"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

14 June 2016

Stop Taking Sides: It's Not Our Fight

8 Sivan 5776

In the case of West versus East - Eisav vs Yishmael - the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. Jews need to just shut-up and stop trying to curry favor with Eisav (and seek his protection) by endlessly pointing out how both Jews and Christians are targets of Islam.

Let them fight it out until they're both down and neither of them is a threat to us any longer.

Search your mind and heart and root out any sympathy for or attachment to Eisav as he is embodied in Western civilization and culture. His lifestyle is completely opposed to the paths of Torah that we are under covenant to guard and protect.

And if you are a Jew living in the tents of Eisav, you are in bed with the enemy - a rebel against your King. You are sitting on the wrong side of this battle. Best take shelter in neutral territory - in your Father's house.


  1. Devorah Chaya, As usual, you are right. Lowell

  2. Agree the same also applies to those Jews seduced by the mythical Golden Age under Muslim rule, who actually believe in the nonsense propaganda that it was a so-called harmonious age of interfaith cooperation to the point of willingly becoming preemptive Dhimmis in order to curry favor with Yishmael.

  3. ...but Israel does have her own Yishmael troubles.

    Is the modern state of Israel any different from the "MATRIX" that gave birth to her ?

    Chaim Goldberg

    1. Believe it or not, the answer is Yes. There is an Aleph in those Dry Bones which turned Yom Atzamot (Day of the Dry Bones) into Yom Atzma'ut. The Spirit of G-d (Elokut) filled those Dry Bones that ingathered from all the Destructions throughout Jewish History. And Yechezkel HaNavi prophesied on those Dry Bones, and they have come together (for the better) in a miraculous way even with the Erev Rav leading the charge. Yes, the Erev Rav is part of that matrix that you talk about.

      It is just that the process is not finished. The second prophesy in that vision, the Prophesy of the Four Winds, the spiritual redemption of the Dry Bones, has NOT YET occurred.....not yet. Maybe, just maybe, this Summer.

  4. Devash, what does Goldberg mean?

    1. I'm guessing he's talking about Jews who think they can make peace with Arabs. Maybe you should ask him.

    2. I think that MATRIX that Chaim Goldberg is referring to is based on the very well known movie, The Matrix. He is referring to a pre-programmed way of thinking based on what is important to Edom and how Edom has engaged in thought about how to run a world empire for the last 2100 years when the Roman Empire really got started. They, the nations of Edom, have been behaving that way for 2100 years, and the Jews from the Erev Rav have copied Edom's thought patterns and methods of governance in order to be acceptable in Edom's eyes.

  5. did you hear what happened in paris today? "crazy" and even saw it as it was happening. but these dogs took over every place. they will throw them out of their jobs and leave them to die. they do not care. do they do this to haredim in israel?

  6. The typical Jew haS a galut mentality and can't seem to fully place his emunah in H'. He seems to need to be loved by the other nations and by doing so, he, subconciously, insults G-D and Torah. Looking up to Edom and Yishmael (even amongst r'l, 'religious' Jews) is a chilul H', when it is at the expense of total emunah in H'. There is only one side that the Jew must take and that is the side of Hashem and by doing so, he does right in the 'eyes' of H' (so to speak) and benefits the nations too!


  7. Your right. This is not our fight. Let Hashem sort this out.

  8. Very true. A message for me this week. Thanks for posting.

  9. Thank you Reb Dov. Excellent explanation as usual.

    So very right on with this: "the Jews from the Erev Rav have copied Edom's thought patterns and methods of governance in order to be acceptable in Edom's eyes.” Very much so especially by Jewish Court Jews, Daniel Shapiro = "US Ambassador: 'Best weapon against BDS - a Palestinian state’.” How revolting!
