27 March 2016

In Support of the Soldier

18 Adar II 5776

We have an obligation to support a brother who is under attack for doing the right thing...

Tens of Thousands Sign Petition to Give Soldier Who Killed Terrorist An Award

Petition here.


  1. Things are really heating up, right after Purim. Even if Nibiru didn't create a physical upheaval, tremors are in the air, tremors of indignation at the evil of the Erev Rav, of Esav, of Yishmael. The world - except for the world of the Tsaddikim - is getting worse and worse, reaching a fever pitch of evil. At the same time, real Jews are becoming more vocal, are losing their fear of the political echelon. That's good. And see how the Rubashkin case is getting reopened. That was a case of raw antisemitism.

    It seems that the sachar of the reshaim is getting closer and closer. Baruch Hashem.

    1. Speak of things heating up, was all the ramped-up security after the Belgium attacks, such as national guard at Penn Station, a rehearsal for Martial Law?

    2. Sorry, M.M., I don't have an answer, but it would seem reasonable; as Rahm Emanuel said:" never let a good opportunity go to waste". First the NWO creates the situation all over Europe - and the US - letting known terrorists into the country; then they use the inevitable consequence of such policy to advance their real aims.

    3. Agreed.

  2. As far as I'm concerned any Jew who is not standing up for this soldier should really check if he has a Jewish heart. Just read that Yehuda Glick spoke up against the soldier. Knew from a while back that this guy seems to be super wrong all the time. First, his obsession with the Har Habayit and sharing with c'v other religions. Where did he learn Torah? The chaos and turning Torah on its head is unbelievable and now we know why chazal tell us that they want Moshiach to come, but didn't want to be in that era because that's how crazy the times will be. Time for every Jew to do teshuvah and ask H' to give us all the wisdom to think straight and to forgive us all, and put our emunah only in HIM.


    1. Moishe,

      I couldn't agree more with you. I would have answered the post on A7, but Facebook has been blocking me. Thank you, Devorah, for letting people write freely, without censure, about the truth.

      Ever since Yehuda Glick was shot, there has been a major change in attitude in him. Either they threatened him and he is scared for himself and his family, or, most likely to my opinion, it is because of Mammon. Why do I say that? He recently obtained mining rights for a GOLD MINING COMPANY in the Eilat region. Tons of money to be made. If he dares go against the establishment, I am quite sure he can kiss his mining rights good bye, and somebody else, a well connected leftist NWO person, will be the beneficiary. Money has a way of tinting one's glasses.

      Don't forget that he is a Likud member too. Whom is he kowtowing to?

      And mainly, don't forget that in these days of Berur, these days before Mashiach, the Erev Rav is supposed to show its true colors; the Erev Rav is to be found among rabbis for sure! Read Rav Yehuda Gross's work on the Erev Rav, it's really enlightening ( Hamif'al HaZohar Haolami, Or HaZohar 820, Zohar Hagilui HaErev Rav Vehamilchamah Bahem). To me this behavior of Rav Yehuda Glick is typical Erev Rav behavior, red beard or no beard. I would be very, very suspicious of associating with this fellow from now on!
