldview,....
...According to a press release issued by the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem was originally established in cooperation with Israel's Ministry of Tourism, and the Christian Allies Caucus of the Knesset.
The Erev Rav have created a huge chillul Hashem. By making common cause with these Christians, not only are they putting vulnerable Jews at risk; not only are they committing a huge sin by enabling and then participating in an act of avodah zarah; they are giving the Christians reason to believe that Jews are ready to cross over to their false religion, God forbid!! ...as can be seen and heard on these next two videos:The event [was] endorsed by Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, former USSR Prisoner of Zion and Knesset Member Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC), Yuri Shtern, and the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Yigal Amedi and the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus. (Source)
We need to be absolutely sure that we share no responsibility for this. We need to pray to HKB"H and declare that the Erev Rav "leadership" does not speak for us, that we are heart-broken over the desecration of God's Name, His Holy City and His Holy Land, and had we the power to stop it, we would do so immediately, without any hesitation. And then, we need to pray that HKB"H will, without any further delay, send us our Righteous Mashiach to deliver us out of the power of the Erev Rav just as Moshe Rabeinu delivered us from the power of Pharaoh.
For it is prophesied that by this, HKB"H will know that we have done real teshuvah...
"Therefore, through this shall Jacob's iniquity be atoned for, and this shall be the fruit of his sin's removal: When he makes all the altar stones like ground chalkstones, and Asherah-trees and sun-idols arise no more." (Yeshayahu 27.9)...when we will have eradicated idolatry from our Land and destroyed every sign of it.
["gods of wood and stone": The stones today are associated with the Ka'aba of Islam, and the trees to the wood of the cross of Christianity, while the sun-idols likely could represent every other false system.]
The Erev Rav is helping to spread idolatry, increase its numbers, protect it with police and soldiers and establish its "rights" in law!!! Mashiach will come to undo all of that and we will help him!!
SEE FURTHER: Rachel Tabachnick's The New Christian Zionism and the Jews: A Love/Hate Relationship
"...As we shall see, their distinct end times narratives share an implicit antisemitism creating the movement’s paradoxical love/hate relationship with the Jews. Far from positive, the obsessive 'philosemitism' – or love of Jews – of Christian Zionists is tied to a volatile and changing view of the end times that also changes their view of how they should 'support' Jews and Israel in fulfilling prophecy. And this obsession has a history of turning ugly."
The bit in that last vid where Glick says in answer to Anne Graham Lotz's missionary shpiel, "Welcome" is highly significant to these Christians as Yeshu, according to the NT, told his disciples that he would not return until the Jews would say to them "Baruch Ha Ba".
ReplyDeleteAs any Hebrew-speaker can tell you, that is the term we use for "welcome."
That article by Rachel Tabachnick is long, but it should be required reading for every Jew who lives among Christians.
DeleteHere is an additional video of interest: It Always Starts With One Misguided Jew
Every Christian infiltration into Eretz Yisrael that I have encountered up til now was initiated first by a Jew.
Netanyahu's Xmas greetings 2018: Netanyahu noted that the shared religious heritage of Christians and Jews was not lost on the state of Israel.
Delete"Only in Israel has Christianity blossomed in the Middle East," he said. "We understand our heritage, we understand our common heritage and we understand our commitment to a common future. We're united in a shared destiny."
"I know what tremendous friends you are, and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the Holy Land," he concluded.
Netanyahu at 1st Annual Christian Media Summit 2018:
“Israel is the one country that protects the human rights of all. We protect the religious rights of all. We don’t just protect Christian religious sites – we protect Christian people. Christians should enjoy all the freedom to worship as they please in the Middle East and anywhere else and the only place in the Middle East where they can do so is Israel,” Netanyahu said at the event which was organized by the Government Press Office.
“We have no better friends in the world than our Christian friends and I take this opportunity to thank you for your steadfast support. You are standing up for Israel and you are standing up for the truth and we stand up for you," the prime minister added.
