"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

25 January 2010

An Open Letter to My Readers

You'll notice, there are no ads on this blog. It is not a money-making proposition. So I really couldn't care less how many people read it. If you are a truth-seeker and Hashem wants you to read something here, you will find your way to it and it will benefit you. G-d willing, He will continue to give me the time and strength to write it.

For those who aren't used to giving the benefit of the doubt, you should know that this blog is under rabbinical supervision and was even when you advised me to obtain such supervision.

For those who submit comments and say that you are xians or write something that indicates to me that this is your spiritual orientation, your comments will not be published. G-d forbid that this blog become a pulpit for your idolatrous ideas! You'd do best to visit elsewhere. Anything I have to say here is primarily for Jews (and truly righteous gentiles---those who have renounced any connection to false religions and have not created for themselves a "Noahide" religion made up from various stolen Jewish practices). The only message I have for any believer in, or follower of, the long-dead apostate Yeshu is humble yourselves and seek G-d's truth before it is too late. This is your only task. Until this has been accomplished, there is nothing for us to talk about, nothing you can learn from here. You only do further damage to your soul by trying to gather Torah sparks while still immersed in your impurity.

For those Jews who continue to bed down every night comfy under the covers with your version of Hitler, y"s, what can we say? You don't think Western foreign policy is not a plan to annihilate and eradicate Israel with more than half the world's Jewish population? You think you are safe living among such people? Have you no pride or self-respect at all, that you can continue to turn a blind eye to the fact that you are aiding and abetting the enemies of your G-d?

We are currently reading about yetziat Mitzrayim. Hashem tells us in these pasukim that he brought us out of Egypt only so He could bring us to Eretz Yisrael. IT IS A MITZVAH AT ALL TIMES FOR A JEW TO LIVE IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL. When a mitzvah is impossible to fulfill, our intention to do so merits us as if the mitzvah were performed. The catch here, my precious Jewish brethren is that today it is no longer impossible.

We are at the very end and there remains absolutely no obstacle to your return to your homeland. This means the reward for doing so has decreased and the punishment for not doing so has correspondingly increased. The only "obstacle" exists within your mind and your complete lack of faith in Hashem's ability to provide for you in EY is what gives it life and substance.

To the Jews of EY, Hashem is mercifully removing any dependence we have on the State shortly before it gives way, like the shoddy buildings in Haiti. This is something to cooperate with , not to fight. It's a good thing. We have to begin to act like we believe that we are completely dependent upon HKB"H, not the army, not the economic policies of the Finance Ministry and the Bank of Israel, etc.

This blog is a labor of love for everyone of you who reads it. As it says at the top of the page:

"Say the bitter truth, even though they won't like you...tell the Jews the truth if you love them...."



  1. Thank you for saying what needs to be said. This is not a time to dance around niceties and be politically correct about the nations and their religious beliefs. Even though this is what the world is pushing, it is right that we say what needs to be said. The truth is the truth, whether it hurts someone else's sensibilities or worldview is not important.

    We have struggled for far too long waiting for G-d to allow us to live in EY again. Now that B"H we are here again, its not time to bow to the nations wishes. We must struggle to always enhance our relationship with Hashem and to help other Jews to do the same. We don't help anyone and even hurt the only cause that is of any importance when we allow the nations to have a say in anything that we do.

    May we all experience the complete & final redemption immediately!

  2. This is explicitly how Mashiach will come. Rambam says it is a gradual thing, and we'll only know it's him when he builds the Beis Hamikdash.

    Long story short, he won't magic us there and he won't fix things for us. We have to.

  3. N, don't sell Mashiach short. There is a limit to what we can do individually, but communally and nationally, once we have a trusted , anointed, leader to guide us, then there is no limit. Remember that without Moshe Rabbeinu, there would have been no redemption from Egypt.

  4. AMEN.

  5. Thank you so much for what you have said. I am stuck here in Los Angeles, I want to make Aliyah but my wife does not want to. I pray daily that Hashem opens her heart about EY and how wonderful the land is.

  6. Yakov, My wife was the same way for over 15 years. She had very, very strong feelings about not coming to EY.

    I asked Hashem to direct me whether living in Eretz Israel was what he wanted for me & if so to open my wife's heart - just like you are asking. I sent a note to the Lubavitcher Rebbe's ohel asking him to ask Hashem for me also.

    A week later my wife came to me and told me that she thinks we should move to Israel. She told me. It was as close to a "burning bush" message as I can imagine.

    We have now been here since July '09...We're waiting for you!
