"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

01 November 2016

More Preparations For Days of Mashiach

30 Tishrei 5777
Rosh Chodesh Alef
Chodesh tov!

Tel Aviv – Jerusalem Rail Line Being Extended To Reach The Kosel

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz is extending the line of the Tel Aviv – Jerusalem train to reach the Kosel. According to Katz, the train will continue via an underground tunnel for an additional two kilometers to the Kosel.

Katz feels the extension of the line will reduce the crowds at the Binyanei Ha’uma Station and the Jerusalem Central Bus Station. The route of the train will circumvent the Old City and stop in proximity to the Kosel. The train is expected to begin operating by Pesach 2018. According to the initial plan, the train line was to end at the new Binyanei Ha’uma station but it will now continue to the Kosel.

The fast train line budget is NIS 7 billion and the line will pass Ben-Gurion International Airport and Modi’in. The train will travel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 28 minutes.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


  1. No religious people in the train, no women with head covered or men with kipas. They are digging the tunnels, but people that study Torah and are shomer mitzvot. Are giving the fuel.

  2. A new beginning... possibly the religious people will eventually ride or be accomodated... But, don't you know that eventually ALL people will eventually be religious, so they should just start NOW to be ahead of the game!! *:-) Moshiach soon!!!

  3. Fascinating and amazing. German ingenuity? German precision? Can anyone get on anywhere along the route? Or is it only from TA proper?

    1. Between TA and J-m, it will stop at the airport and in Modi'in.

  4. Interesting. The first thing I thought was there was not a Jewish face in the whole ad. This is surely being funded with foreign monies and we know the plans of the nations - Jews not that welcome. But, this might be the way H' is making it as foreseen in the Prophets that the nations will build and pay, just as with the return back home to Eretz Yisrael, as a nation, it was the Erev Rav who started it and still continuing but even without their good intentions, it will be for the BnaiYisrael. H' works in mysterious ways.


  5. This is very good news. It will facilitate the journeys of people to the third Beit Hamikdash. May it come speedily in our days!

    1. All this is for the new world order, all the crooked nations and vatican that they want here as well as considering that they want to turn all the holy sites into places of idol worship heaven forbid; this train project is to help all these demons travel there faster and the essence is all filthy. But miracles will soon happen and we will destroy all their new sodom and gomorroh developments after redemption and rebuild israel from new with real jewish help and clean essence and unity.

  6. Think I agree with Jack!

