27 December 2024

Yosef Rises From the Depths to the Heights of Egypt

26 Kislev 5785
2nd Candle of Hanukkah 
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Miketz - Mevorchim

(Illustrated by AI)   Hidabroot - Torah & Judaism

Can't say I ever imagined the forefathers wearing kippot, but maybe.  I do think turbans were more in style at that time.  I also imagine that when it says they shaved Yosef, that they made him clean-shaven like the Egyptians.  Finally, I don't think they had managed zippers yet at that time, but otherwise I liked the AI depiction.  What did you think?

Shabbat Shalom & Hanukkah Sameah


  1. Delightful animated video and very wise for these days to make such videos about all our holidays and heroes. The typical Jew knows so very little about our history. But, I agree with you about all the little
    additions and mistakes, but I'm sure they were trying to make it under-standable where young and old can relate to the basic events of that
    time. They changed some of the facts, such as the changes in Yosef and the reason his brothers could not recognize him because they dressed him and made up his face with makeup which was the style of the ancient Egyptians. Guess, they had to omit some details and
    facts in order to make it short and yet get the full story out.
    As long as it is an animated version of the story, all these little discrepencies do not really matter that much.
    Wish they would make many such videos more often.

    1. I also enjoyed it and I learned something. I had never heard about the 70 languages Yosef learned. Also, I'm happy they included the facts about Osnat being Dina's daughter. A lot of people don't know that.

    2. Ugh... https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-835199 If he goes into politics, he'll be part of the system!

    3. I had written a comment after I first noticed that this was an
      AI project, but it didn't come through. Now I understand why
      the video had some discrepancies. I personally find this new innovation of AI to be quite dangerous and detrimental because eventually the truths about most everything will disappear, c'v.
      Everything is upside down now!


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