14 Kislev 5785
Shavua tov!
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Seventeenth of Tamuz Ninth of Av |
Ok, so let's move on to the issue of aliyah. What does Rabbi Shapiro reveal about the reasons why Jews should not be making aliyah as written in The Empty Wagon . . .
"...Currently, Hashem cannot (kav'yachol) send Moshiach and transform the world, because the world is not ready for it. Not just the people, but the very world itself. The world is much too unspiritual now to be able to exist in the atmosphere of spiritual energy that Moshiach will bring. In a nutshell, if Moshiach would come now, it would be like getting spiritually "nuked."
Our job, given to us by Hashem, is to condition ourselves and the world, raising us and it to a sufficient level of spirituality to be ready and fit for the spiritual energy of Y'mos HaMoshiach (the post-Messianic era).
We do this by performing mitzvos and learning Torah. The spiritual energy generated by Torah and mitzvos sanctifies us and the world, raising it higher and higher until it reaches the point where it is ready for Moshiach.
...What was supposed to happen was that we were supposed to fulfill the Torah in Eretz Yisroel until the world would be ready for Y'mos HaMoshiach.
Unfortunately, we messed up. We sinned. And the spiritual energy that we generated in Eretz Yisroel was no longer strong enough to sanctify the world. Eretz Yisroel is the arteries, but Klal Yisrael is the heart. If the heart isn't pumping, the arteries are useless. Never mind the fact that they get clogged up due to our mistreatment of them.
We were no longer able to do our job from within Eretz Yisroel. Eretz Yisroel as a home no longer served any purpose for the nation. We became too spiritually weak for the land.
We were no longer accomplishing our job by being there.
So we went into galus, to be spread all over the world to manually sanctify it everywhere, where previously we were supposed to do it remotely. We lost the ability to use Eretz Yisroel to fix the world, but we can do it locally, by learning Torah and performing mitzvos while wandering throughout the world, thereby sanctifying it piece by piece."
Well, that's obviously not working, judging by the current condition of the world, even after 2000 years of "wandering"! This idea is not logical and does not conform with the historical record for exile.
"Whatever happened to the forefathers are signs for the children."
We've already been told that the final redemption will be similar to the redemption from Egypt. And we are told that we had reached the 49th level of tumah when Moshe Rabbeinu, the Mashiach of that time, arrived to lead us out from there. This is like the flip side of Zionism, we have to do Mashiach's job for him, but in this case, we don't take charge, we give up and leave it to others while we take care of the corner where we live - supposedly.
Also, if this were really true, we would never have been returned from Bavel and built the Second Beit Hamikdash. Maybe that was the flawed reasoning then, too, why the majority refused to return, no matter that HKB"H told the people through the prophets that the exile would be limited to 70 years and when those prophets informed the people it was time to return, the majority simply refused.
So what about the final exile? All historical and biblical evidence points to an "End" not a rising above it all. With God's help, that will be the focus of the next blog post.
To be continued, iy"H . . .
I watched the video above regarding response to the Agudah rabbis. I have said this before and I will say it again. I have lost all respect for American Rabbinical leadership. This goes back to many of their handling of the scamdemic how we saw they completely turned Halacha on their heads. The Rabbis in America don't encourage the yearning for Eretz Yisrael because if they encouraged it they would loose their Kehillot and their fat cushy salaries and leadership positions, sorry but I truly feel that many of them use Halachic decisions against Aliyah as a cop-out.
ReplyDeleteI came to Israel in 1990 from soviet union with my husband and 3 old daughter with 150 $, that's what they let us... I wasn't religious at that moment, I didn't know who God is, I just learned in school that He ח''ח doesn't exist. What about Torah? almost the same..., but we weren't afraid, may be we weren't smart, to come to Israel with zero emuna?
ReplyDeleteI added the video to my latest post...so relevant, thank you!!! Many of the reactor's points were things I thought about and expressed to my husband over a number of years before he finally decided to follow my lead on this matter. We have never regretted it. Better to consider the atmosphere of your neighborhood than how the government is run. "We interrupt this program for the following message from our Sponsor..."
ReplyDeleteWhen I visited my old chu"l kehilla back in 2017 after a 13 year absence, I was shocked at the indifference and even hostility to aliyah. Entire families, grandparents, parents, children, all adults, and all firmly stuck in place.
ReplyDeleteOur rav made light about it, saying he couldn't make aliyah because there was no Costco (Osher Ad, which distrubutes Costco stuff, sometimes at Costco prices, was already a big deal here). He was trying to be funny, not mocking, but I didn't laugh.
Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. Here is another one that I received tonight via WhatsApp . . .
ReplyDeleteA Savta (grandmother) story to start the week: “Our grandmother, 96 yrs old, made Aliyah to Israel! Our Grandma, Pearl Kronenberg Sapir, born in New York in 1928, and worked for many years in Jewish education. She has 84 descendants k”h, and she was blessed to see five generations, that is, her great-grandchildren’s children. She met some of these relatives here for the first time in her life!
It’s never too late to be on the right side of history: after so many of her descendants made aliyah, Grandma decided to join as well. We held exciting, happy and emotional welcome ceremonies for her, both at Ben Gurion Airport and in Beit Shemesh, where she will live. May it happen soon for all our brothers and sisters. And grandmothers shall return to their borders!
- Story sent to Sivan Rahav Meir
A friend and I started an Aliya blog several years ago. We worked passionately to encourage aliyah. However, sadly, we've given up. I was so sad when I read about millions in USD being donated to build a building in the UAE in memory of the tzaddik who was murdered. The stated goal--to build up the Jewish community in the UAE. Frum kehillot are spending fortunes to construct new edifices. They have zero aliyah consciousness. On the other hand, perhaps those Hashem chooses to be here to greet Moshiach are those who are here or on the way.
DeleteThe government has been claiming how there has been an increased interest in Aliyah this year particularly from the US. Interest doesn't turn into action, and now that their Saviour Donald Trump has been re-elected many who may have considered it, definitely won't now. Also, the government never posts numbers of how many people have left Israel, but I have no doubt that it exceeds by far the number of people making aliyah. I remember when I was in hi-tech how these people asked me incredously why I would move from American to Israel. If they could get there hands on a second passport they would have left in a heartbeat. So many people go to the UAE and comeback at how amazing a place it is. I can't understand how any Jew would want to set foot in that country.
ReplyDeleteJust got to reading this excellent post and the excellent comments.
ReplyDeleteJews who really believe they are truly religious but do not have the feeling and yearning for Eretz Yisrael, but love their comforts more does not make an iota of sense to me. The love the Land is to me on the same level as the love of Torah; it is all one: Hashem, Torah, Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael - we cannot be separated. It has been too long already.
Furthermore, how can a G-D fearing Jew not understand this? There is something definitely lacking in their understanding of Torah!