02 November 2020


 16 Marcheshvan 5781 

Excerpted from Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum and published by Feldheim, Chapter 4 Edom, pp. 29 - 33.  [NOTE:   All emphasis belongs to the author.  All underlining is mine as well as comments outside the quoted area.]

Our Sages wrote that the exile of Edom (Rome), which started at the destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash, would continue until Moshiach’s arrival (Ramban, Shemos 17:9). 

The Character Traits of Edom 

Rav Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler reveals the essence of this golus (Michtav Me’Eliyahu, Part 3, page 216): 

“When arrogance spread through Klal Yisroel, to the point that their ‘measure had been filled,’ the Beis HaMikdash was destroyed and handed over to the kingdom of Edom, also known as Rome, the offspring of Amalek, whose main character traits are arrogance and heresy. 

“The Romans came with brute force.  They didn’t present any spiritual ideal – not even an impure one – against the spirit of holiness of the Torah.  That is because they did not have any original culture of their own; they simply presented the option of physical pleasure as opposed to spirituality.  They glorified the victory of physical over spiritual as if it were in their power to harness the whole world for their own desires and goals, for the benefit of the masses of their constituency.  Their arrogance grew commensurate with their successes, resulting in ever-increasing heresy and audacity towards HaShem. 

“This is what our Sages have instructed us about the end of this golus: ‘In the footsteps of the Messianic Age, audacity will increase.’ (Sota 49b)   One who knows the truth, but because of his arrogance is not willing to bend to it, acts audaciously, rebelliously, and brazenly against the truth in order to overcome his pangs of conscience.  In order to withstand the test of this midda of arrogance and audacity, Klal Yisroel was sent into this golus, which continues from the destruction of the Temple until this very day.” 

The Footsteps of Moshiach 

“From the time of the Temple’s destruction,” Rav Dessler continues, “the power of arrogance, which marks this kingdom, has steadily risen.  The lack of clarity and darkness are manifested in pleasure-seeking ways of life which overshadow any true spirituality.  In each generation, technology develops ever-increasing ways to take advantage of this world for selfish human desires, and there is a commensurate surge in humankind’s arrogance, as if everything is in a person’s control and he has no limits. 

[Keep in mind that Rav Dessler lived from 1892 to 1953.  It is as if he were able to see ahead to the days of smart phones and the internet of things and a world allegedly trying to control the actions of a virus!!] 

“Heretical belief systems based on the greatness of man flood the world, to the point where they have openly declared war on true faith and those who believe in HaShem and His Torah.  This is the main thrust of this kingdom, and, therefore, it is incumbent on us to know that this is the test that Klal Yisroel must overcome. 

The Test of Our Times 

“This is the test that HaShem has propelled us into in the time before Moshiach.  HaShem has brought many Jews back to Eretz Yisroel, and they rule it, and those who have cast off the yoke of Torah gloat as if they have accomplished this miracle with their own powers.  The more their arrogance grows, the more their audacity will burgeon, with ever-increasing desire to force their heresy on us.  This is the last, most difficult challenge of the golus.  The more we recognize this test with all its impact, the better we will understand our task – to strengthen ourselves against these physically-based, false beliefs.

“Those who stand strong against all the heresy – who, rather than being influenced, bolster their belief in HaShem and do not budge at all from the true dictates of the Torah – will merit to see the full Redemption through Moshiach.  To them will be revealed the highest levels of spiritual clarity, a knowledge of real truth – a glimpse of the light of Gan Eden.  For them will be rectified all the spiritual darkness and ‘hiding’ that has so clouded the world since the sin of Adam, and they will be granted, in the end, true completion in this world, and revelation of the greatness of HaShem’s kingdom in the World to Come….” 

That Gives Back Glory to Its Owner 

Rav Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler (Michtav Me’Eliyahu, Part 3, page 205) adds an additional insight into the way the downfall of the kingdom of Edom will materialize.  He wrote (in 5705/1950) that the nullification of the power of Edom will be accomplished by a force none other than Edom itselfThose very traits that Edom boasts about possessing will reverse themselves and become the very means of bringing about the nullification of Edom’s power.

"And why is the kingdom of Edom compared to a pig [chazir]?  'Because it gives back [machazeret - chet-zayin-resh - the same root as chazir] glory to its owner (Vayikra Rabba, Chapter 13).'  In other words, the kingdom of Moshiach will sprout from, and be revealed through, the kingdom of Edom.  And, through the destruction of the kingdom of Edom, the Kingdom of Heaven will arise and be revealed."

These words, written by Rav Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler over 50 years ago, are now being clearly revealed as the world watches, astonished. 

[And even this was written already in 2005 - 15 years ago.  How much more so NOW!

The great technological advancements of the last generation - amazing advances in the fields of engineering, chemistry, biology, nuclear research, and other sciences - have all been used by Edom as they try to assert that they have the power and ability to conquer and rule over nature.  They have used their incredible intellectual achievements to immerse the world in the fulfillment of their wishes and desires.  Today, these technological advancements themselves constitute the greatest threats to the world, for they can be used to manufacture tools of widespread destruction such that our ancestors never even imagined.

Moreover, it is clear that these technological inventions, which, admittedly, are of great help to humanity, are now the greatest sources of terror in the world.  This is because any attempt to change the natural order of the Holy One, Blessed be He, will be revealed at the end of days to have caused irreversible damage.  We see that technological advancement itself has transformed itself from a symbol of pride, serenity, and happiness, to a source of subjugation, terror, and fear.  ...Today, it is very clear that the only One we can depend upon is our Father in Heaven.

Ironically, at no other time in history has the entire planet Earth been the subject of "subjugation, terror, and fear" as it has during these "days of corona" and at no other time in the history of the world, unless it was in Ancient Egypt, has man been so thoroughly enslaved by technology.  

HKB"H will surely rescue and save!


  1. not much longer ...

  2. Amen!!! Please Hashem bring the beulah speedily and soon!!!!

  3. The end of nimrods society finally


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