28 April 2024

"The Light of Redemption"

20 Nissan 5784
Day 5 of the Omer
Erev Shvi'i shel Pesach 

The First and Final Redemption

While the first night of Passover commemorates the redemption from exile in Egypt, the final day celebrates the future Redemption, which G‑d will bring about through Moshiach. 
The connection between the first and the last redemption is also gleaned from the verse: "As in the days when you left Egypt, I shall show you wonders [during the final Redemption]."
Seventh Day of Passover - The Light of Redemption

1 comment:

  1. Todah rabbah for posting an excellent video as always from my rabbi and good friend of 25 years. May we all receive miracles tonight and may the revelation of Mashiach be very soon.
