28 Kislev 5785
4th Candle of Hanukkah
Reinstate the Davidic monarchy!! I hope and pray with all my heart and soul that we will soon see the end of democratic elections with its anti-Torah parties and the end of the fake "Jewish" State where God's name is desecrated every minute of every day!!
How quickly Pollard has abandoned Esther's good advice regarding politics.
...Pollard confirmed his intention to establish a political platform, stating: “My goal is to unite those in the ideological right who love Israel and want to contribute to the state. National service, whether in the IDF or another framework, is a critical issue for me. Everyone, without exception, must serve the state in some way.”He emphasized his stance that those who do not serve should not have the right to vote, adding: “You can pray and study Torah, but you cannot refuse to contribute to the state.”
He's not alone . . .
National Unity head, MK Benny Gantz, addressed the comments in a post on X/Twitter, "Refusal to serve and calls for draft evasion are unacceptable, dangerous, and illegitimate—whether they come from a former state attorney or a sitting chief rabbi. Everyone must serve the state."
My answer to this is: "No, no, no and HELL NO!!!" And that's exactly where this Erev-Rav-regime-led State is headed - straight to hell and good riddance.
Jews do not serve a "State" - we serve HaKadosh Baruch Hu only!! Part of that service is indeed to protect Klal Yisrael, but that's not what the "State" is doing, is it? The IDF is indeed an instrument meant to protect the ruling regime and often it is at the expense of Klal Yisrael. Maybe we should be talking more about serving the People of God and not some State of all its citizens, a majority of whom are goyim! Also, I'm incensed by the implication that fulltime Torah learning is not contributing anything to the nation.
Right now, our only hope lies in prayer and repentance. If we merit it, HaKadosh Baruch Hu will deliver us from foreign influence and domination and raise up a leader for us like David Hamelech.
Let's get beyond the miracle of Hanukkah and go the next step up...
Let the Kingdom of Mashiach Arise!!!!!!!
he thinks that he is a ''savior''. leah
ReplyDeleteHe clearly acts out of great love for Klal Yisrael, but it remains to be seen, and I am becoming less hopeful on this score, whether he can catch up in time to fulfill whatever potential exists there. Maybe it's just a problem with language, but people who have a problem with language often do not succeed because of it. That may be a shame, but it's reality.
DeleteI've noticed great care is taken in the conversations with Rav Bar-Hayim to use specific language like "fakestinians," "regressives", etc. If you've listened, you know what I mean. So please take extra care to make clear that Klal Yisrael deserves better than this "State", capital "S", which has become an object of avodah zarah. And we need better protection from our leaders and the military than we got on October 7, 2023 and for all the years rockets have been falling on our border cities, etc, etc., etc. Serve the people, NOT the State!!!
only malchut shamayim no less!
DeleteStrong disagree...Jonathan Pollard is a righteous man and a hero of Am Yisroel.
DeleteThink very carefully before you say anything negative about a man that sacrificed the majority of his life for our people and Eretz Hakodesh ( they meant for him to die in prison and he was well aware of that and still did what was best for the Am). He is a selfless hero, but he is also deeply religious. He is waiting for Moshiach and the Geulah like the rest of us. I would trust him above every other corrupt politician serving. He is of the same caliber and moral fiber of Rabbi Meir Kahane HYD, he will always do what is best for our people.
Unfortunately, I think Pollard has allowed himself to be totally sucked into the very same system he spoke out against. The very same people who allowed him to sit in prison for 30 years. Like so many others, he has lost his way. Also, the Charedi parties who claim to fight for the Charedim clearly do not. They are part of the same corrupt system and many of the leaders of those parties as well are highly questionable.
ReplyDeleteFor charedim is most important is learing torah, keeping shabbat and so on, and only THIS will bring geula
Delete"You can't vote in elections if you didn't serve in the IDF!"
ReplyDeleteYour terms are acceptable to me.
So you're ready to disenfranchise all olim who never served in the IDF?
DeleteAs usual, your post is excellent and to the point. Also, AK's comment is very good.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that Pollard's intentions all the way back was always good and with love of Yisrael, but he has the mentality of most galut world Jewry. He actually thinks that the 'state' is saveable and really finds it hard to internalize the idea of not seeing gvts as the end all
for every nation. But, we are Am Yisrael and he has to realize that we are unique and different than the nations and our mission is directly from Hashem and that we 'await the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu' and there are no other options.
I notice he seldom brings up the imminent arrival of our goel tzedek and he actually, with good intentions, thinks he can change the government, the policies, etc. It cannot be done and I think on a personal level, he needs to participate in fixing the leadership; this shows a naivete in his thinking.
Maybe this post and all who understand the truth of what you write can have some influence on him. Who knows? But, he must be made to understand the 'medina; is unfixable and we believe it is Eretz Yisrael, just as G-D has promised.
that's the point, the external action is not always a jewish way in overall, any action should be approved with gdoley israel preferably letayim