10 April 2024

Don't Lose Sight of the Big Picture

2 Nissan 5784

If you still have any doubts that GoguMagog broke out on Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 5784, I would just direct you to the headlines of any/every global news source.  Here is the latest...

All of the nations of the world are arrayed against us and irrationally so!!  They are eager to believe every blood libel lodged against us and they completely ignore any fact that proves otherwise.  We were viciously attacked and yet the invaders and murderers who attacked us have become the victims while we are deemed the aggressors for daring to defend ourselves.  

A full two months before this war broke out, I wrote For This We Wait - awaiting the showdown with Iran.  Eight months later, that is still what we are waiting for because it is the lynchpin on which the entire messianic process hinges.  Mashiach will become recognizable during this stage of the Gogumagog War.  

But, while we await that moment, which now can be counted in days and/or hours, there is absolutely no reason to doubt that we are in the very midst of what I believe will be a one-year War of Gogumagog - half a year confronting the "Gog" West (US/Europe) and the second half confronting the "Magog" East (Russia/China).  [Recall that Daniel's Statue represents the four exiles, the final one being Rome, represented by two legs!!]

BEWARE!!!  This is the most critical period of time.  This is when the yetzer hara approaches to whisper the doubts and discouragement, tempting you to lose faith in the process; to feel like it's never going to end, never going to progress.  Every woman who ever delivered a child can attest to this experience which happens to every laboring mother right before the birth.  

The more depressed and hopeless we feel, that is the clearest sign yet of where we are - right before the birth.  It's not the time to give up.  It's the time to rally all your faith and strength to withstand the final test and forge ahead into a brilliant future.  Trust HKB"H!!!

"Will I bring to the birth stool and not cause to give birth?" says the Lord. "Am I not He who causes to give birth, now should I shut the womb?" says your God.  (Yeshayahu 66:9)

We have two Rosh Hashanahs - one in Tishrei and one in NissanTishrei commemorates Creation and it marks the New Year for the whole world, while Nissan commemorates the Exodus from Egypt and therefore, marks the New Year for Jews.

"This month shall be to you the head of the months; to you it shall be the first of the months of the year."  (Shemot 12:2)

I read recently that Tishrei is when HKB"H conceived of the Creation, but He waited until Nissan to create in actuality because Tishrei is a time of strict justice and Nissan is a time of mercy.  It makes sense then that HKB"H would take us out of Egypt at Nissan because it required an abundance of Divine mercy to take us out in our condition at that time.  And keep in mind that it didn't happen all at once, it was a year-long process Nissan to Nissan.

However, the Final Redemption is described in the prophets as the Day of the Lord's Vengeance.  We are coming to the fulfillment of HKB"H's original intent for the world and that requires justice to overcome mercy, in my view.  So, it only makes sense that the Final Redemption would take place from Tishrei to Tishrei, and so the Sages prescribed readings about the War of GoguMagog in Tishrei.

Take heart!!  We are already halfway there!!!


  1. Rosh Chodesh Nissan is the New Years for Kings-TC

  2. You mean you expect the geulah only to happen in Tishrei ? But it says in Nissan we will be redeemed!


    1. No, Leah. I'm saying it already started last Tishrei and will only be completed by next Tishrei. That's what I think based on what I see and what I know.

    2. Please allow me to clarify further. If the difference between geulah and galut is freedom from domination by the nations, then that is what I hope to see in Nissan. We were considered redeemed from Egypt when we were free to walk out and we no longer needed Paro's agreement or permission.

      Keeping in mind that we are no longer in Egypt, but we are dominated by "Egypt" and apparently need their consent and approval for everything we do in our own country. THAT is what has to change in order for us to be redeemed today and it can happen NOW - in Nissan.

      That said, it won't yet be the end of the entire process. Because the GoguMagog War continues after we get Mashiach.

      It occurs to me that the year of plagues were God's "war" on Egypt while GoguMagog is the war of the nations against God Himself.

  3. Amen; Agree 100% with you. I learned and always understood that we would be redeemed in Nissan, just as in the first Geulah and that the war of Gog U'Magog takes place in Tishrei (Sukkot). Also, I thought that was an understood! Surprised, why many frum Jews do not know this.
    We pray that this is the year of our Geulah Shleimah and may it be with the greatest of Chesed and Rachamim from HKB'H upon every Yiddishe neshamah!

  4. Hold on just a bit longer, Geulah is almost here! This may seem scary, but those of us with complete Emunah know that this leads to the greatest end we have all been waiting for. Stay Strong.

  5. There are auspicious time, but regardless the geula shleima can be at any moment. Part of making Hashem melech over the whole world, is not just letting go of our dependence on the nations, the army etc, but also our dependence on ourselves, our sechel, our calculations etc.

    Rav Toledano said that the geula started with din in tishrei and will end with rachamim in nisan.

    Hashem wants our tsaaka.

    Only Moshiach Now

  6. This is all a bit confusing and overwhelming for me. Does this mean that Moshiach can not come this Nissan and we will be waiting until Tishrei for yemos hamoshiach? I thought the Talmud says we will be redeemed for the final redemption in Nissan, just like we were from Egypt.


    1. Mashiach is already here, as I have said many times. He is doing the work HKB"H assigned to him, but not openly so as to attract unwanted attention. As long as the evil ones still have the power to stop him, he remains hidden, but the day is coming when their power will be removed and Mashiach will act openly so that it will be possible to identify him. Nissan is the most auspicious time for it, but that doesn't mean it can't happen ANY time.

      Remember, Mashiach is here and he is doing his work whether we are aware of it or not. Think over the events of the life of Moshe Rabbeinu. We are no longer waiting for the coming of Mashiach but for the revelation of Mashiach.

  7. Iran planning something on April 12th. Iran closes skies over Teheran today.




  8. There is really nothing confusing here where our Geulah will simply be in Nissan, as the first one was but the Gog u'Magog war takes place in Tishrei and that is also why we read the haftorah about that war on Suikkot, the Yom Tov that the nations of the world will come up to Yerushalayim to make pilgrimage in the messianic era. Tishrei is the month when the 'world' is included, as Hashem judges everyone and everything in Tishrei, the month of Creation.
    May it be with the greatest of rachamim for every Yiddishe neshamah.

  9. Devorah,you compared the process to giving birth .
    Which stage you would compare it to?
    Being admitted to ER?Entering חדר לידה?Preparing for expulsion?

    1. It is our Sages who compared it to birth but it is a most apropos comparison. I think it's time to start pushing this baby into the world. Especially if the missiles and drones take flight tonight as currently predicted.
