11 Kislev 5785
Proverb: "hindsight is 20/20"
Meaning: "In hindsight things are obvious that were not obvious from the outset; one is able to evaluate past choices more clearly than at the time of the choice."
With our hindsight in 2024, a repetition of what happened in the 1930s and '40s in Europe should never be able to happen again. Yet, it is happening again.
By the same token, with our hindsight of what Zionism has accomplished over the past 120 years, its crowning achievement having been reached on 7 October 2023!, we should be able to understand now that so-called Religious Zionism has done nothing more than feed the monster.
One might argue that the settlement movement is a great success brought about primarily by the Religious Zionists. But any "success" has been built from the religious aspect - Torah and mitzvot - and all of that is under constant threat by the Zionist aspect:
- A planned program of trading "land for peace";
- Joint economic endeavors which bring murderous Arabs into contact with vulnerable Jews;
- The establishment of the Palestinian Authority in Yehudah, Shomron and Aza;
- The expulsion of Jews and destruction of settlements;
- The handover of the holiest places - Hevron, Har Habayit, Kever Yosef - to Muslim control;
- The introduction of Chr*stian idolatry inside the camp via Chr*stian Zionism.
This is the rotten fruit of Zionism!!!
And it's not the first time the nation of Israel has made this mistake. Eliyahu HaNavi, in his own time, called the nation to repentance with these words found in Melachim Aleph 18.21 ...
"Until when are you hopping between two ideas? If the Lord is God, go after Him, and if the Ba'al, go after him." And the people did not answer him a word.
Prior to that Moshe Rabbeinu confronted the Children of Israel who, having experienced the miracles in Egypt as well as at Har Sinai, had to be called to separate themselves from the Golden Calf (see Shemot 32.26) ...
So Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said: "Whoever is for the Lord, [let him come] to me!" And all the sons of Levi gathered around him.
Those words echoed for a thousand years until they were heard once again from the mouth of Mattityahu HaChashmonai, Cohen Gadol, in the village of Modi'in ...
"Mi l'Hashem elai!"
In other words, choose between the democratic, Eisavian Greeks whose goal was to erase every vestige of Judaism, in some cases right down to the reversal of the brit milah, r"l! and the faith of your fathers as expressed in their Torah and mitzvot!!
The same way that Hellenism added nothing of value to our Torah and mesorah, Zionism has nothing to add to it either. On the contrary, its influence is just as deadly, and it's meant to be!
This goes all the way back to Gan Eden when tov v'ra became mixed. A lie is always more easily swallowed when it is mixed with some truth. Someone said, "it's not black and white," but you see it should be!
"Ra" exists because HKB"H willed it from the very beginning. It serves His purposes. But, our job in this world is to help restore the order the Creator initially made in the world by separating the two. The entire Creation account is about making order through separation. And what does the Satan do? He comes to break down the order into chaos by MIXING everything and everyone together. This is the essence of The "New" World Order - All is ONE!!
As long as Zionism remained separate from the religion, there was no mistaking its true face. But once it was mixed with religion and presented as an authentic Torah entity by virtue of its mixing, sincere and not-so-sincere people have been mislead and lured into an idolatry that robs us of our merit and protection and blocks our advancement toward geulah.
The present war, by all rights, should be the final war for redemption with our return to all of our holy land and holy places. It has advanced so far, in fact, that we are now physically present in Aza (western Israel), in Lebanon (northern Israel) and even in Syria (northeast Israel). Jordan will likely be next. However, like the World Power - Edom - to which it is attached at The End of Days, all the State can do is bring destruction in its wake. It has no power to build holiness, which is also why the State will never build the Temple and it's ludicrous to even consider it. This will only come in Days of Mashiach.

The Zionist State will never exert itself to finish the job. It is not the chosen holy nation. In its nationalist drive to be a nation like all the other nations, it has succeeded in building "a nation of all its citizens," be they Jew or non-Jew, all with the protection of equal "rights" to sin in whatever way it pleases a person and without any regard for Torah and mitzvot. Rebellion against HKB"H is admired and even celebrated while truth is trampled underfoot.
Conquering and settling the land with Jews in accordance with halachah can never be accomplished by Zionism whose entire goal is destruction of the Torah way of life. And obviously, religious Zionism can't do it either, invested as it is in supporting that same Zionist State. Its identification with Zionism makes it impossible for the Religious Zionists to view it in its proper light.
There are indications from the writings of the Maharal of Prague that the Zionist State we see today could be compared to a klippah. Like the peel that protects a ripening fruit, it would provide a place within which the Kingdom of Israel would develop until it became viable and could exist on its own. When the fruit is fully formed, the peels are no longer necessary.
So long as the kingdom of the Messiah has not yet reached perfection, the kingdom of the Messiah is attached to Edom (nigar el Edom) …The holy kingdom of Israel… must grow out of the non-holy kingdom that preceded it.
Maharal, in a telling parable, describes the relationship between the embryonic “kingdom of Israel” and its “Edomite” environment: Fruit grows within a husk; when the fruit ripens the husks falls off… So it is with Israel. Their kingdom emerges and grows from within the kingdom of the nations i.e., from the existential power of the kingdom of the nations, and from their level, it raises itself to a higher level. And when the kingdom of Israel reaches complete maturity the kingdom of nations is removed, just as the husk is removed, and falls off when the fruit reaches its perfection. (Source)
I believe that the Great Birur of our days is the final stage of pre-messianic times. I am of the opinion that our final destination at The End of Days will be determined by what we remain attached to in our minds and hearts. If it is anything other than HKB"H alone and His Torah and mitzvot, we might well go the same way of whatever that may be - false ideologies, false religions, all false gods. My appeal is to reject anything rooted in falsehoods. It can't possibly add anything to our Torah Temima. Recognize the time and do what's best now while we still can.
I have considered you a 'religious zionist' in light of your posts that I was following for the passed few years. Here and there I tried countering some stuff that I felt was against what 'true Yiddishkeit/jewishness' stands for...It didn't always go over well, so I stopped.
ReplyDeleteI am actually amazed that you are able to call 'religious zionism' out for what it is just because you've seen the truth more clearly now. It seems to me that you've gleaned a lot of this from the book 'The Empty Wagon'. It's a book that unfortunately most people do not want to read. It has too much raw truth in it and not everybody likes rocking their cocoon so vigorously. It shows that your bottom line is Emes/Truth, which is essentially Hashem.
It is up to you whether you want to publish this, but I felt like telling it to you.
Good luck and may the truth spread really fast.