17 April 2024

"Now You Will See the Wondrous Things Which I Will Do For You"

10 Nissan 5784

We traditionally remember the events beginning with the 10th of Nissan on Shabbat Hagadol - the Shabbat just prior to Pesach - because at the very first Pesach, that 10th of Nissan did fall on Shabbat.  But, I think it is worth reminding ourselves this year of what really began to happen on the first 10th of Nissan which sets the pattern for every 10th of Nissan which follows.

By Daniel Pinner (excerpt):
Dawn of a Nation 
The 10th of Nissan, 2448 (1312 B.C.E.).  For generations, the Jews have been enslaved in Egyptian exile, conditioned to accept the Egyptians as their immutable masters. They suffer slavery, humiliation, torture, the murder of their sons, in mute despair. And now, after centuries of this conditioning, Moshe arose and commanded them: Take a lamb – the god of your Egyptian masters; tie it to your bed-post for four days; at the end of that time, slaughter it in public; roast it whole, ensuring that the Egyptians will see it and smell it and identify it! Defy Egypt, the mightiest power in the world! 
Four days later, the 14th of Nissan, 2448. The Jews, smashing the conditioning of centuries, indeed slaughtered the lambs, the god of the Egyptians, in public. The next day, the 15th of Nissan, they leave Egypt with a high hand. 

It was “a night when Hashem Himself guarded them, bringing them out from the land of Egypt; and that same night Hashem Himself will guard all the Children of Israel throughout their generations”. This is the night which is fore-ordained for Israel to fight mightily against its future oppressors.  

The Book of Our Heritage by Eliyahu Kitov (excerpt):

Although the greatness of the tenth of Nisan and the commemoration of the miracles and wonders which occurred on that day were transferred to Shabbos ha-Gadol, ...nevertheless some of the importance of the day remains.  

There are reports that the Israeli "retaliation" is about to take place.  Who knows what will be?  Even the best laid plans of men go awry in unanticipated ways. 

Showing our public disdain for the Egyptian god and proving its powerlessness was a tremendous demonstration of absolute trust and faith in HKB"H.  Should we face such a test in our own time, surely it would involve trust and faith in HKB"H versus the "Democratic" State, the "Holy" IDF and Military technology.  Where do you look for help?  Who do you depend upon?


  1. Definitely not the Eruv Rav Amalekite government. Only Hashem can we rely on!

  2. There is only one address - Shamayim! We turn and depend only on HKBH. As far as the alleged military response, I read that there was an approved response that was to be carried out on Monday, but Bibi delayed, wanting instead to first speak with Biden. According to this source, the response mission was time-sensitive, and since it was not implemented, any response, if any, will be muted and not so effective.

    1. All the secret deals, corruption, sellouts, treacherous traitorous actions of the ER regime is what paves the way for Mashiach and the geulah shleimah and they are doing it to themselves.
      So, it's all good!!!! B"H!!

    2. Their days are numbered. And they are, as you said, doing it to themselves. As I mentioned at ThinkForYourselfPublishing:

      R. Mendel Kessin said in his latest shiur that the erev rav has a tremendous merit in their financial support for yeshivos. So how does Hashem take away their merits and speed up their demise? What is happening now?
