11 March 2021

A Caveat to Recent Blog Posts

27 Adar 5781
Yom Kippur Katan 

Very often, I guess I just assume people see the same thing I do and no explanation is needed, but that is wrong.  I should be explaining why I publish certain things or the message is incomplete.

The "Holocaust 2.0" video and the "Cry From Israel" video were published so the readers would take note of the fact that the world is watching and we either make a kiddush Hashem or a chillul Hashem.

It should be clear to anyone why "Holocaust 2.0" is a chillul Hashem, but even the "Cry From Israel" turned out to be a chillul Hashem as well.  I'll explain why I think so.

At first, I thought, yes, finally, someone is making it known that not everyone has caved in and gladly joined the zombie horde.  But then, the big message at the end is that we in Israel need the world to stand with us - Jews and Gentiles - and together we will win.  No mention of Hashem - leaving Hashem out of the picture is chillul Hashem - a vacuum left where Hashem should be.

If we show that we fear anyone or anything other than HKB"H, or if we attribute anything that happens in the world to anyone or anything other than HKB"H, we are essentially saying that this someone or something has power to act independently of the Master of the Universe.  And according to Rabbi Anava, that is heresy!

Someone left a comment with a link to an article that claims life is over for those in Israel who refuse the vaccine.  It's interesting because this is the mantra of the governments - take the vaccine and "return to life."

I have to say that my life, personally, has not changed over the past year.  I can't praise and thank HKB"H enough for positioning me and my family members in the best possible situation to weather this storm.  Our lives never consisted of travel and restaurants and shopping malls, or cultural activities, gyms, stadiums and theaters.  Throughout the past year, I followed my usual routine throughout, except for the mask.  And the only time I ever wore a mask outside was when I traveled to Jerusalem. I still have the one I started with.  I just keep washing it.  I refuse to contribute towards the profits being made off these crimes against humanity.  

We have to be careful though.  Just when we think we've blocked all the entrances into our minds to the yetzer hara, he'll find a trapdoor we didn't even know existed.  It's sad to see those who are very clued in to the plandemic and the vaccine issues, then turn to a political party and upcoming elections as a source of hope for real change.  Elections come from a rotten root - democracy.  And it won't bring us Ben David because it's opposed to monarchy. 

The suffering we are experiencing is the "birthpangs of Mashiach" and it is as useless to "fight" it as it would be for a laboring woman to "fight" her own child's birth.  Each step of this process is a test of emuna.  Who are we going to trust?  Who are we going to look to for our ultimate salvation?  It goes straight back to the question we heard after leaving Mitzrayim - "Is Hashem among us or not????"

Whether I succeed or not, the intent behind every blog post here is to point out these facts and to pronounce in every possible circumstance that it is HKB"H and HKB"H alone whom we can trust to save us.  And when all of us who are going to, have fully internalized this and demonstrated it through our actions, then Mashiach will be revealed and the redemption will arrive.

I hope and pray it will be this Nissan!!  


  1. Absolutely.
    I also just learned from rabbi Aharon Levy that we can learn a great lesson from the seals in the ocean. All of the fish and creatures in the ocean dive deeper in the water to escape from predators. Seals are the only ones that actually leave the water to seek safety on land. We should strive to NOT be like seals. When troubles come we should always dive deeper into Torah (and closer to Hashem) for safety rather than leaving the torah and seeking shelter elsewhere.
    - the original me

  2. Beautiful, T.O.M. Thanks so much for sharing that.

  3. Kol Hakavod, that was put beautifully! I appreciated the recent video of the woman from Israel about the situation and also was very cognizant of the lack of mention of Hashem... I thought perhaps (I hope) she was trying to tailor her message for a non-Jewish audience, but that also feeds right into your point. We need to be making His point to the world, not meet them where they are.

    IY"H We will merit very soon nissim, niflaot, yeshuot, u'nechamot!

    The ikar, bottom line is that we all (easier said than done) is to drop all of the looking around, look up and know EIN OD MILVADO

  4. Exactly, Anonymous@3:17PM! Thank you.

  5. Well written. No fluff, directly to the point. The ONLY point.

  6. Devash, you are absolutely correct. But, there is one thing that we have to make clear first. It was an excellent move for this young woman to bring this important truth to the world. Outside of Israel, everyone is thrilled and dumbfounded how, again, Israel is tops because it's the one who first vaccinated and has vaccinated the most people. Here, in her video, she made clear to the world that all what they think of the modern 'state' is just a mirage and instead what was brought was death and mayhem, r'l, to the Jewish people. First, all the facts had to be brought to light to the nonJewish world and to the Jews in the diaspora! Now, that this had been made known to the outside world, your post here is vital that we not forget that everything is from Hashem, and no one and nothing else! Israel must win the fight to regain its Torah teachings and will be the light unto all the nations, where they will know there is ONLY HASHEM!
    Right now, we have to speak in the language of a world that does not know G-D. We are at the lowest rung, so first 'facts on the ground' must be made crystal clear to all; and then we must show the world that NOT science or any other means of human knowledge is the cure and that only returning to the Word of G-D will bring salvation and that this whole episode was manufactured for 'human control of the world'; which is not possible because Hashem is behind everything, in order for us all to learn the truth and return to HIM. 'Ki m'Tzion teizeh Torah u'dvar H' m'Yerushalayim!

