13 September 2019

"Blot Out Their Memory"

13 Elul 5779
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Ki Tetzei
You shall remember what Amalek did to you on the way, when you went out of Egypt, how he happened upon you on the way and cut off all the stragglers at your rear, when you were faint and weary, and he did not fear God.
[Therefore,] it will be, when the Lord your God grants you respite from all your enemies around [you] in the land which the Lord, your God, gives to you as an inheritance to possess, that you shall obliterate the remembrance of Amalek from beneath the heavens. You shall not forget!  (Devarim 25.17-19)
 Rabbi Eliyahu E. Dessler on the parashah...
...every nation has a dominant characteristic which can, in theory at least, be used to further God's purposes in the world. 
...Amalek, however, is different.  Its memory must be "blotted out."  What is it about Amalek that gives them apparently no justification for existing?  
...Only concerning Amalek was the decree given: "Blot out their memory..." and "The war of God against Amalek lasts from generation to generation."  And our rabbis say:  "God's name is not complete nor is His throne complete until Amalek's name is blotted out." 
It was not political or military ends which motivated Amalek to be the first nation to attack Israel.  It was something much deeper than that.  Amalek was the archenemy of spirituality and holiness.  It could not tolerate the rise of the power of holiness in the world.  Therefore, it felt impelled to attack the bearers of that power - the people of Israel.
The Amalekites were engaged in an ideological struggle.  Impudence, blasphemy, and mockery were their weapons. 
...Amalek's main characteristic was arrogant mockery of all that is holy.  One can see why it is so difficult for this trait to be transformed into a positive force,....  Such a person perceives spiritual truth as a threat to his overweening egotism, and the more he knows about it, the more he will belittle it and mock it.
...With their prophetic vision, the masters of kabbala foresaw that this attitude would be prevalent in the time of the "footsteps of the Mashiach," which is the era in which we now live.  With amazing prescience, they foretold that in this era the political leaders of the Jewish people would adhere to the "Amalekite" ideology.
In this era darkness obscures the spiritual world.  Materialistic ideas gain power.  Science progresses at a dizzying pace, allowing the world's resources to be increasingly exploited, seemingly for human benefit.  Anti-Torah ideas of human supremacy flood the world.  Many openly attack religious beliefs and practices.  Believers in God and His Torah are despised.  This is the nature of the last exile of the Jewish people. 
God returns many Jews to Eretz Yisrael.  They gain power and sovereignty.  Many are afflicted with arrogance and plan to replace Torah with anti-Torah.  This is the final test of the exile of the Shechina - the hardest test of all.
Our task in this time of challenge is to remain steadfast in our faith - to recognize constantly the truth of the spirit and the falsity of its challengers.  Some say:  "We have done our part, we have conquered Eretz Yisrael.  Now Hashem will do His part and restore the people of Israel to faith in the Torah and the fear of God."  The error of this attitude should be self-evident.  "Everything is in the hands of God except the fear of God."   God does not effect spiritual change in the world without someone making a correct bechira choice.  Wars are won by God, but rekindling the spirit of faith is in our hands....

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