20 May 2021

No Doubt in My MInd

9 Sivan 5781 

(h/t Rabbi Yehudah Richter)

Blowback: How Israel Helped Create Hamas


The Americans did the exact same thing with the Mujahideen in Afhganistan.  The CIA created Al Qaeda and ISIS, too.


  1. This video points up all the bad points about the current Israeli government system: shortsightedness, playing one part against the other, no thought about why the Jewish people are back in our land in the first place, and I'm sure there are more.

    Thank you, Devash.

  2. ב"ס

    Yes, it seems that they acted upon the flawed Middle Eastern principle: "The enemy of my enemy, is my friend." It all sounds good until your new found friend, or your newly created friend, stabs you in the back and then slits your throat. But yes, what an uncomfortable reality.

    HaShem yerachem!


  3. No surprise. If people would think a little, connect the dots, it's not so hard to figure out that the covert forces within governments are really behind all the bad stuff in the world. They really script things and the big powers united are the ones behind the world agendas and wars, etc. which are usually preplanned, etc. Power, greed and control!

  4. Yes. Now ask yourselves, why?

    Is their intent to use them to destroy the weakest segments of the Jewish people, those who rely on public transportation, those without shelters or safe rooms? To instill fear and trauma into an entire population so as to easily manipulate them psychologically?

  5. For anyone who thought this was a good idea.

    “Over the last few days, I’ve represented around 200 people in court,” Attorney Rom relates. “These are people who came to help out, volunteers from across the country who came to protect the residents of these mixed cities with their weapons, and actually had their weapons confiscated by the police.”

  6. There is nothing worse than when you have the enemy within. Don't necessarily mean a fifth column (as in Israel) but when government is behind the bad and we see this now more than ever in most Western societies, because it is part of a one world agenda.
    Anon @ 5:50 pm - the main reason is not because of poor Jews, etc., it is because these powers are determined to rid the world of the religious, G-D fearing Jews, c'v.

  7. Known things but we have to understand : Not "Israel" , but the State who oppress and defiles Israel - the people . And the big issue is not what happened in the past, but what happens today. All the evidence is that the State continues to use them for their main purpose : To keep the people Israel inside the klipot , to prevent the Geoulah and to promote their Globalist Agenda . BUT , nobody can stop Hashem yitbarach and they will fall in the pit they dig for the righteous- Israel (li rosh )

  8. To Efraim @8:43 am: Right on! You are absolutely correct!
