"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

07 August 2022

The Hope and The Promise

10 Av 5782
Tisha b'Av (Fast Observed) 

(Use the little toggle apparatus at the top left to change directions in the video.)

The hope is that we might yet have this experience of closeness to HASHEM in this lifetime.  The promise is that it will surely come in one of our children's lifetimes, if not in our own.



  1. The Zohar and other great sources clearly state that techiyas hameisim has to start by the year 5790 (210 years before olam haba). That means Moshiach is imminent, very likely real soon as there is much chaos in the world and we approach Motzei Shemitah.

    1. That is a great point! I’m not sure why the publisher promised Moshiach to come in ours or our children’s lifetimes when it has to come well before 5790!! Very possibly this year with all the prophecies and chaos!

  2. I think next shmitta is B'ito and I pray H" brings our Geula this year, Akishayna b'rchamim.

    1. That’s sad if you think the world can continue in this chaos and horrible immorality for another 7 years. What makes you think b’itoh is in 7 years?

    2. Personally, I beg haShem not to wait until the world is noticeably greatly depopulated to redeem us! I agree that it can't continue for another 7 years. Somehow I think the first Anon also agrees.

      The main thing, though, is that the NWO wants to depop 95% of the human population (and how many animals as well?), whereas H' will only go to 2/3s at most.

      May only the bad die now, no matter how rich and powerful they be!

    3. Agree with Anon @2:34 pm!!!

  3. May I ask why your very recent post says “In the 7th years-wars”, referring to this being the end of the b’itoh shemittah cycle for Moshiach about to arrive but this post says Moshiach will come without our lives our during our children’s? How can one change their beliefs and not imagine that this is the end of terrible golus?

    1. I'm not sure I understand your question, but if you see a contradiction between expecting Ben David to arrive this motzaei shvi'it and the possibility that some of us still might miss out on it, then I guess you don't anticipate that every day can be your last in this world.

    2. I apologize. I did not realize what you meant in the post. Glad you are still confident in expecting Moshiach to arrive by this motzei shemittah! The awesome holy days of the geulah will be here before we know it!

    3. Definitely no apology necessary, Yosef. :-)

  4. Just an insight I thought of. Last week when you mentioned Jonathan Pollard's b-day was the 8th of Av I did some calculating and wanted to see when his Hebrew birth date was. So I put in his 1954 birth date and it came out as 8th of Av. Now who is to say what time he was born? Maybe it was night and into the next day which would be the 9th of Av. Also this Tisha Bav was 1,954 years since the Beit Hamikdash was destroyed. 1954. Not sure if any of this means anything , but maybe?