Netanyahu in Brazil, Dec 2018:
If you are a Christian in the Middle East, there’s only one place where you are safe. There’s only one place where the Christian community is growing, thriving, prospering. That’s in the State of Israel. Because everywhere else, if you’re a Christian, you have to be very careful, or you have to leave. Not in Israel. You are our brothers and our sisters and we protect the rights of Christians as we protect the rights of all religions.
A normal country is one in which a nation is free to decide its national character. I grew up in the UK with Sunday Trading Laws in place and have visited many other countries, all with their various traditions and customs. Even in the last few years in the UK the government was defeated on this issue:
ReplyDelete"It lost by 31 votes after Cameron failed to reach a compromise with unconvinced MPs, who argued that it was necessary to “keep Sunday special” and protect family time for shop workers."
Even if someone is not religious they can understand that a sabbath protects the quality of life of the most vulnerable members of society, shopworkers, bus drivers etc. Otherwise, when exactly are they going to see their children?
The bitter irony that Jews fled the persecutions in Europe only to be pursued by hundreds of thousand of Russian gentiles who are now trying to dictate the national character of the one and only Jewish country.
Thought of you when I saw this.
Yep. Already started a blog post on it. ;-)
DeleteIf you don't have the time or inclination to read the whole Tabachnick article, please read this part at least. This is where we stand today:
ReplyDeleteChristian Zionism in Transition
As Christian Zionism changes, attacks on Judaism are becoming more overt. The bulk of the shift in Christian Zionism is a result of the growing international dominance of charismatics who reject the concept of being raptured and stress the conversion of Jews to trigger the end times.
In their version of the end times drama, they do not watch idly from the grandstands of heaven after being raptured but remain on earth to fight evil and the anti-Christ themselves. It is Jesus who remains in heaven until the job is completed and a Christian Israel calls out for his return. This cleansing of the earth is done by the combined forces of charismatic or “spirit-filled” Christians and their Messianic partners, the term applied to Jews who convert but retain Jewish identity. The shorthand catchphrase for this distinctive end times narrative involving converted Jews is “one new man in Yeshua.”
Not surprisingly, the growing importance of converts in the end times narrative is encouraging a new wave of proselytizing to convert Jews to Christianity. As Hagee’s Jewish allies are quick to point out, he publicly opposes proselytizing, but much of his organization’s leadership and events are hosted by those who have embraced this “one new man” ideology and you can find it throughout Christian Zionist media. Hagee also publicly endorsed a Messianic ministry in Israel.
These charismatics identify with a coalescing movement called the New Apostolic Reformation (or simply “Apostolic and Prophetic”) which teaches that a unified church will lead the fight during the end times. Lou Engle, made famous in the film Jesus Camp, is a leading “Apostle” in the movement and Ted Haggard, the former president of the National Association of Evangelicals, partnered in the movement’s launch. Sarah Palin has close ties to leading Apostles and during the 2008 elections their broadcasted prophecies claimed that Palin was divinely “anointed” for leadership.
CUFI director Stephen Strang is a prominent Apostle and uses his magazine, Charisma, to promote it. In celebration of Israel’s sixtieth birthday, Charisma dedicated much of its May 2008 issue to Christian Zionists and Messianics who are working to proselytize Jews in Israel. Another CUFI director, Robert Stearns, is the editor of a popular Apostolic and Prophetic magazine and cofounder of the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ).38 The DPPJ is the largest single Christian Zionist event with advertised participation of 200,000 churches in 175 nations, and endorsed by the Knesset’s Christian Allies Caucus.
What are these 200,000 churches praying for when they pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
Continued from above...
