"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

15 November 2016

What Does It Mean To Be "Pro-Israel"?

14 Marcheshvan 5777

After all this time and after all that has been revealed, Jews are still confused. They are currently dividing the world up into those who are so-called "pro-Israel" and those who are not. The former are perceived as our "friends" and the latter as our enemies. God forbid, some have taken it so far as to view some of our more powerful "friends" as "saviors"!

But, what does it really mean to be "pro-Israel"? Very simply, it means they identify with Israel. They perceive Israel to be just like them, espousing their values and living out their vision of our destiny - you know, the Christianized, Westernized "Jewish" State that hosts no less than eight separate US military facilities and hundreds of missionary organizations. They view Israel as a staunch ally and trusted promoter of Western values, especially to the Arab/Islamic world.

But, have you ever thought about what will be The Day After Mashiach is crowned? 

Here are a few things Mashiach is Torah-bound to do which will enrage the entire world, including the American President:

Outlaw the practice of false religions.
Closure of their places of worship. 
Destruction of idols.
Deportation of all missionaries and confiscation of all of their properties in Israel.
No recognition of "rights" for aberrant sexual behavior.
The removal of all foreign military from our soil with closure of their facilities.
The removal of the fifth-column Arab population.
The immediate recognition and annexation of all lands currently claimed as "Palestianian".
The entire area of the Temple Mount will be razed to the ground.

I can see how Jews living in exile might view their present situation in terms of previous exiles, i.e. Trump as Cyrus or Achashverosh and Ivanka playing the part of Queen Esther. But, besides the fact that Trump will never wield the power that Cyrus did (Absolute Sovereign of a World Empire), the majority of the Jewish people are no longer in Egypt, or Bavel, or Persia or even Rome. 

The majority of the Jewish people are already in Eretz Yisrael awaiting, not a "pro-Israel" gentile politician, but our Righteous Mashiach Ben David!

Let me break it down to the most basic elements. The geulah process has set Israel on a collision path with the Western world as well as the Islamic world. Israel has no real friends and only HKB"H is our saviour.

To be continued...