14 April 2024

"Surviving Gog U'Magog"

6 Nissan 5784


  1. Any specific reason you posted a lecture about gog u’magog? Did gog u’magog start? If so, when?


  2. Are we in gog umagog?


  3. This was very interesting; she speaks so clearly and gave a full view of
    the coming great and awesome day of Hashem.
    I have two points where we can differ here and that is - it is important to let the people know that the 'bad' does NOT have to occur. We are praying now for Hashem's Great Mercy now more than ever before with so many Tehilim sessions all over the world, due to the dire circumstances at this time. H'' is all Merciful and His Wrath will be on the enemies of G-D, Am Yisrael and mankind but may every Jewish neshamah be spared the tribulations before the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu. Wake Am Yisrael and do teshuva and H' will bless every Yehudi with the Geulah Shleimah with rachamim. At yetziat Mitzrayim, only twenty percent left but at the Geulah Shleimah, we pray every Jewish neshama will come home. Every Yehudi neshamah has a portion in the World to Come.
    Also, Amaleik is the grandson of Eisav by a 'Canaanite' woman, not Yishmael's daughter. This is what I have learned. Someone who knows for sure should clarify that point.
    May every Yiddish neshamah and the righteous of the world merit to
    welcome the coming of our Goel Tzedek with much Chesed and Great Mercy from HKB'H!

  4. If we are in gog u'magog, as Devorah Chayah stated, doesn’t that mean it has to end soon? Gog U’magog is 12 months at most, according to all sources I know. Of course, Moshiach and the Geulah can come during Gog u’magog and the remaining Gog u’magog doesn’t involve Am Yisrael, but the other nations of the world.


  5. I'm not aware of any source that gives a timeframe of a year, although that's what I expect.

    1. So you expect Moshiach to arrive this month and gog u’magog and the suffering of Klal yisrael continues another 6 months after Moshiach comes?


    2. Mashiach , yes. Suffering, no. The nations are going to suffer after Mashiach is revealed.

    3. What about the many in klal yisrael that are sick with cancer and any type of illness or ailment (ANY type of suffering or pain). We will be healed and healthy when Moshiach comes (as the Torah says) or we will have to wait until gog u’magog is over and then us and the righteous goyim will be free from any type of suffering at the same time? Would seem unfair to the righteous goyim if we are cancer free (example) before them?


    4. I don't think anyone knows the answer to this. It will probably also be according to a process, not all at once. It's my understanding that even techiyat hameitim occurs in stages, not everyone at once. Some things just are not told ahead of time.

    5. Could be. However, techiyas hameisim is different than those alive when Moshiach comes soon. We are not supposed to be suffering when Moshiach comes, as so many sources in Navi and throughout the Torah state.


    6. You should define exactly what you mean by "when Mashiach comes". What does that mean to you? Because Mashiach is here already. We just don't know who it is yet. Moshe Rabbeinu was in the world already for 80 years when he was revealed and people suffered up to that time. Furthermore, we know that even after he arrived in Egypt and gave the code to the gedolim, the suffering of Am Yisrael got worse. Not only that, even after crossing the Red Sea, there were incidents where people died. That said, In the Midbar, no one was sick, food was delivered every day, the clothes and shoes did not wear out, etc. So.... your guess is as good as anyone else's but it's still just a guess. 100% it will happen that everyone will be healed, but no one knows the exact details of how it will play out.

  6. Thank you for posting this. It's a strong message and at the same time comforting for those of us living in Israel.
