The first day of Rosh Chodesh Tevet 5785, which is the 30th day of Kislev, corresponds to New Year's Eve 2025. So, the second day of Rosh Chodesh, which is the first day of Tevet, falls out on January 1, 2025 - The head of our month, which is also the seventh day of Hanukkah, goes head to head with the head of their year. Everybody knows that the fall of the ball in Times Square in NYC on New Year's Eve, going into New Year's Day, is a prime target of terrorists as the eyes of the world are on it at that time. Figure out what could constitute Eisav's beheading and get far, far away from there. T minus 9 days and counting. [Each year, hundreds of thousands of people still gather around the Tower, now known as One Times Square, and wait for hours in the cold of a New York winter for the famous Ball-lowering ceremony. Thanks to satellite technology, a worldwide audience estimated at over one billion people watch the ceremony each year.""]
You can't make this stuff up!! One of my blog readers sent me the following in response to my comment about the New Year's Eve ball drop: "The first New Year's Eve Ball, made of iron and wood and adorned with one hundred 25-watt light bulbs, was 5 feet in diameter and weighed 700 pounds. It was built by a young immigrant metalworker named JACOB STARR, and for most of the twentieth century the company he founded, sign maker Artkraft Strauss, was responsible for lowering the Ball." Could this be the Kochav Ya''aqov that flashed across the sky in Bila'am's vision?
On further investigation, it turns out that the custom to "ring in" the New Year started in 1801 at Trinity Church Wall Street in lower Manhattan and it was this custom which formed the basis for the ball drop in Times Square. [See "NYE: Before Times Square, It was Trinity | Ask Trinity Archives".]
Here is another insight into the juxtaposition of Hanukkah with Xmas. The Greek testament proclaims Yeshu to be "the light of the world" whereas Klal Yisrael is supposed to be "a light unto the nations" - their "light" versus our light - it's a 2,000 yr-old competition between the religions of Ya'aqov and the religion of Eisav. Our light will overcome their light at the End of Days as their light goes out and they sink into darkness. (EMP over NY?)
I also just realized that the Star of Bethlehem was intended to be their version of Kochav mi Ya'aqov.
The first day of Rosh Chodesh Tevet 5785, which is the 30th day of Kislev, corresponds to New Year's Eve 2025. So, the second day of Rosh Chodesh, which is the first day of Tevet, falls out on January 1, 2025 - The head of our month, which is also the seventh day of Hanukkah, goes head to head with the head of their year. Everybody knows that the fall of the ball in Times Square in NYC on New Year's Eve, going into New Year's Day, is a prime target of terrorists as the eyes of the world are on it at that time. Figure out what could constitute Eisav's beheading and get far, far away from there. T minus 9 days and counting. [Each year, hundreds of thousands of people still gather around the Tower, now known as One Times Square, and wait for hours in the cold of a New York winter for the famous Ball-lowering ceremony. Thanks to satellite technology, a worldwide audience estimated at over one billion people watch the ceremony each year.""]
ReplyDeleteYou can't make this stuff up!! One of my blog readers sent me the following in response to my comment about the New Year's Eve ball drop: "The first New Year's Eve Ball, made of iron and wood and adorned with one hundred 25-watt light bulbs, was 5 feet in diameter and weighed 700 pounds. It was built by a young immigrant metalworker named JACOB STARR, and for most of the twentieth century the company he founded, sign maker Artkraft Strauss, was responsible for lowering the Ball." Could this be the Kochav Ya''aqov that flashed across the sky in Bila'am's vision?
DeleteOn further investigation, it turns out that the custom to "ring in" the New Year started in 1801 at Trinity Church Wall Street in lower Manhattan and it was this custom which formed the basis for the ball drop in Times Square. [See "NYE: Before Times Square, It was Trinity | Ask Trinity Archives".]
Delete3.40% of Hanukkahs begin on Christmas day:
Deletelast in 2005, next in 2035
has happened 10 times since the year 1582
separated by 29 years on average (between 1587 and 3542)
in these years: 1587, 1701, 1739, 1807, 1853, 1891, 1910, 1921, 1959, 2005, 2024, 2035, 2054, 2111 . . .
Here is another insight into the juxtaposition of Hanukkah with Xmas. The Greek testament proclaims Yeshu to be "the light of the world" whereas Klal Yisrael is supposed to be "a light unto the nations" - their "light" versus our light - it's a 2,000 yr-old competition between the religions of Ya'aqov and the religion of Eisav. Our light will overcome their light at the End of Days as their light goes out and they sink into darkness. (EMP over NY?)
DeleteI also just realized that the Star of Bethlehem was intended to be their version of Kochav mi Ya'aqov.
This may actually even tie in to the NJ drones: "'Dirty Bombs In The U.S?' - Drone Expert WARNS Mystery NJ Drones May Be Hunting Radioactive Material"