18 August 2022

"If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em"

21 Menachem Av 5782 

The evidence is clear that the Sitra Achra's chosen pathway for the destruction of the Jewish People at the End of Days is through massive assimilation.  Some examples...

The Erev Rav regime is doing all it can to thwart Orthodox religious aliyah while encouraging all others, including non-Jews of false religions.

The Erev Rav regime is bending over backwards to take in as many non-Jewish "refugees" as it can in the name of "humanity."

Predominantly "Anglo" Jews and "Anglo" Jewish organizations are recruiting questionable converts into the rabbinic ranks and actually sponsoring "missionary" activities towards "outreach" to non-Jews.

A massive number of loosely-affiliated Jews are depending on the internet for their Jewish education.  Tragically, much of the worst heresy in the modern Jewish world is waiting there to entrap and mislead them.




  1. From a bit of a different angle the Sitra Achra is also giving religious Jews a hard time. For example the world is trying to promote eating bugs and now the food industry is producing flour made from crickets, cakes made from meal worms, etc... And they want to eliminate meat. As Jews that follow Kashrut, if they have their way there will not be much to eat. Hashem will save us.

    1. Which is why we have to grow our own food. The answer is that we Orthodox Jews have to return to our old ways--self sufficiency--buy from and do business only with our own. We can do it. We've become somewhat lazy and reliant on "the system", but the time has come to return. Even a small mirpeset can be turned into a garden.

    2. I agree Gavriella Dvorah!