  7. בס"ד
    I can understand the fear and frustration of those who have no desire to be coerced into taking these shots. I also think that publicizing the issues broadly is a good start. However, I am starting to hear calls from some Israeli's to file lawsuits with the notoriously anti-Israel, anti-semitic, International Criminal Court. The ICC has recently announced that they have opened a criminial investigation against Israel.
    At this point they have absolutely zero jurisdiction, or even legitimacy to conduct such an investigation, much less rule on it. However, if Israelis aggrieved at the vaccination campaign here in Israel file claims with the ICC, then by default they have granted the ICC legitimacy, and possibly even jurisdiction to impose an internationally binding resolution on Israel, even if the "court" appears to rule in favor of the plaintiffs.
    We have a historical precedent from which to draw on when it comes to inviting our external enemies into our Land to settle our internal disputes. I think we all know well the outcome of having invited Pompeii in 63 BCE to resolve the disputes between Hyrcanus and Aristobolus. It resulted in the deaths of countless Jews, the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, and the exile and slavery of the survivors.
    If action must be taken to delay the vax agenda to hopefully wake up more of the fence sitters, then by all means clog up the domestic courts with discrimination lawsuits. Even if they are dismissed, they will generate publicity, and hopefully free a lot of people from the fear induced mental paralysis. But I would caution against involving any foreign entity to intervene directly in Israeli domestic affairs. We have way more than enough foreign influences as it is.

    1. Stingray I disagree with you. It can't be worse something must be done to stop the madness of the erev rav leading Israel who speak now about vaccinating the children.
      So we have nothing to lose really, the zionists erev Rav destroyed Judaism and are now trying to murder Jewish children too or to make the sterile or sick.
      It can't be worse than that.
      It would have been better not to have a state than to be in that situation.

  8. Agree 100 percent, stingray.

  9. Well written and absolutely true. We have to trust in Hashem only .

  10. בס"ד
    Hi Samson, it could easily descend into an existential nightmare should we grant foreign entities such as the ICC jurisdiction in Israel.


    If they rule that Israel is guilty of war crimes, then regular Israeli's could be subject to arrest and imprisonment when travelling abroad, even if they have a green passport. So to give them legigitimacy to operate here in Israel in my opinion would just compound the insanity that is being perpetrated by our own.
    There are options that can be taken that does not involve the ICC. The powers that be here, and internationally may have granted the drug sorcerers at pfizer, et al, blanket immunity from prosecution in the event of adverse effects and death, but no such immunity exists for the retailers, malls, stadiums, restaurants, and all other venues that discriminate agains their fellow Jews by enforcing the green passport mandate. If all of these retailers and business owners that know that they will be swamped with lawsuits, they will not be so eager to enforce the mandate. And that will simply be the end of the green passport nonsense, at least domestically.
    There is a huge body of evidence taken from US public records proving the criminality of the FDC, NIH, NIAD, and other such entities, the drug companies, and their ties to the various eugenics societies, and their lab manipulation of the various strains of the sars corona viruses.


    Shabbat Shalom to all.

    1. Hi anonymous if we were in normal times I would have agreed with you, but now we aren't in normal times. The Israeli government has become our worse enemy and is murdering us with injections, and soon the children turn! So in my point of view any alliance with anyone who can disturb and stop them will do.
      You speak about politics to protect an Illuminati state which has not chosen Torah and also now is waging war and Shoah against its own citizens.
      They must pay for their crimes, I don't care about that state anymore.

  11. No one is giving legitimacy to the ICC, c'v! Either way, all that's on the minds of our enemies from within and without, is the destruction of the Jewish people and mostly, our G-D given Torah! They think they can achieve, chas v'chalilah, the destruction either by injections or by eliminating not only the Jews but their country and Torah. Their war is against the Creator of all and woe will be unto them if they think they can possibly win. This will be the ultimate war of Gog U'Magog where H' will undo them; not by a shaliach, nor malach but by the Ribbono Shel Olam, HaKadosh Baruch Hu! May it be ASAP!!!!!