DeleteIn a 2005 Christian Broadcast Network interview, Stearns said that all participating churches received the book Your People Shall Be My People which explains the “one new man in Yeshua” ideology and pleads with churches to support Messianic ministries. Author Don Finto introduces a multi-denominational council of charismatic leaders whose mission is to “recognize and welcome Jewish believers in Yeshua without requiring them to abandon their Jewish identity and practice” with the “ultimate purpose in unifying the Body and restoring the Jewish believers to their rightful place is the hastening of the coming of the Lord Yeshua in glory and the full accomplishment of His work in the kingdom of God.”
By repenting of the Holocaust and allowing Messianics to retain their Jewish identity, these Christian Zionists teach that the stumbling blocks will be removed and Jews will convert in large numbers. In his book Prepare the Way, Stearns claimed that this is happening at an unprecedented rate, stating, “Our elder brother is returning from the dead.” This echoes his CUFI colleague Hagee, who after his infamous Hitler as hunter quote said, “Now they (the Jews) are physically alive, but they are not spiritually alive.”
Stearns ally Jack Hayford, a charismatic leader who co-founded the Day of Prayer, also founded The King’s College and Seminary which has a special division to train Messianics to become the “anointed Spirit-filled team players in the redemption of all Israel.” The seminary coordinates with Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, which trains Messianic leaders in Jewish communities in Argentina, Brazil, Israel, Russia, and Ukraine in order to bring “life to the dead” as stated in its promotional materials.
Another stated goal of the Christian Zionist/Messianic partnership is to fight antisemitism. However, while they are very anxious to defend Israel from an Islamic world they view as a common enemy, this conceals the fact that they are equally determined to save Israel from Judaism.
In Your People Shall Be My People, Finto quotes convert Dan Juster as stating “Rabbinic Judaism is a more severe departure from biblical faith than I had ever realized in my early days of Jewish recovery… We who are Jewish are biblical New Covenant Jews, not Rabbinic Jews!”
Stearns describes Juster as the Thomas Jefferson of Messianic Judaism and a “sovereign vessel the Lord has raised up to pioneer this End-Time move.” Juster explained to the 2009 Promise Keepers revival in Boulder that, “The conversion of Israel is a necessary precondition for ushering in the Messianic age. We can only accomplish this task by coming together as one new man. Only then will we have the power to convert Israel.”
Despite easily accessible evidence to the contrary, Robert Stearns was portrayed throughout the book Evangelicals and Israel as the ideal Christian Zionist who refuses to proselytize and has no ulterior end times motives. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has personally endorsed Stearn’s ministry.
Evangelicals and Israel has endorsements on the back cover from ADL’s Abraham Foxman and Walter Russell Mead.
ReplyDeleteIn October 2017...
ReplyDelete...representatives from possibly as many as seventy predominantly conservative Christian media organizations [headed] to Israel for a four-day "Christian Media Summit" in Jerusalem. As Ha'aretz's Judy Maltz...reported, the conference [was] aimed at further cementing ties between Christian conservatives and the Israeli government.
According to Maltz, the Israeli government -- which...[sponsored] the gathering of broadcasters and journalists, and [PAID] for the participants' accommodations – [was] "hoping to explain the country and its often controversial policies to this new target audience."
"Christian Media Summit": Israel to Sponsor Evangelical Journalists' Trip to Jerusalem
The Erev Rav have sinned against the real Jews and Eretz Yisrael, all in the guise of being 'Jews'. The Gaon of Vilna called them erev rav amaleikim! The gall of Liberman thinking he has the right to desecrate the Land of Israel. He could have made his way to any country in the world but instead these erev rav thrive on trying to undo Torah and especially in EY. One is not allowed to sell even a tiny parcel of land in EY to a non-Jew; the only non Jews, according to Torah law, who are allowed to reside in EY are bnai Noach, living according to the seven laws of Noach. The chutzpah of opening its doors to the whole world as if to spit in G-D's face (so to speak), chas v'sholom. We pray for Moshiach to speed it up; we really need the Geulah right now!
ReplyDeleteIlya Zaslavskiy, an expert on oligarchs, believes that corrupt money from Russia and other kleptocratic regimes bodes ill for Israeli democracy